< エゼキエル書 16 >
Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
“Son of man, confront Jerusalem with her abominations
3 言ふべし主ヱホバ、ヱルサレムに斯いひたまふ汝の起本汝の誕生はカナンの地なり汝の父はアモリ人汝の母はヘテ人なり
and tell her that this is what the Lord GOD says to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth were in the land of the Canaanites. Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.
4 汝の誕生を言んに汝の生れし日に汝の臍帶を斷ことなく又水にて汝を洗ひ潔むることなく鹽をもて汝を擦ることなく又布に裹むことなかりき
On the day of your birth your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing. You were not rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths.
5 一人も汝を憐み見憫をもて是等の事の一をも汝になせし者なし汝の生れたる日に人汝の生命を忌て汝を野原に棄たり
No one cared enough for you to do even one of these things out of compassion for you. Instead, you were thrown out into the open field, because you were despised on the day of your birth.
6 我汝のかたはらを通りし時汝が血の中にをりて踐るるを見汝が血の中にある時汝に生よと言り即ち我なんぢが血の中にある時に汝に生よといへり
Then I passed by and saw you wallowing in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, ‘Live!’ There I said to you, ‘Live!’
7 我野の百卉のごとくに汝を増して千萬となせり汝は生長て大きくなり美しき姿となるにいたり乳は堅くなり髮は長たりしが衣なくして裸なりき
I made you thrive like a plant of the field. You grew up and matured and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, but you were naked and bare.
8 茲に我汝の傍を通りて汝を見に今は汝の時汝の愛せらるべき時なりければ我衣服の裾をもて汝を覆ひ汝の恥るところを蔽し而して汝に誓ひ汝に契約をたてたり汝すなはち吾所屬となれり主ヱホバこれを言ふ
Then I passed by and saw you, and you were indeed old enough for love. So I spread My cloak over you and covered your nakedness. I pledged Myself to you, entered into a covenant with you, and you became Mine, declares the Lord GOD.
9 斯て我水をもてなんぢを洗ひ汝の血を滌ぎおとして膏を汝にぬり
Then I bathed you with water, rinsed off your blood, and anointed you with oil.
10 文繡あるものを着せ皮の鞋を穿たしめ細布を蒙らせ絹をもて汝の身を罩めり
I clothed you in embroidered cloth and gave you sandals of fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk.
11 而して飾物をもて汝をかざり腕環をなんぢの手にはめ金索を汝の項にかけしめ
I adorned you with jewelry, and I put bracelets on your wrists and a chain around your neck.
12 鼻には鼻環 耳には耳環 首には華美なる冠冕をほどこせり
I put a ring in your nose, earrings on your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.
13 汝すなはち金銀をもて身を飾り細布と絹および文繡をその衣服となし麥粉と蜜と油とを食へり汝は甚だ美しくして遂に榮えて王の權勢に進みいたる
So you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was made of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. You became very beautiful and rose to be queen.
14 汝の美貌のために汝の名は國々にひろまれり是わが汝にほどこせしわれの飾物によりて汝の美麗極りたればなり主ヱホバこれを言ふ
Your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect in the splendor I bestowed on you, declares the Lord GOD.
15 然るに汝その美麗を恃み汝の名によりて姦淫をおこなひ凡て其傍を過る者と縱恣に姦淫をなしたり是その人の所屬となる
But because of your fame, you trusted in your beauty and played the harlot. You lavished your favors on everyone who passed by, and your beauty was theirs for the asking.
16 汝おのれの衣服をとりて崇邱を彩り作りその上に姦淫をおこなへり是爲べからず有べからざる事なり
You took some of your garments and made colorful high places for yourself, and on them you prostituted yourself. Such things should not have happened; never should they have occurred!
17 汝はわが汝にあたへし金銀の飾の品を取り男の像を造りて之と姦淫をおこなひ
You also took the fine jewelry of gold and silver I had given you, and you made male idols with which to prostitute yourself.
18 汝の繡衣を取りて之に纒ひ吾の膏と香をその前に陳へ
You took your embroidered garments to cover them, and you set My oil and incense before them.
19 亦わが汝にあたへし我の食物我が用ひて汝をやしなふところの麥粉油および蜜を其前に陳へて馨しき香氣となせり是事ありしと主ヱホバいひ給ふ
And you set before them as a pleasing aroma the food I had given you—the fine flour, oil, and honey that I had fed you. That is what happened, declares the Lord GOD.
20 汝またおのれの我に生たる男子女子をとりてこれをその像にそなへて食はしむ汝が姦淫なほ小き事なるや
You even took the sons and daughters you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to idols. Was your prostitution not enough?
21 汝わが子等を殺し亦火の中を通らしめてこれに献ぐ
You slaughtered My children and delivered them up through the fire to idols.
22 汝その諸の憎むべき事とその姦淫とをおこなふに當りて汝が若かりし日に衣なくして裸なりしことおよび汝が血のうちにをりて蹈れしことを想はざるなり
And in all your abominations and acts of prostitution, you did not remember the days of your youth when you were naked and bare, wallowing in your own blood.
