< 出エジプト記 38 >

1 又合歓木をもて燔祭の壇を築けりその長は五キユビト其寛は五キユビトにして四角その高は三キユビト
Bezalel made the altar burnt offering from acacia wood. It was square and measured five cubits long by five cubits wide by three cubits high.
2 而してその四隅の上に其の角を作りてその角を其より出しめその壇には銅を着せたり
He made horns for each of its corners, all one piece with the altar, and covered the whole altar with bronze.
3 又その壇の諸の器具すなはち壷と火鏟と鉢と肉叉と火鼎を作れり壇の器はみな銅にて造る
He made all its utensils: buckets for removing ashes, shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and firepans. He made all its utensils of bronze.
4 又壇のために銅の網をつくりこれを壇の中程の邊の下に置ゑて壇の半に達せしめ
He made a bronze mesh grate for the altar and placed it under the ledge of the altar, so that the mesh came halfway down the altar.
5 その銅の網の四隅に四箇の環を鋳て杠を貫く處となし
He cast four bronze rings for the four corners of the grate as holders for the poles.
6 合歓木をもてその杠をつくりて之に銅を着せ
He made poles of acacia wood for the altar and covered them with bronze.
7 壇の兩旁の環にその杠をつらぬきて之を舁べからしむその壇は板をもてこれを空につくれり
He put the poles through the rings on either side of the altar so it could be carried. He made the altar hollow, using boards.
8 また銅をもで洗盤をつくりその臺をも銅にす即ち集會の幕屋の門にて役事をなすところの婦人等鏡をもて之を作れり
He made the bronze basin with its stand with bronze from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
9 又庭を作れり南に於ては庭の南の方に百キユビトの細布の幕を設く
Then he made a courtyard. For the south side of the courtyard he made curtains of finely-spun linen, a hundred cubits long on one side,
10 その柱は二十その座は二十にして共に銅なりその柱の鈎および桁は銀なり
with twenty posts and twenty bronze stands, with silver hooks and bands on the posts.
11 北の方には百キユビトの幕を設くその柱は二十その座は二十にして共に銅なりその柱の鈎と桁は銀なり
Similarly he made curtains placed on the north side in an identical arrangement.
12 西の方には五十キユビトの幕を設くその柱は十その座は十その柱の鈎と桁は銀なり
He made curtains for the west side of the courtyard fifty cubits wide, with ten posts and ten stands.
13 東においては東の方に五十キユビトの幕を設く
The east side of the courtyard that faces the sunrise was fifty cubits wide.
14 而してこの一旁に十五キユビトの幕を設くその柱は三その座も三
He made the curtains on one side fifteen cubits long, with three posts and three stands,
15 又かの一旁にも十五キユビトの幕を設くその柱は三その座も三即ち庭の門の此旁彼旁ともに然り
and the curtains on the other side just the same.
16 庭の周圍の幕はみな細布なり
All the curtains around the courtyard were of finely-woven linen.
17 柱の座は銅柱の鈎と桁は銀柱の頭の包は銀なり庭の柱はみな銀の桁にて連る
The stands for the posts were bronze, the hooks and bands were silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver. All the posts around the courtyard had silver bands.
18 庭の門の幔は靑紫紅の絲および麻の撚絲をもて織なしたる者なりその長は二十キユビトその寛における高は五キユビトにして庭の幕と等し
The curtain for the entrance to the courtyard was embroidered with blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-spun linen. It was twenty cubits long by five cubits high, the same height as the courtyard curtains.
19 その柱は四その座は四にして共に銅その鈎は銀その頭の包と桁は銀なり
It was held up by four posts and four stands. The posts had silver hooks, tops, and bands.
20 幕屋およびその周圍の庭の釘はみな銅なり
All the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and for the surrounding courtyard were made of bronze.
21 幕屋につける物すなはち律法の幕屋につける物を量るに左のごとし祭司アロンの子イタマル、モーセの命にしたがひてレビ人を率ゐ用ひてこれを量れるなり
The following is what was used for the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the Testimony, recorded at Moses' direction by the Levites under the supervision of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.
22 ユダの支派のホルの子なるウリの子ベザレル凡てヱホバのモーセに命じたまひし事等をなせり
Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, made everything that the Lord had ordered Moses to make.
23 ダンの支派のアヒサマクの子アホリアブ彼とともにありて雕刻織文をなし靑紫紅の絲および麻絲をもて文繍をなせり
He was assisted by Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, an engraver, designer, and embroiderer using blue, purple, and crimson thread and finely-woven linen.
24 聖所の諸の工作をなすに用たる金は聖所のシケルにしたがひて言ば都合二十九タラント七百三十シケルなり是すなはち献納たるところの金なり
The total amount of gold from the offering that was used for the work on the sanctuary was 29 talents and 730 shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
25 會衆の中の核數られし者の献げし銀は聖所のシケルにしたがひて言ば百タラント千七百七十五シケルなり
The total amount of silver from those who had been counted in the census was 100 talents and 1,775 shekels (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
26 凡て數らるる者の中に入し者即ち二十歳以上の者六十萬三千五百五十人ありたれば聖所のシケルにしたがひて言ば一人に一ベカとなる是すなはち半シケルなり
This represents a beka per person, or half a shekel, (using the sanctuary shekel standard) from everyone twenty years of age or older who had been censused, a total of 603,550 men.
27 百タラントの銀をもて聖所の座と幕の座を鋳たり百タラントをもて百座をつくれば一座すなはち一タラントなり
The hundred talents of silver were used to cast the sanctuary stands and the curtain stands, 100 bases from the 100 talents, or one talent per base.
28 又千七百七十五シケルをもて柱の鈎をつくり柱の頭を包み又柱を連ねあはせたり
Bezalel used the 1,775 shekels of silver to make the hooks for the posts, cover their tops, and make bands for them.
29 又獻納たるところの銅は七十タラント二千四百シケルなり
The total amount of bronze from the offering was 70 talents and 2,400 shekels.
30 是をもちひて集會の幕屋の門の座をつくり銅の壇とその銅の網および壇の諸の器具をつくり
Bezalel used it to make the stands for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar and its bronze grate, all the utensils for the altar,
31 庭の周圍の座と庭の門の座および幕屋の諸の釘と庭の周圍の諸の釘を作れり
the stands for the courtyard and its entrance, and all the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and the courtyard.

< 出エジプト記 38 >