< エゼキエル書 20 >

1 七年の五月十日にイスラエルの長老の中の人々ヱホバに問んとて來りてわが前に坐しけるに
and to be in/on/with year [the] seventh in/on/with fifth in/on/with ten to/for month to come (in): come human from old: elder Israel to/for to seek [obj] LORD and to dwell to/for face: before my
2 ヱホバの言我にのぞみて云ふ
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
3 人の子よイスラエルの長老等に告て之にいふべし主ヱホバかく言ふ汝等我に問んとて來れるや主ヱホバいふ我は活く我汝らの問を容じと
son: child man to speak: speak with old: elder Israel and to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God to/for to seek [obj] me you(m. p.) to come (in): come alive I if: surely no to seek to/for you utterance Lord YHWH/God
4 汝かれらを鞫かんとするや人の子よ汝かれらを鞫かんとするや彼等の先祖等のなしたる憎むべき事等をかれらに知しめて
to judge [obj] them to judge son: child man [obj] abomination father their to know them
5 言べし主ヱホバかくいふ我イスラエルを選みヤコブの家の裔にむかひてわが手をあげエジプトの地にて我をかれらに知せかれらにむかひて吾手をあげて我は汝らの神ヱホバなりと言し日
and to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God in/on/with day to choose I in/on/with Israel and to lift: vow hand: vow my to/for seed: children house: household Jacob and to know to/for them in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt and to lift: vow hand: vow my to/for them to/for to say I LORD God your
6 その日に我かれらにむかひて吾手をあげエジプトの地よりかれらをいだし吾がかれらのために求め得たるその乳と蜜の流るる地に導かんとせり是諸の地の中の美しき者なり
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to lift: vow hand: vow my to/for them to/for to come out: send them from land: country/planet Egypt to(wards) land: country/planet which to spy to/for them to flow: flowing milk and honey beauty he/she/it to/for all [the] land: country/planet
7 而して我かれらに言けらく各人その目にあるところの憎むべき事等を棄てよエジプトの偶像をもてその身を汚すなかれ我は汝らの神ヱホバなりと
and to say to(wards) them man: anyone abomination eye his to throw and in/on/with idol Egypt not to defile I LORD God your
8 然るに彼らは我に背きて我に聽したがふことを好まざりき彼等一人もその目にあるところの憎むべき者を棄てずエジプトの偶像を棄てざりしかば我エジプトの地の中において吾憤恨をかれらに注ぎわが忿怒をかれらに洩さんと言り
and to rebel in/on/with me and not be willing to/for to hear: hear to(wards) me man: anyone [obj] abomination eye their not to throw and [obj] idol Egypt not to leave: forsake and to say to/for to pour: pour rage my upon them to/for to end: expend face: anger my in/on/with them in/on/with midst land: country/planet Egypt
9 然れども我わが名のために事をなして彼らをエジプトの地より導きいだせり是吾名の異邦人等の前に汚されざらんためなりその異邦人等の中に彼等居り又その前にて我おのれを彼等に知せたり
and to make: do because name my to/for lest to profane/begin: profane to/for eye: seeing [the] nation which they(masc.) in/on/with midst their which to know to(wards) them to/for eye: seeing their to/for to come out: send them from land: country/planet Egypt
10 すなはち我エジプトの地より彼等を導き出して曠野に携ゆき
and to come out: send them from land: country/planet Egypt and to come (in): bring them to(wards) [the] wilderness
11 わが法憲をこれに授けわが律法をこれに示せり是は人の行ひて之に由て生べき者なり
and to give: give to/for them [obj] statute my and [obj] justice: judgement my to know [obj] them which to make: do [obj] them [the] man and to live in/on/with them
12 我また彼らに安息日を與へて我と彼らの間の徴となしかれらをして吾ヱホバが彼らを聖別しを知しめんとせり
and also [obj] Sabbath my to give: give to/for them to/for to be to/for sign: indicator between me and between them to/for to know for I LORD to consecrate: consecate them
13 然るにイスラエルの家は曠野にて我に背き人の行ひて之によりて生べき者なるわが法度にあゆまず吾が律法を輕んじ大に吾が安息日を汚したれば曠野にてわが憤恨をかれらに注ぎてこれを滅さんと言ひたりしが
