< エゼキエル書 23 >
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
“Son of man, there were once two women. They were daughters of the same mother.
3 彼等エジプトにおいて淫を行ひその少き時に淫を行へり即ち彼處において人かれらの乳を拈り彼處においてその處女の乳房に觸る
They became prostitutes in Egypt. In fact, they were prostitutes from the time they were young. They allowed their virgin breasts to be fondled and their nipples squeezed.
4 その名は姊はアホラ妹はアホリバと云ふ彼ら我に歸して男子女子を生り彼らの本名はアホラはサマリヤと言ひアホリバはヱルサレムと云ふなり
The older girl was called Oholah, and her sister Oholibah. I married them both and they had sons and daughters. Oholah represents Samaria, and Oholibah represents Jerusalem.
5 アホラは我有たる間に淫を行ひてその戀人等に焦れたり是すなはちその隣なるアツスリヤ人にして
Oholah prostituted herself while she was still married to me. She wanted to have sex with her lovers, the Assyrians.
6 紫の衣を着る者牧伯たる者督宰たる者なり是等は皆美麗き秀でたる人馬に乗る者なり
They were soldiers dressed in blue, leaders and commanders, all of them handsome young men in the cavalry.
7 彼凡てアツスリヤの秀でたる者と淫を行ひ且その焦れたる諸の者すなはちその諸の偶像をもてその身を汚せり
She gave away herself sexually to all the important men of Assyria. She made herself unclean by her worship of all the idols of those men she wanted to have sex with.
8 彼またエジプトよりの淫行を捨ざりき即ち彼の少き時に彼ら彼と寢ねその處女の乳房にさはりその淫慾を彼の身の上に洩せり
She didn't stop her prostitution that she started in Egypt—men sleeping with her when she was young, squeezing her virgin breasts and using her to satisfy their sexual appetite.
9 是故に我彼をその戀人の手に付しその焦れたるアツスリヤの子孫の手に付せり
So I handed her over to her lovers, the Assyrians she wanted to have sex with.
10 是に於て彼等かれの陰所を露しその子女を奪ひ劍をもて彼を殺して婦人の中にその名を聞えしめその身の上に鞫を行へり
They stripped her naked, took away her sons and daughters, and killed her with the sword. She became infamous among women, and they punished her.
11 彼の妹アホリバこれを見彼よりも甚だしくその慾を縱恣にしその姊の淫行よりもましたる淫行をなし
Oholibah saw what happened to her sister, but she became even worse than her in her wanting sex and practicing prostitution.
12 その隣なるアツスリヤの人々に戀焦れたり彼らはすなはち牧伯たる者 督宰たる者 華美に粧ひたる者 馬に騎る者にして皆美しき秀でたる者なり
She also wanted to have sex with the Assyrians: their leaders and commanders, their splendidly-dressed soldiers—all of them handsome young men in the cavalry.
13 我かれがその身を汚せしを見たり彼らは共に一の途をあゆめり
I saw that she had also made herself unclean—both sisters were doing the same thing.
14 彼その淫行を増り彼壁に彫つけたる人々を見たり是すなはち朱をもて壁に彫つけたるカルデヤ人の像にして
However, Oholibah's prostitution was even worse. She saw pictures of Babylonian soldiers wearing bright red uniforms painted on the wall.
15 腰には帶を結び首には垂さがれる帓巾を戴けり是等は皆君王たる者の形ありてその生れたる國なるカルデヤのバビロン人に似たり
They were wearing belts on their waists and large turbans on their heads. They all looked like Babylonian officers in Chaldea, the country where they were born.
16 彼その目に是等を見てこれに戀焦れ使者をカルデヤにおくりて之にいたらしむ
When she saw the paintings of them, she wanted to have sex with them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea.
17 是に於てバビロンの人々彼の許にきたりて戀の床に就きその淫行をもて彼を汚したりしが彼らにその身を汚さるるにおよびて彼その心にかれらを疎んず
The Babylonians came to her and her love bed, and made her unclean with their sexual desire. However, after she had been dishonored by them, she rejected them in disgust.