23 主ヱホバまた言たまふ汝は禍なるかな禍なるかな
Woe! Woe to you, declares the Lord GOD. And in addition to all your other wickedness,
24 汝その諸の惡をおこなひし後街衢街衢に樓をしつらひ臺を造り
you built yourself a mound and made yourself a lofty shrine in every public square.
25 また路の辻々に臺をつくりて汝の美麗を汚辱むることを爲し凡て傍を過るところの者に足をひらきて大に姦淫をおこなふ
At the head of every street you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty. With increasing promiscuity, you spread your legs to all who passed by.
26 汝かの肉の大なる汝の隣人エジプトの人々と姦淫をおこなひ大に姦淫をなして我を怒らせたれば
You prostituted yourself with your lustful neighbors, the Egyptians, and increased your promiscuity to provoke Me to anger.
27 我手を汝の上にのべて汝のたまはる分を減し彼の汝を惡み汝の淫なる行爲を羞るところのペリシテ人の女等の心に汝をまかせたり
Therefore I stretched out My hand against you and reduced your portion. I gave you over to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your lewd conduct.
28 然るに汝は厭ことなければ亦アツスリヤの人々と姦淫をおこなひしが之と姦淫をおこなひたるも尚厭ことなかりき
Then you prostituted yourself with the Assyrians, because you were not yet satisfied. Even after that, you were still not satisfied.
29 汝また大に姦淫をおこなひてカナンの國カルデヤに迄およびしが是にても尚厭ことなし
So you extended your promiscuity to Chaldea, the land of merchants—but even with this you were not satisfied!
30 主ヱホバいひたまふ汝の心如何に戀煩ふにや汝この諸の事を爲り是氣隨なる遊女の行爲なり
How weak-willed is your heart, declares the Lord GOD, while you do all these things, the acts of a shameless prostitute!
31 汝道の辻々に樓をしつらひ衢々に臺を造りしが金錢を輕んじたれば娼妓のごとくならざりき
But when you built your mounds at the head of every street and made your lofty shrines in every public square, you were not even like a prostitute, because you scorned payment.
You adulterous wife! You receive strangers instead of your own husband!
33 人は凡て娼妓に物を贈るなるに汝はその諸の戀人に物をおくり且汝と姦淫せんとて四方より汝に來る者に報金を與ふ
Men give gifts to all their prostitutes, but you gave gifts to all your lovers. You bribed them to come to you from everywhere for your illicit favors.
34 汝は姦淫をおこなふに當りて他の婦と反す即ち人汝を戀求むるにあらざるなり汝金錢を人にあたへて人金錢を汝にあたへざるは是その相反するところなり
So your prostitution is the opposite of that of other women: No one solicited your favors, and you paid a fee instead of receiving one; so you are the very opposite!
Therefore, O prostitute, hear the word of the LORD!
36 主ヱホバかく言たまふ汝金銀を撒散し且汝の戀人と姦淫して汝の恥處を露したるに由り又汝の憎むべき諸の偶像と汝が之にささげたる汝の子等の血の故により
This is what the Lord GOD says: Because you poured out your wealth and exposed your nakedness in your promiscuity with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your children which you gave to them,
37 視よ我汝が交れる諸の戀人および凡て汝が戀たる者並に凡て汝が惡みたる者を集め四方よりかれらを汝の所に集め汝の恥處を彼らに現さん彼ら汝の恥處を悉く見るべし
therefore I will surely gather all the lovers with whom you found pleasure, all those you loved and all those you hated. I will gather them against you from all around and expose you before them, and they will see you completely naked.
38 我姦淫を爲せる婦および血をながせる婦を鞫くがごとくに汝を鞫き汝をして忿怒と嫉妬の血とならしむべし
And I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit adultery and those who shed blood; so I will bring upon you the wrath of your bloodshed and jealousy.
39 我汝を彼等の手に付せば彼等汝の樓を毀ち汝の臺を倒しなんぢの衣服を褫取り汝の美しき飾を奪ひ汝をして衣服なからしめ裸にならしむべし
Then I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will level your mounds and tear down your lofty shrines. They will strip off your clothes, take your fine jewelry, and leave you naked and bare.
40 彼等群衆をひきゐて汝の所にのぼり石をもて汝を撃ち劍をもて汝を切さき
They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords.
41 火をもて汝の家を焚き多くの婦女の目の前にて汝を鞫かん斯われ汝をして姦淫を止しむべし汝は亦ふたたび金錢をあたふることなからん
Then they will burn down your houses and execute judgment against you in the sight of many women. I will put an end to your prostitution, and you will never again pay your lovers.
42 我ここに於て汝に對するわが怒を息め汝にかかはるわが嫉妬を去り心をやすんじて復怒らざらん
So I will lay to rest My wrath against you, and My jealousy will turn away from you. Then I will be calm and no longer angry.
43 主ヱホバいひたまふ汝その若かりし日の事を記憶えずしてこの諸の事をもて我を怒らせたれば視よ我も汝の行ふところを汝の首に報ゆべし汝その諸の憎むべき事の上に此惡事をなしたるにあらざるなり
Because you did not remember the days of your youth, but enraged Me with all these things, I will surely bring your deeds down upon your own head, declares the Lord GOD. Have you not committed this lewdness on top of all your other abominations?
