< 出エジプト記 27 >
1 汝合歓木をもて長五キユビト濶五キユビトの壇を作るべしその壇は四角その高は三キユビトなるべし
And make an altar of hard wood, a square altar, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high.
2 その四隅の上に其の角を作りてその角を其より出しめその壇には銅を着すべし
Put horns at the four angles of it, made of the same, plating it all with brass.
3 又灰を受る壷と火鏟と鉢と肉叉と火鼎を作るべし壇の器は皆銅をもて之を作るべし
And make all its vessels, the baskets for taking away the dust of the fire, the spades and basins and meat-hooks and fire-trays, of brass.
4 汝壇のために銅をもて金網を作りその網の上にその四隅に銅の鐶を四箇作るべし
And make a network of brass, with four brass rings at its four angles.
5 而してその網を壇の中程の邊の下に置て之を壇の半に達せしむべし
And put the network under the shelf round the altar so that the net comes half-way up the altar.
6 又壇のために杠を作るべし即ち合歓木をもて杠を造り銅をこれに着すべし
And make rods for the altar, of hard wood, plated with brass.
7 その杠を鐶に貫きその杠を壇の兩旁にあらしめて之を舁べし
And put the rods through the rings at the two opposite sides of the altar, for lifting it.
8 壇は汝板をもて之を空に造り汝が山にて示されしごとくにこれを造るべし
The altar is to be hollow, boarded in with wood; make it from the design which you saw on the mountain.
9 汝また幕屋の庭をつくるべし南に向ひては庭のために南の方に長百キユピトの細布の幕を設けてその一方に當べし
And let there be an open space round the House, with hangings for its south side of the best linen, a hundred cubits long.
10 その二十の柱およびその二十の座は銅にし其柱の鈎およびその桁は銀にすべし
Their twenty pillars and their twenty bases are to be of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their bands are to be of silver.
11 又北の方にあたりて長百キユビトの幕をその樅に設くべしその二十の柱とその柱の二十の座は銅にし柱の鈎とその桁は銀にすべし
And on the north side in the same way, hangings a hundred cubits long, with twenty pillars of brass on bases of brass; their hooks and their bands are to be of silver.
12 庭の横すなはちその西の方には五十キユビトの幕を設くべしその柱は十その座も十
And for the open space on the west side, the hangings are to be fifty cubits wide, with ten pillars and ten bases;
13 また東に向ひては庭の東の方の濶は五十キユビトにすべし
And on the east side the space is to be fifty cubits wide.
14 而して此一旁に十五キユビトの幕を設くべしその柱は三その座も三
On the one side of the doorway will be hangings fifteen cubits long, with three pillars and three bases;
15 又彼一旁にも十五キユビトの幕を設くべしその柱は三その座も三
And on the other side, hangings fifteen cubits long, with three pillars and three bases.
16 庭の門のために靑紫紅の線および麻の撚絲をもて織なしたる二十キユビトの幔を設くべしその柱は四その座も四
And across the doorway, a veil of twenty cubits of the best linen, made of needlework of blue and purple and red, with four pillars and four bases.
17 庭の四周の柱は皆銀の桁をもて続けその鈎を銀にしその座を銅にすべし
All the pillars round the open space are to have silver bands, with hooks of silver and bases of brass.
18 庭の樅は百キユビトその横は五十キユビト宛その高は五キユビト麻の撚絲をもてつくりなしその座を銅にすべし
The open space is to be a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, with sides five cubits high, curtained with the best linen, with bases of brass.
19 凡て幕屋に用ふるところの諸の器具並にその釘および庭の釘は銅をもて作るべし
All the instruments for the work of the House, and all its nails, and the nails of the open space are to be of brass.
20 汝又イスラエルの子孫に命じ橄欖を搗て取たる清き油を燈火のために汝に持きたらしめて絶ず燈火をともすべし
Give orders to the children of Israel to give you clear olive oil for the lights, so that a light may be burning there at all times.
21 集會の幕屋に於て律法の前なる幕の外にアロンとその子等晩より朝までヱホバの前にその燈火を整ふべし是はイスラエの子孫が世々たえず守るべき定例なり
Let Aaron and his sons put this in order, evening and morning, before the Lord, inside the Tent of meeting, outside the veil which is before the ark; this is to be an order for ever, from generation to generation, to be kept by the children of Israel.