18 彼その淫行を露しその陰所を顯したれば我心彼を疎んず吾心かれの姊を疎んじたるがごとし
When Oholibah so blatantly prostituted herself, exposing herself naked, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had done to her sister.
19 彼その淫行を増しその少き日にエジプトに於て淫をおこなひし事を憶え
But she practiced even more prostitution, remembering how she'd been a prostitute in Egypt when she was young.
20 彼らの戀人に焦るその人の肉は驢馬の肉のごとく其精は馬の精のごとし
She wanted to have sex with her lovers who had genitals like donkeys and who ejaculated like stallions.
21 汝は己の少き時にエジプト人が汝の處女の乳房のために汝の乳にさはりたる時の淫行を顧みるなり
You went back to the indecent acts when you were young, when the Egyptians squeezed your nipples and fondled your young breasts.
22 この故に主ヱホバかく言ふアホリバよ我汝が心に疎んずるに至りしところの戀人等を激して汝を攻しめ彼らをして四方より汝に攻きたらしむべし
So Oholibah, this is what the Lord God says: I'm going to encourage your lovers to attack you, those you rejected in disgust. I will bring them to attack you from every direction:
23 即ちバビロンの人々およびカルデヤの諸の人々ペコデ、シヨワ、コア並にアツスリヤの諸の人々美しき秀でたる人々牧伯等および督宰等 大君および名高き人 凡て馬に騎る者
the Babylonians and all the Chaldeans, the men of Pekod, Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians along with them—all handsome young men, leaders and commanders, chariot captains and important officers, all riding horses.
24 鋒車および輪を持ち衆多の民をひきゐて汝に攻め來り大楯小楯および兜をそなへて四方より汝に攻かからん我裁判をかれらに委ぬべし彼らすなはち其律法によりて汝を鞫かん
They will attack you from the north, invading with a great army, chariots, and wagons. They will come with their shields and helmets and surround you. I will hand you over to them for punishment, and they will judge and punish you following their own laws.
25 我汝にむかひてわが嫉妬を發すれば彼ら怒をもて汝を待ひ汝の鼻と耳を切とるべし汝のうちの存れる者は劍に仆れん彼ら汝の子女を奪ふべし汝の中の殘れる者は火に燒ん
I feel so strongly about what you've done that I will oppose you, and they will treat you very badly. They will cut off your noses and ears, and they will kill those of you who are left. They will take away your sons and daughters as prisoners, and those of you who are left will be destroyed by fire.
They will tear off your clothes and take your beautiful jewelry.
27 我汝の淫行を除き汝がエジプトの地より行ひ來れるところの邪淫を除き汝をして重て彼らに目をつけざらしめ再びエジプトの事を憶はざらしめん
I'm going to put a stop to your immorality and prostitution, which started in Egypt. You won't think longingly about those times, and you'll forget all about Egypt.
28 主ヱホバかく言ふ視よ我汝が惡む者の手汝が心に疎ずる者の手に汝を付せば
For this is what the Lord God says: Believe it when I say that I'm going to hand you over to the people you hate, the ones you rejected in disgust.
29 彼ら怨憎をもて汝を待ひ汝の得たる物を盡く取り汝を赤裸に成おくべし是をもて汝が淫をおこなヘる陰所露にならん汝の淫行と邪淫もしかり
They will treat you with hatred. They will take away everything you've worked for, leaving you stark naked with nothing, so that so that the indecent acts of your prostitution will be exposed. Your immorality and prostitution
30 汝異邦人を慕ひて淫をおこなひ彼らの偶像をもて身を汚したるに由て是等の事汝におよぶなり
is why all this has happened to you, because you acted as a prostitute with the nations and made yourself unclean by worshiping their idols.
31 汝その姊の途に歩みたれば我かれの杯を汝の手に交す
Because you did what your sister did, I will give you her cup to drink.
32 主ヱホバかく言ふ汝その姊の深き大なる杯を飮べし是は笑と嘲を充す者なり
This is what the Lord God says: You will drink from your sister's cup—a large, deep cup. You will be laughed at and insulted. You'll have to endure much of this.