and to rebel in/on/with me house: household Israel in/on/with wilderness in/on/with statute my not to go: walk and [obj] justice: judgement my to reject which to make: do [obj] them [the] man and to live in/on/with them and [obj] Sabbath my to profane/begin: profane much and to say to/for to pour: pour rage my upon them in/on/with wilderness to/for to end: finish them
14 我わが名のために事をなせり是わが彼らを導きいだして見せしところの異邦人等の目のまへにわが名を汚されざらしめんためなりき
and to make: do because name my to/for lest to profane/begin: profane to/for eye: seeing [the] nation which to come out: send them to/for eye: seeing their
15 但し我曠野にて彼らにむかひて吾手をあげ彼らをわが與へしその乳と蜜の流るる地に導かじと誓へり是は諸の地の中の美しき者なり
and also I to lift: vow hand: vow my to/for them in/on/with wilderness to/for lest to come (in): bring [obj] them to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to give: give to flow: flowing milk and honey beauty he/she/it to/for all [the] land: country/planet
16 是かれら心にその偶像を慕ひてわが律法を輕んじ棄てわが法憲にあゆまずわが安息日を汚したればなり
because in/on/with justice: judgement my to reject and [obj] statute my not to go: walk in/on/with them and [obj] Sabbath my to profane/begin: profane for after idol their heart their to go: went
17 然りといへども吾かれらを惜み見てかれらを滅ぼさず曠野にて彼らを絕さざりき
and to pity eye my upon them from to ruin them and not to make [obj] them consumption in/on/with wilderness
18 我曠野にてかれらの子等に言り汝らの父の法度にあゆむなかれ汝らの律法を守るなかれ汝らの偶像をもて汝らの身を汚すなかれ
and to say to(wards) son: child their in/on/with wilderness in/on/with statute: decree father your not to go: walk and [obj] justice: judgement their not to keep: obey and in/on/with idol their not to defile
19 我は汝らの神ヱホバなり吾法度にあゆみ吾律法を守りてこれを行ひ
I LORD God your in/on/with statute my to go: walk and [obj] justice: judgement my to keep: careful and to make: do [obj] them
20 わが安息日を聖くせよ是は我と汝らの間の徴となりて汝らをして我が汝らの神ヱホバなるを知しめんと
and [obj] Sabbath my to consecrate: consecate and to be to/for sign: indicator between me and between you to/for to know for I LORD God your
21 然るにその子等我にそむき人の行ひてこれによりて活べき者なるわが法度にあゆまず吾律法をまもりて之をおこなはずわが安息日を汚したれば我わが憤恨を彼らにそそぎ曠野にてわが忿怒をかれらに洩さんと言たりしが
and to rebel in/on/with me [the] son: child in/on/with statute my not to go: walk and [obj] justice: judgement my not to keep: careful to/for to make: do [obj] them which to make: do [obj] them [the] man and to live in/on/with them [obj] Sabbath my to profane/begin: profane and to say to/for to pour: pour rage my upon them to/for to end: expend face: anger my in/on/with them in/on/with wilderness
22 吾手を翻してわが名のために事をなせり是わが彼らを導き出して見せしところの異邦人等の目のまへにわが名を汚されざらしめんためなりき
and to return: turn back [obj] hand my and to make: do because name my to/for lest to profane/begin: profane to/for eye: seeing [the] nation which to come out: send [obj] them to/for eye: seeing their
23 但し我汝らを國々に散し處々に撒んと曠野にてかれらにむかひて我手を擧たり
also I to lift: vow [obj] hand: vow my to/for them in/on/with wilderness to/for to scatter [obj] them in/on/with nation and to/for to scatter [obj] them in/on/with land: country/planet
24 是かれらわが律法を行はずわが法度を輕じわが安息日をけがしその父の偶像を目に慕ひたればなり
because justice: judgement my not to make: do and statute my to reject and [obj] Sabbath my to profane/begin: profane and after idol father their to be eye their
25 我かれらに善らぬ法度を與へかれらが由て活べからざる律法を與へ