44 視よ諺語をもちふる者みな汝を指てこの諺を用ひ言ん母のごとくに女も然りと
Behold, all who speak in proverbs will quote this proverb about you: ‘Like mother, like daughter.’
45 汝の母はその夫と子女を棄たり汝はその女なり汝の姉妹はその夫と子女を棄たり汝はその姉妹なり汝の母はヘテ人汝の父はアモリ人なり
You are the daughter of your mother, who despised her husband and children. You are the sister of your sisters, who despised their husbands and children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite.
46 汝の姉はサマリヤなり彼その女子等とともに汝の左に住む汝の妹はソドムなり彼その女子等とともに汝の右に住む
Your older sister was Samaria, who lived with her daughters to your north; and your younger sister was Sodom, who lived with her daughters to your south.
47 汝は只少しく彼らの道に歩み彼らの憎むべきところの事等を行ひしのみにあらず汝の爲る事は皆かれらのよりも惡かりき
And you not only walked in their ways and practiced their abominations, but soon you were more depraved than they were.
48 主ヱホバ言たまふ我は活く汝の妹ソドムと其女子らが爲しところは汝とその女子らが爲しところの如くはあらざりき
As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did as you and your daughters have done.
49 汝の妹ソドムの罪は是なり彼は傲り食物に飽きその女子らとともに安泰にをり而して難める者と貧しき者を助けざりき
Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and complacent; they did not help the poor and needy.
50 かれらは傲りわが前に憎むべき事をなしたれば我見てかれらを掃ひ除けり
Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them, as you have seen.
51 サマリヤは汝の罪の半分ほども罪を犯さざりき汝は憎むべき事等を彼らよりも多く行ひ増し汝の爲たる諸の憎むべき事のために汝の姉妹等をして義きが如くならしめたり
Furthermore, Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. You have multiplied your abominations beyond theirs, and all the abominations you have committed have made your sisters appear righteous.
52 然ば汝が曾てその姉妹等の蒙るべき者と定めたるところの恥辱を汝もまた蒙れよ汝が彼等よりも多くの憎むべき事をなしたるその罪の爲に彼等は汝よりも義くなれり然ば汝も辱を受け恥を蒙れ是は汝その姉妹等を義き者となしたればなり
So now you must bear your disgrace, since you have brought justification for your sisters. For they appear more righteous than you, because your sins were more vile than theirs. So you too must bear your shame and disgrace, since you have made your sisters appear righteous.
53 我ソドムとその女等の俘囚をかへしサマリヤとその女等の俘囚をかへさん時に其と同じ擄はれたる汝の俘囚人を歸し
But I will restore Sodom and her daughters from captivity, as well as Samaria and her daughters. And I will restore you along with them.
54 汝をして恥を蒙らしめ汝が凡て爲たるところの事を羞しむべし汝かく彼らの慰とならん
So you will bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all you did to comfort them.
55 汝の姉妹ソドムとその女子等は舊の樣に歸りサマリヤとその女子等は舊の樣に歸らん又汝と汝の女子等も舊の樣にかへるべし
And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to their former state. You and your daughters will also return to your former state.
56 汝はその驕傲れる日には汝の姉妹ソドムの事を口に述ざりき
Did you not treat your sister Sodom as an object of scorn in the day of your pride,
57 汝の惡の露れし時まで即ちスリアの女子等と凡て汝の周圍の者ペリシテ人の女等が四方より汝を嬲りて辱しめし時まで汝は是のごとくなりき
before your wickedness was uncovered? Even so, you are now scorned by the daughters of Edom and all those around her, and by the daughters of the Philistines—all those around you who despise you.
58 ヱホバいひたまふ汝の淫なる行爲と汝のもろもろの憎むべき事とは汝みづからこれを身に負ふなり
You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your abominations, declares the LORD.
59 主ヱホバかく言たまふ誓言を輕んじて契約をやぶりたるところの汝には我汝の爲るところにしたがひて爲べし
For this is what the Lord GOD says: I will deal with you according to your deeds, since you have despised the oath by breaking the covenant.
60 我汝の若かりし日に汝になせし契約を記憶え汝と限りなき契約をたてん
But I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.
61 汝その姉妹の汝より大なる者と小き者とを得る時にはおのれの行爲をおぼえて羞ん彼等は汝の契約に屬する者にあらざれども我かれらを汝にあたへて女となさしむべし
Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your older and younger sisters. I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of My covenant with you.
62 我汝と契約をたてん汝すなはち吾のヱホバなるを知にいたらん
So I will establish My covenant with you, and you will know that I am the LORD,
63 我なんぢの凡て行ひしところの事を赦す時には汝憶えて羞ぢその恥辱のために再び口を開くことなかるべし主ヱホバこれを言ふ
so that when I make atonement for all you have done, you will remember and be ashamed and never again open your mouth because of your disgrace, declares the Lord GOD.”