< 出エジプト記 37 >
1 ベザレル合歓木をもて櫃をつくれりその長は二キユビト半その寛は一キユビト半、その高は一キユビト半
Bezalel made the Ark of acacia wood measuring two and a half cubits long by a cubit and a half wide by one and a half cubits high.
2 而して純金をもてその内外を蔽ひてその上の周圍に金の縁を造れり
He covered it with pure gold on the inside and the outside, and made a gold trim to go around it.
3 又金の環四箇を鋳てその四の足につけたり即ち此旁に二箇の輪彼旁に二箇の輪を付く
He cast four gold rings and attached them to its four feet, two on one side and two on the other.
He made poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold.
5 その杠を櫃の傍の環にさしいれて之をもて櫃をかくべからしむ
He placed the poles into the rings on the sides of the Ark, so it could be carried.
6 又純金をもて贖罪所を造れりその長は二キユビト半その寛は一キユビト半なり
He made the atonement cover of pure gold, two and a half cubits long by a cubit and a half wide.
7 又金をもて二箇のケルビムを作れり即ち槌にて打て之を贖罪所の兩傍に作り
He made two cherubim of hammered gold for the ends of the atonement cover,
8 一箇のケルブを此方の末に一箇のケルブを彼方の末に置り即ち贖罪所の兩傍にケルビムを作れり
and put one cherub on each end. All of this was made from one piece of gold.
9 ケルビムは翼を高く展べ其翼をもて贖罪所を掩ひ其面をたがひに相向く即ちケルビムの面は贖罪所に向ふ
The cherubim were designed with spread wings pointing upward, covering the atonement cover. The cherubim were placed facing each another, looking down towards the atonement cover.
10 又合歓木をもて案を作れり其長は二キユビト其寛は二キユビト其高は一キユビト半
Then he made the table of acacia wood two cubits long by a cubit wide by a cubit and a half high.
He covered it with pure gold and made a gold trim to go around it.
12 又其四圍に掌寛の邊を作り其邊の周圍に金の小縁を作れり
He made a border around it the width of a hand and put a gold trim on the border.
13 而て之が爲に金の環四箇を鋳其足の四隅に其環を付たり
He cast four gold rings for the table and attached them to the four corners of the table by the legs.
The rings were close to the border to hold the poles used to carry the table.
15 而て合歓木をもて案を舁く杠を作りて之に金を着せたり
He made the poles of acacia wood for carrying the table and covered them with gold.
16 又案の上の器具即ち皿匙杓及び酒を灌ぐ斝を純金にて作れり
He made utensils for the table from pure gold: plates and dishes, bowls and pitchers for pouring out drink offerings.
17 又純金をもて一箇の燈臺を造れり即ち槌をもて打て其燈臺を作れり其臺座軸萼節及び花は其に連る
He made the lampstand of pure, hammered gold. The whole of it was made of one piece—its base, shaft, cups, buds, and flowers.
18 六の枝その旁より出づ即ち燈臺の三の枝は此旁より出で燈臺の三の枝は彼傍より出づ
It had six branches coming out of the sides of the lampstand, three on each side. It had three cups shaped like almond flowers on the first branch, each with buds and petals, three on the next branch.
19 巴旦杏の花の形せる三の萼節および花とともに此枝にあり又巴旦杏の花の形せる三の萼節および花とともに彼枝にあり燈臺より出る六の枝みな斯のごとし
Each of six branches that came out had three cups shaped like almond flowers, all complete with buds and petals.
20 巴旦杏の花の形せる四の萼その節および花とともに燈臺にあり
On the main shaft of the lampstand he made four cups shaped like almond flowers, complete with buds and petals.
21 兩箇の枝の下に一箇の節あり又兩箇の枝の下に一箇の節あり又兩箇の枝の下に一箇の節あり燈臺より出る六の枝みな是のごとし
On the six branches that came out of it, he placed a bud under the first pair of branches, a bud under the second pair, and a bud under the third pair.
22 その節と枝とは其に連れり皆槌にて打て純金をもて造れり
The buds and branches are to be made with the lampstand as one piece, hammered out of pure gold.
23 又純金をもて七箇の燈盞と燈鉗と剪燈盤を造れり
He made seven lamps, as well as wick tongs and their trays of pure gold.
24 燈臺とその諸の器具は純金一タラントをもて作れり
The lampstand and all these utensils required a talent of pure gold.
25 又合歓木をもて香壇を造れり其長一キユピトその寛二キユビトにして四角なりその高は二キユビトにしてその角は其より出づ
He made the altar for burning incense from acacia wood. It was square, measuring a cubit by a cubit, by two cubits high, with horns on its corners that were all one piece with the altar.
26 その上その四旁その角ともに純金を着せその周圍に金の縁を作れり
He covered its top, its side, and its horns with pure gold, and made a gold trim to go all around it.
27 又その兩面に金の縁の下に金の環二箇をこれがために作れり即ちその兩旁にこれを作る是すなはち之を舁ところの杠を貫くところなり
He made two gold rings for the altar and attached them below the trim, two on both sides, to hold the poles to carry it.
28 又合歓木をもてその杠をつくりて之に金を着せたり
He made the poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold.
29 又薫物をつくる法にしたがひて聖灌膏と香物の清き香とを製れり
He made the holy anointing oil and the pure, aromatic incense like the product of an expert perfumer.