< エゼキエル書 21 >

1 ヱホバの言われにのぞみて言ふ
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 人の子よ汝の面をヱルサレムに向け聖き處々にむかひて言を垂れイスラエルの地にむかひて預言し
Son of man, let your face be turned to Jerusalem, let your words be dropped in the direction of her holy place, and be a prophet against the land of Israel;
3 イスラエルの地に言ふべしヱホバかく言ふ視よ我汝を責め吾刀を鞘より拔はなし義者と惡者とを汝の中より絕ん
And say to the land of Israel, These are the words of the Lord: See, I am against you, and I will take my sword out of its cover, cutting off from you the upright and the evil.
4 我義者と惡者とを汝の中より絕んとすればわが刀鞘より脱出て南より北までの凡て肉ある者を責ん
Because I am going to have the upright and the evil cut off from you, for this cause my sword will go out from its cover against all flesh from the south to the north:
5 肉ある者みな我ヱホバのその刀を鞘より拔はなちしを知らん是は歸りをさまらざるべし
And all flesh will see that I the Lord have taken my sword out of its cover: and it will never go back.
6 人の子よ腰の碎くるまでに歎き彼らの目のまへにて痛く歎け
Make sounds of grief, son of man; with body bent and a bitter heart make sounds of grief before their eyes.
7 人汝に何て歎くやと言ば汝言べし來るところの風聞のためなり心みな鎔け手みな痿え魂みな弱り膝みな水とならん視よ事いたれりかならず成ん主ヱホバこれを言ふ
And when they say to you, Why are you making sounds of grief? then say, Because of the news, for it is coming: and every heart will become soft, and all hands will be feeble, and every spirit will be burning low, and all knees will be turned to water: see, it is coming and it will be done, says the Lord.
8 ヱホバの言我にのぞみて言ふ
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
9 人の子よ預言して言ふべしヱホバかく言ふ劍あり研ぎ且磨きたる劍あり
Son of man, say as a prophet, These are the words of the Lord: Say, A sword, a sword which has been made sharp and polished:
10 是は大に殺す事をなさんがために研てあり光り閃かんがために磨きてあり我子の杖は萬の樹を藐視ずとて我等喜ぶべけんや
It has been made sharp to give death; it is polished so that it may be like a thunder-flame: ...
11 是を手に執んために與へて磨かしむ是劍は殺す者の手に付さんために之を研かつ磨かしむるなり
And I have given it to the polisher so that it may be taken in the hand: he has made the sword sharp, he has had it polished, to put it into the hand of him who gives death.
12 人の子よ叫び哭け其は是わが民の上に臨みイスラエルの諸の牧伯等の上に臨めばなり彼らはわが民とともに劍に仆る故に汝腿を撃べし
Give loud cries and make sounds of grief, O son of man: for it has come on my people, it has come on all the rulers of Israel: fear of the sword has come on my people: for this cause give signs of grief.
13 その試すでに成る若かの藐視ずるところの杖きたらずば如何ぞや主ヱホバこれを言ふ
14 人の子よ汝預言し手を拍べし劍人を刺透すところの劍三倍に働かん是は人を刺透し大なる者を殺すところの劍にして彼らを責る者なり
So then, son of man, be a prophet, and put your hands together with a loud sound, and give two blows with the sword, and even three; it is the sword of those who are wounded, even the sword of the wounded; the great sword which goes round about them.
15 彼らの心を鎔し礙く物を増んがために我拔身の劍をその諸の門に立つ嗚呼是は光ひらめき脱いでて人を殺さんとす
In order that hearts may become soft, and the number of those who are falling may be increased, I have sent death by the sword against all their doors: you are made like a flame, you are polished for death.
16 汝合して右に向へ進んで左に向へ汝の刃の向ふところに隨ヘ
Be pointed to the right, to the left, wherever your edge is ordered.
17 我また吾手を拍ちわが怒を靜めん我ヱホバこれを言ふなり
And I will put my hands together with a loud sound, and I will let my wrath have rest: I the Lord have said it.
