< エゼキエル書 29 >

1 十年の十月の十二日にヱホバの言我にのぞみて言ふ
On the twelfth day of the tenth month of the tenth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 人の子よ汝の面をエジプトの王パロにむけ彼とエジプト全國にむかひて預言し
“Son of man, face towards Pharaoh king of Egypt and prophesy against him and the whole of Egypt.
3 語りて言べし主ヱホバかく言たまふエジプトの王パロよ視よ我汝の敵となる汝その河に臥すところの鱷よ汝いふ河は我の所有なり我自己のためにこれを造れりと
Tell him that this is what the Lord God says: Watch out, because I'm condemning you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, you great monster lying in your rivers, who says, ‘The Nile belongs to me; I made it myself.’
4 我鉤を汝の腮に鉤け汝の河の魚をして汝の鱗に附しめ汝および汝の鱗に附る諸の魚を汝の河より曳いだし
I'm going to put hooks in your jaws and make the fish in your river stick to your scales. I will pull you up out of your river, and all the fish will stick to your scales.
5 汝と汝の河の諸の魚を曠野に投すてん汝は野の面に仆れん汝を取あぐる者なく集むる者なかるべし我汝を地の獸と天の鳥の餌に與へん
I will throw you and the fish away, leaving you in the desert. Your body will fall on the ground and be left in the open. It won't be collected or taken to be buried. I'll leave you as food for wild animals and birds of prey.
6 エジプトの人々皆我のヱホバなるを知ん彼等のイスラエルの家におけるは葦の杖のごとくなりき
Then everyone in Egypt will know that I am the Lord. When you had to deal with the people of Israel you were like a flimsy walking stick made from a reed.
7 イスラエル汝の手を執ば汝折れてその肩を盡く裂き又汝に倚ば汝破れてその腰を盡く振へしむ
When Israel grabbed hold of you, you split apart, damaging their shoulder. When they leaned on you, you broke, putting their backs out.
8 是故に主ヱホバかく言ふ視よ我劍を汝に持きたり人と畜を汝の中より絕ん
So this is what the Lord God says: I will attack you with a sword and kill both people and animals.
9 エジプトの地は荒て空曠なるべし彼らすなはち我のヱホバなるを知ん彼河は我の有なり我これを作れりと言ふ
Egypt will become an empty wasteland. Then they will know that I am the Lord. Because you said, ‘The Nile belongs to me; I made it,’
10 是故に我汝と汝の河々を罰しエジプトの地をミグドルよりスエネに至りエテオピアの境に至るまで盡く荒して空曠くせん
that's why I'm condemning you and your river. I will ruin Egypt, making it into an empty wasteland all the way from Migdol in the north to Syene in the south, and up to the border with Cush.
11 人の足此を渉らず獸の足此を渉らじ四十年の間此に人の住ことなかるべし
No one, human or animal, will travel that way or live there for forty years.
12 我エジプトの地を荒して荒たる國々の中にあらしめんその邑々は荒て四十年の間荒たる邑々の中にあるべし我エジプト人を諸の民の中に散し諸の國に散さん
I will make Egypt more of a wasteland than any other country, and its towns will lie in ruins for forty years among all the other ruined towns. I will scatter the Egyptians among the different nations and countries.
13 但し主ヱホバかく言たまふ四十年の後我エジプト人をその散されたる諸の民の中より集めん
However, this is what the Lord God says: After forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the different countries where they were scattered.
14 即ちエジプトの俘囚人を歸しその生れし國なるバテロスの地にかへらしむべし彼らは其處に卑き國を成ん
I will bring Egypt out of captivity and take them back to the land of Pathros, where they originally came from. Their kingdom will be insignificant.
15 是は諸の國よりも卑くして再び國々の上にいづることなかるべし我かれらを小くすれば彼らは重て國々を治むることなし
Egypt will be the lowest of kingdoms and won't ever be more important than other nations again. I will bring Egypt down so that it won't ever be able to rule over the nations again.
16 彼らは再びイスラエルの家の恃とならじイスラエルはこれに心をよせてその罪をおもひ出さしむることなかるべし彼らすなはち我の主ヱホバなるを知ん
The people of Israel won't ever trust in Egypt again; instead they will be reminded them of their sin when they turned to the Egyptians for help. Then they will know that I am the Lord God.”
17 茲に二十七年の一月の一日にヱホバの言我にのぞみて言ふ
On the first day of the first month of the twenty-seventh year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
18 人の子よバビロンの王ネブカデネザルその軍勢をしてツロにむかひて大に働かしむ皆首禿げ皆肩破る然るに彼もその軍勢もその爲るところの事業のためにツロよりその報を得ず
“Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army work really hard in the siege against Tyre. The soldiers had their hair worn off their heads, and their shoulders rubbed raw. However, he and his army didn't gain any benefit from Tyre for all the work they did in attacking it.
19 是故に主ヱホバかくいふ視よ我バビロンの王ネブカデネザルにエジプトの地を與へん彼その衆多の財寳を取り物を掠め物を奪はん是その軍勢の報たらん
So this is what the Lord God says: I'm going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon who will seize everything valuable. He will loot the country, robbing it to pay his army.
20 彼の勞動る値として我エジプトの地をかれに與ふ彼わがために之をなしたればなり主ヱホバこれを言ふ
I'm rewarding him for all his work by giving him Egypt because the work they did was for me, declares the Lord God.
21 當日に我イスラエルの家に一の角を生ぜしめ汝をして彼らの中に口を啓くことを得せしめん彼等すなはち我がヱホバなるを知べし
At that time I will give power back to the people of Israel and I will help you speak to them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

< エゼキエル書 29 >