and also I to give: give to/for them statute: decree not pleasant and justice: judgement not to live in/on/with them
26 彼らをしてその禮物によりて己の身を汚さしむ即ちかれらその長子をして火の中を通過しめたり是は我彼らを滅し彼らをして我のヱホバなるを知しめんためなり
and to defile [obj] them in/on/with gift their in/on/with to pass all firstborn womb because be desolate: destroyed them because which to know which I LORD
27 然ば人の子よイスラエルの家につげて之にいふべし主ヱホバかくいひたまふ彼らの父等は更にまた不忠の罪ををかし我を瀆せり
to/for so to speak: speak to(wards) house: household Israel son: child man and to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God still this to blaspheme [obj] me father your in/on/with be unfaithful they in/on/with me unfaithfulness
28 我わが彼らに與へんと手をあげし此地にかれらを導きいれしに彼ら諸の高丘と諸の茂樹を尋ね得てその犠牲を其處に供へその憤らしき禮物をそこに獻げその馨しき佳氣をそこに奉つりその神酒をそこに灌げり
and to come (in): bring them to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to lift: vow [obj] hand: vow my to/for to give: give [obj] her to/for them and to see: see all hill to exalt and all tree leafy and to sacrifice there [obj] sacrifice their and to give: give there vexation offering their and to set: put there aroma soothing their and to pour there [obj] drink offering their
29 我かれらに言り汝らが往ところの崇き處は何なるやと其名は今日にいたるまでバマと言ふなり
and to say to(wards) them what? [the] high place which you(m. p.) [the] to come (in): come there and to call: call by name her Bamah till [the] day: today [the] this
30 この故にイスラエルの家に言ふべし主ヱホバかくいひたまふ汝らの先祖の途をもて汝らはその身を汚し彼等の憎むべき物をしたひてこれと姦淫を行ふにあらずや
to/for so to say to(wards) house: household Israel thus to say Lord YHWH/God in/on/with way: conduct father your you(m. p.) to defile and after abomination their you(m. p.) to fornicate
31 汝等はその禮物を獻げその子女に火の中を通らしめて今日にいたるまで汝らの諸の偶像をもてその身を汚すなり然ばイスラエルの家よ我なんぢらの問を容るべけんや主ヱホバいふ我は活く我は汝らの問を容ざるなり
and in/on/with to lift: bear gift your in/on/with to pass son: child your in/on/with fire you(m. p.) to defile to/for all idol your till [the] day: today and I to seek to/for you house: household Israel alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely no to seek to/for you
32 汝ら我儕は木と石に事へて異邦人の如くなり國々の宗族のごとくならんと言ば汝らの心に起るところの事は必ず成ざるべし
and [the] to ascend: rise upon spirit your to be not to be which you(m. p.) to say to be like/as nation like/as family [the] land: country/planet to/for to minister tree: wood and stone
33 主ヱホバいふ我は生く我かならず強き手と伸たる腕をもて怒を注ぎて汝らを治めん
alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely yes not in/on/with hand: power strong and in/on/with arm to stretch and in/on/with rage to pour: pour to reign upon you
34 我強き手と伸たる腕をもて怒を注ぎて汝らを國々より曳いだし汝らが散れたる處々より汝らを集め
and to come out: send [obj] you from [the] people and to gather [obj] you from [the] land: country/planet which to scatter in/on/with them in/on/with hand: power strong and in/on/with arm to stretch and in/on/with rage to pour: pour
35 國々の曠野に汝らを導き其處にて面をあはせて汝らを鞫かん
and to come (in): bring [obj] you to(wards) wilderness [the] people and to judge with you there face to(wards) face
36 主ヱホバいふ我エジプトの曠野にて汝らの先祖等を鞫きしごとくに汝らを鞫くべし
like/as as which to judge with father your in/on/with wilderness land: country/planet Egypt so to judge with you utterance Lord YHWH/God
37 我なんぢらをして杖の下を通らしめ契約の索に汝らを入しめ
and to pass [obj] you underneath: under [the] tribe: staff and to come (in): bring [obj] you in/on/with pledge [the] covenant