18 ヱホバの言また我にのぞみて言ふ
And the word of the Lord came to me again, saying,
19 人の子よバビロンの王の劍の由て來るべき二の途を設けよ其二の途を一の國より出しめて道標の記號を畵き邑の途の首處にこれを畵くべし
And you, son of man, have two ways marked out, so that the sword of the king of Babylon may come; let the two of them come out of one land: and let there be a pillar at the top of the road:
20 汝またアンモンの子孫のラバとユダの堅き城の邑ヱルサレムとに劍のきたるべき途を設けよ
Put a pillar at the top of the road for the sword to come to Rabbah in the land of the children of Ammon, and to Judah and to Jerusalem in the middle of her.
21 バビロンの王その道の首處その途の岐處に止りて占卜をなし箭を搖りテラピムに問ひ肝を察べをるなり
For the king of Babylon took his place at the parting of the ways, at the top of the two roads, to make use of secret arts: shaking the arrows this way and that, he put questions to the images of his gods, he took note of the inner parts of dead beasts.
22 彼の右にヱルサレムといふ占卜いづ云く破城槌を備へ口をひらきて喊き殺し聲をあげて吶喊を作り門にむかひて破城槌を備へ壘をきづき雲梯を建べしと
At his right hand was the fate of Jerusalem, to give orders for destruction, to send up the war-cry, to put engines of war against the doors, lifting up earthworks, building walls.
23 是はかれらの目には虛僞の占考と見ゆ聖き誓言かれらに在ばなり然れども彼罪を憶ひおこさしむ即ちかれらは取るべし
And this answer given by secret arts will seem false to those who have given their oaths and have let them be broken: but he will keep the memory of evil-doing so that they may be taken.
24 是故に主ヱホバかく言ふ汝ら旣にその罪を憶おこさしめて汝らの愆著明になりたれば汝らの罪その諸の行爲に顯る汝ら旣に憶いださるれば必ず手に執へらるべし
For this cause the Lord has said: Because you have made your evil-doing come to mind by the uncovering of your wrongdoing, causing your sins to be seen in all your evil-doings; because you have come to mind, you will be taken in them.
25 汝刺透さるる者罪人イスラエルの君主よ汝の罪その終を來らしめて汝の罰せらるる日至る
And you, O evil one, wounded to death, O ruler of Israel, whose day has come in the time of the last punishment;
26 主ヱホバかく言ふ冕旒を去り冠冕を除り離せ是は是ならざるべし卑き者は高くせられ高き者は卑くせられん
This is what the Lord has said: Take away the holy head-dress, take off the crown: this will not be again: let that which is low be lifted up, and that which is high be made low.
27 我顚覆をなし顚覆をなし顚覆を爲ん權威を持べき者の來る時まで是は有ことなし彼に我之を與ふ
I will let it be overturned, overturned, overturned: this will not be again till he comes whose right it is; and I will give it to him.
28 人の子よ汝預言して言べし主ヱホバ、アンモンの子孫とその嘲笑につきて斯言ふと即ち汝言べし劍あり劍あり是殺すことのために拔てあり滅すことのために磨きありて光ひらめくなり
And you, son of man, say as a prophet, This is what the Lord has said about the children of Ammon and about their shame: Say, A sword, even a sword let loose, polished for death, to make it shining so that it may be like a flame:
29 人なんぢに虛淨を預言し汝に假僞の占考を示して汝をその殺さるる惡人の頸の上に置んとす彼らの罪その終を來らしめて彼らの罰せらるる日いたる
Your vision is to no purpose, your use of secret arts gives a false answer, to put it on the necks of evil-doers who are wounded to death, whose day has come, in the time of the last punishment.
30 これをその鞘にかへし納めよ汝の造られし處なんぢの生れし地にて我汝を鞫き
Go back into your cover. In the place where you were made, in the land from which you were taken, I will be your judge.
31 わが怒を汝に斟ぎ吾憤恨の火を汝にむかひて燃し狂暴人滅すことに巧なる者の手に汝を付すべし
And I will let loose my burning passion on you, breathing out on you the fire of my wrath: and I will give you up into the hands of men like beasts, trained to destruction.
32 汝は火の薪となり汝の血は國の中にあらん汝は重ねて憶えらるることなかるべし我ヱホバこれを言ばなり
You will be food for the fire; your blood will be drained out in the land; there will be no more memory of you: for I the Lord have said it.

< エゼキエル書 21 >