< エゼキエル書 31 >
Now it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, on the first day of the month, that the word of Jehovah came to me, saying:
2 人の子よエジプトの王パロとその群衆に言へ汝はその大なること誰に似たるや
Son of man, say to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and to his multitude: To whom art thou like in thy greatness?
3 アツスリヤはレバノンの香柏のごとし其枝美しくして生茂りその丈高くして其巓雲に至る
Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar upon Lebanon, with fair branches; An overshadowing thicket, high of stature; And his top was among thick boughs.
4 水これを大ならしめ大水これを高からしむ其川々その植れる處を環りその流を野の諸の樹に及ぼせり
The waters made him great; the deep waters made him high; Their streams went around their plantation, And sent forth their channels to all the trees of the field.
5 是によりてその長野の諸の樹よりも高くなりその生長にあたりて多の水のために枝葉茂りその枝長く伸たり
Therefore his height was exalted Above all the trees of the field. And his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long, Because of the abundance of water when he shot forth.
6 その枝葉に空の諸の鳥巢をくひ其枝の下に野の諸の獸子を生みその蔭に諸の國民住ふ
In his boughs all the birds of heaven made their nests, And under his branches all the beasts of the field brought forth their young; And under his shadow dwelt all the great nations.
7 是はその大なるとその枝の長きとに由て美しかりき其根多くの水の傍にありたればなり
Thus was he beautiful in his greatness, in the length of his branches; For his root was by many waters.
8 神の園の香柏これを蔽ふことあたはず樅もその枝葉に及ばず槻もその枝に如ず神の園の樹の中その美しき事これに如ものあらざりき
The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him; The cypress-trees were not like his boughs, And the plane-trees were not like his branches. Not any tree in the garden of God Was like to him in his beauty.
9 我これが枝を多してこれを美しくなせりエデンの樹の神の園にある者皆これを羨めり
I made him beautiful in the multitude of his branches, So that all the trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God, envied him.
10 是故に主ヱホバかく言ふ汝その長高くなれり是は其巓雲に至りその心高く驕れば
Therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Because he lifted himself up in stature, And shot up his top among the thick boughs, And his heart was lifted up on account of his height,
11 我これを萬國の君たる者の手に付さん彼これを處置せん其惡のために我これを打棄たり
Therefore I delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the nations, To deal hardly with him; I drave him out for his wickedness;
12 他國人國々の暴き者これを截倒して棄つ其枝葉は山々に谷々に墮ち其枝は碎けて地の諸の谷川にあり地の萬民その蔭を離れてこれを遺つ
And strangers, the terrible of the nations, cut him off and cast him away. Upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches fell; And his boughs were broken in all the valleys of the land. And all the nations of the earth withdrew from his shadow and left him;
13 その倒れたる上に空の諸の鳥止まり其枝の上に野の諸の獸居る
Upon his ruin dwelt all the birds of the heavens, And upon his branches were all the beasts of the forest.
14 是水の邊の樹その高のために誇ることなくその巓を雲に至らしむることなからんためまた水に濕ふ者の高らかに自ら立ことなからんためなり夫是等は皆死に付されて下の國に入り他の人々の中にあり墓に下る者等と偕なるべし
To the end that none of all the trees by the waters Might exalt themselves for their stature, Nor shoot up their top among the thick boughs, And that none of the trees that drink water should cleave to them on account of their height; For all of them are delivered to death, to the lower parts of the earth, In the midst of the sons of men, To them that have gone down to the pit.
15 主ヱホバかく言たまふ彼が下の國に下れる日に我哀哭あらしめ之がために大水を蓋ひその川々をせきとめたれば大水止まれり我レバノンをして彼のために哭かしめ野の諸の樹をして彼のために痩衰へしむ (Sheol )
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: In the day when he went down to the grave, I caused the deep to mourn, I covered it for him; I restrained on account of him the streams, and the great waters were kept back; And I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, And all the trees of the field fainted for him. (Sheol )
16 我かれを陰府に投くだして墓に下る者と共ならしむる時に國々をしてその墮る響に震動しめたり又エデンの諸の樹レバノンの勝れたる最美しき者凡て水に濕ふ者皆下の國に於て慰を得たり (Sheol )
At the sound of his fall I made the nations to shake, When I cast him down to the grave, To them that have gone down to the pit; And all the trees of Eden, The choice and best of Lebanon, Even all that drink water, Were comforted in the lower parts of the earth. (Sheol )
17 彼等も彼とともに陰府に下り劍に刺れたる者の處にいたる是すなはちその助者となりてその蔭に坐し萬國民の中にをりし者なり (Sheol )
They also went down into the grave with him, To them that have been slain with the sword; They also that were his arm, That dwelt under his shadow among the nations. (Sheol )
18 エデンの樹の中にありて汝は其榮とその大なること孰に似たるや汝は斯エデンの樹とともに下の國に投下され劍に刺透されたる者とともに割禮を受ざる者の中にあるべしパロとその群衆は是のごとし主ヱホバこれを言ふ
To whom art thou thus like in glory and greatness among the trees of Eden? Thou shalt be brought down with the trees of Eden To the lower parts of the earth; Thou shalt lie down in the midst of the uncircumcised, With them that are slain by the sword. Thus shall it be with Pharaoh and all his multitude, Saith the Lord Jehovah.