38 汝らの中より背ける者および我に悖れる者を別たんその寓れる地より我かれらをいだすべし彼らはイスラエルの地に來らざるべし汝らすなはち我のヱホバなるを知ん
and to purify from you [the] to rebel and [the] to transgress in/on/with me from land: country/planet sojourning their to come out: send [obj] them and to(wards) land: soil Israel not to come (in): come and to know for I LORD
39 然ばイスラエルの家よ主ヱホバかくいふ汝等おのおの往てその偶像に事へよ然ど後には汝らかならず我に聽て重てその禮物と偶像をもてわが名を汚さざるべし
and you(m. p.) house: household Israel thus to say Lord YHWH/God man: anyone idol his to go: went to serve and after if nothing you to hear: hear to(wards) me and [obj] name holiness my not to profane/begin: profane still in/on/with gift your and in/on/with idol your
40 主ヱホバいふ吾が聖山の上イスラエルの高山の上にてイスラエルの全家その地の者皆我に事へん其處にて我かれらを悦びて受納ん其處にて我なんぢらの獻物および初成の禮物すべて汝らが聖別たる者を求むべし
for in/on/with mountain: mount holiness my in/on/with mountain: mount height Israel utterance Lord YHWH/God there to serve: minister me all house: household Israel all his in/on/with land: country/planet there to accept them and there to seek [obj] contribution your and [obj] first: best tribute your in/on/with all holiness your
41 我汝らを國々より導き出し汝らが散されたる處々より汝らを集むる時馨しき香氣のごとくに汝らを悦びて受納れ汝らによりて異邦人等の目のまへに我の聖ことをあらはすべし
in/on/with aroma soothing to accept [obj] you in/on/with to come out: send I [obj] you from [the] people and to gather [obj] you from [the] land: country/planet which to scatter in/on/with them and to consecrate: holiness in/on/with you to/for eye: seeing [the] nation
42 我が汝らをイスラエルの地すなはちわが汝らの先祖等にあたへんと手をあげしところの地にいたらしめん時に汝等は我のヱホバなるを知るにいたらん
and to know for I LORD in/on/with to come (in): bring I [obj] you to(wards) land: soil Israel to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to lift: vow [obj] hand: vow my to/for to give: give [obj] her to/for father your
43 汝らは其身を汚したるところの汝らの途と汝らのもろもろの行爲を彼處にて憶え其なしたる諸の惡き作爲のために自ら恨み視ん
and to remember there [obj] way: conduct your and [obj] all wantonness your which to defile in/on/with them and to loath in/on/with face of your in/on/with all bad: evil your which to make
44 イスラエルの家よ我汝らの惡き途によらず汝らの邪なる作爲によらずして吾名のために汝等を待はん時に汝らは我のヱホバなるを知るにいたらん主ヱホバこれを言ふなり
and to know for I LORD in/on/with to make: do I with you because name my not like/as way: conduct your [the] bad: evil and like/as wantonness your [the] to ruin house: household Israel utterance Lord YHWH/God
45 ヱホバの言また我にのぞみて言ふ
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
46 人の子よ汝の面を南方に向け南にむかひて言を垂れ南の野の森の事を預言せよ
son: child man to set: make face your way: direction south [to] and to drip/prophesy to(wards) south and to prophesy to(wards) wood [the] land: country Negeb
47 すなはち南の森に言ふべしヱホバの言を聽け主ヱホバかく言ふ視よ我なんぢの中に火を燃さん是なんぢの中の諸の靑樹と諸の枯木を焚べしその烈しき火焰消ることなし南より北まで諸の面これがために燒ん
and to say to/for wood [the] Negeb to hear: hear word LORD thus to say Lord YHWH/God look! I to kindle in/on/with you fire and to eat in/on/with you all tree fresh and all tree dry not to quench flame flame and to burn in/on/with her all face from Negeb north [to]
48 肉ある者みな我ヱホバのこれを燒しなるを見ん是は消ざるべし
and to see: see all flesh for I LORD to burn: burn her not to quench
49 我是において言り嗚呼主ヱホバよ人われを指て言ふ彼は譬言をもて語るにあらずやと
and to say alas! Lord YHWH/God they(masc.) to say to/for me not to use a proverb proverb he/she/it

< エゼキエル書 20 >