33 醉と憂汝に滿ちん汝の姊サマリヤの杯は駭異と滅亡の杯なり
It will make you drunk and full of grief because it's a cup of that brings horror and destruction, the cup your sister Samaria drank from.
34 汝これを飮み乾しこれを吸つくしその碎片を咬み汝の乳房を摘去ん我これを言ふと主ヱホバ言ふ
You will drink it all down, smash it to pieces on the ground, and tear at your breasts. This is what I have spoken, declares the Lord God.
35 然ば主ヱホバかく言ふ汝我を忘れ我を後に棄たれば汝またその淫行と邪淫の罪を負べし
In summary this is what the Lord God says: Because you have forgotten about me and have ignored me, you will have to experience the consequences of your immorality and prostitution.”
36 斯てヱホバ我にいひたまふ人の子よ汝アホラとアホリバを鞫かんとするや然らば彼らにその憎むべき事等を示せ
Then the Lord said to me: “Son of man, are you going to condemn Oholah and Oholibah? Expose the disgusting things they've done!
37 夫彼らは姦淫をおこなへり又血その手にあり彼らその偶像と姦淫をおこなひ又その我に生たる男子等に火の中をとほらしめてこれを燒り
For they have committed adultery, and they are guilty of murder. They have committed adultery with their idols, and have even offered their children, whom they had for me, as sacrifices to their idols.
38 加之また是をなせり即ち彼ら同日にわが聖處を汚しわが安息日を犯せり
They also did this to me: On the very same day they both made my sanctuary unclean and violated my Sabbaths.
39 彼らその偶像のために男子等を宰りしその日にわが聖處に來りてこれを汚し斯わが家の中に事をなせり
On very day that they killed their children for their idols, they went my sanctuary and made it unclean. Look at what they did right inside my Temple!
40 且又彼らは使者をやりて遠方より人を招きて至らしむ其人々のために汝身を洗ひ目を畵き妝飾を着け
They even kept on sending messengers for men to come from far away. When the men arrived, you would get yourselves ready for them by bathing, doing your eye makeup, and putting in your jewelry.
41 華美なる床に坐し臺盤をその前に備へその上にわが香とわが膏を置り
You sat on an expensive couch, with my incense and my oil on a table placed in front of it.
42 斯て群衆の喧噪その中に靜りしがその多衆の人々の上にまた曠野よりサバ人を招き寄たり彼らは手に腕環をはめ首に美しき冠を戴けり
The room was full of the noise of people partying. Drunk men were brought in from the desert along with some common people and they put bracelets on your wrists and beautiful crowns on your head.
43 我かの姦淫のために衰弱たる女の事を云り今は早彼の姦淫その姦淫をなしをはらんかと
Then I said about the old worn-out woman, ‘Now they can have her as a prostitute because that's what she is!’
44 彼らは遊女の所にいるごとくに彼の所に入たり斯かれらすなはち淫婦アホラとアホリバの所に入ぬ
So they had sex with her like a prostitute. They had sex with Oholah and Oholibah, those immoral women.
45 義人等姦婦の律法に照し故殺の律法に照して彼らを鞫かん彼らは姦婦にしてまたその手に血あればなり
But men who believe in what's right will judge them and impose the punishment for committing commit adultery and murder, because they are adulterers and murderers.
46 主ヱホバかく言ふ我群衆を彼等に攻きたらしめ彼らを是に付して虐と掠にあはしめん
This is what the Lord God says: Have a mob attack them! Make them terrified and rob them.
47 群衆かれらを石にて撃ち劍をもて斬りその子女を殺し火をもてその家を燒べし
The mob will stone them and kill them with their swords, slaughtering their sons and daughters and burning down their houses.
48 斯我この地に邪淫を絕さん婦女みな自ら警めて汝らのごとくに邪淫をおこなはざるべし
This is how I will put an end to immorality in the country, and all the women will be warned not to do what you have done.
49 彼ら汝らの邪淫の罪を汝らに報いん汝らはその偶像の罪を負ひ而して我の主ヱホバなるを知にいたるべし
They will punish you for your immorality, and you will have to experience the consequences of your idol worship. Then you will know that I am the Lord God.”