< 出エジプト記 22 >

1 人もし牛あるひは羊を竊みてこれを殺し又は賣る時は五の牛をもて一の牛を賠ひ四の羊をもて一の羊を賠ふべし
“If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters or sells it, he must repay five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep.
2 もし盗賊の壞り入るを見てこれを撃て死しむる時はこれがために血をながすに及ばず
If a thief is caught breaking in and is beaten to death, no one shall be guilty of bloodshed.
3 然ど若日いでてよりならば之がために血をながすべし盗賊は全く償をなすべし若物あらざる時は身をうりてその竊める物を償ふべし
But if it happens after sunrise, there is guilt for his bloodshed. A thief must make full restitution; if he has nothing, he himself shall be sold for his theft.
4 若その竊める物眞に生てその手にあらばその牛驢馬羊たるにかかはらず倍してこれを償ふべし
If what was stolen is actually found alive in his possession—whether ox or donkey or sheep—he must pay back double.
5 人もし田圃あるひは葡萄園の物を食はせその家畜をはなちて人の田圃の物を食ふにいたらしむる時は自己の田圃の嘉物と自己の葡萄園の嘉物をもてその償をなすべし
If a man grazes his livestock in a field or vineyard and allows them to stray so that they graze in someone else’s field, he must make restitution from the best of his own field or vineyard.
6 火もし逸て荊棘にうつりその積あげたる穀物あるひは未だ刈ざる穀物あるひは田野を燬ばその火を焚たる者かならずこれを償ふべし
If a fire breaks out and spreads to thornbushes so that it consumes stacked or standing grain, or the whole field, the one who started the fire must make full restitution.
7 人もし金あるひは物を人に預るにその人の家より竊みとられたる時はその盗者あらはれなばこれを倍して償はしむべし
If a man gives his neighbor money or goods for safekeeping and they are stolen from the neighbor’s house, the thief, if caught, must pay back double.
8 盗者もしあらはれずば家の主人を法官につれゆきて彼がその人の物に手をかけたるや否を見るべし
If the thief is not found, the owner of the house must appear before the judges to determine whether he has taken his neighbor’s property.
9 何の過愆を論ず牛にもあれ驢馬にもあれ羊にもあれ衣服にもあれ又は何の失物にもあれ凡て人の見て是其なりと言ふ者ある時は法官その兩造の言を聽べし而して法官の罪ありとする者これを倍してその對手に償ふべし
In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any lost item that someone claims, ‘This is mine,’ both parties shall bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges find guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.
10 人もし驢馬か牛か羊か又はその他の家畜をその隣人にあづけんに死か傷けらるるか又は搶ひさらるることありて誰もこれを見し者なき時は
If a man gives a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any other animal to be cared for by his neighbor, but it dies or is injured or stolen while no one is watching,
11 二人の間にその隣人の物に手をかけずとヱホバを指て誓ふことあるべし然る時はその持主これを承諾べし彼人は償をなすに及ばず
an oath before the LORD shall be made between the parties to determine whether or not the man has taken his neighbor’s property. The owner must accept the oath and require no restitution.
12 然ど若自己の許より竊まれたる時はその所有主にこれを償ふべし
But if the animal was actually stolen from the neighbor, he must make restitution to the owner.
13 若またその裂ころされし時は其を證據のために持きたるべしその裂ころされし者は償ふにおよばず
If the animal was torn to pieces, he shall bring it as evidence; he need not make restitution for the torn carcass.
14 人もしその隣人より借たる者あらんにその物傷けられ又は死ることありてその所有主それとともにをらざる時は必ずこれを償ふべし
If a man borrows an animal from his neighbor and it is injured or dies while its owner is not present, he must make full restitution.
15 その所有主それと共にをらばこれを償ふにむよばず雇し者なる時もしかり其は雇れて來りしなればなり
If the owner was present, no restitution is required. If the animal was rented, the fee covers the loss.
16 人もし聘定あらざる處女を誘ひてこれと寝たらば必ずこれに聘禮して妻となすべし
If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged in marriage and sleeps with her, he must pay the full dowry for her to be his wife.
17 その父もしこれをその人に與ふることを固く拒まば處女にする聘禮にてらして金をはらふべし
If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, the man still must pay an amount comparable to the bridal price of a virgin.
18 魔術をつかふ女を生しおくべからず
You must not allow a sorceress to live.
19 凡て畜を犯す者をば必ず殺すべし
Whoever lies with an animal must surely be put to death.
20 ヱホバをおきて別の神に犠牲を献る者をば殺すべし
If anyone sacrifices to any god other than the LORD alone, he must be set apart for destruction.
21 汝他國の人を惱すべからず又これを虐ぐべからず汝らもエジプトの國にをる時は他國の人たりしなり
You must not exploit or oppress a foreign resident, for you yourselves were foreigners in the land of Egypt.
22 汝凡て寡婦あるひは孤子を惱すべからず
You must not mistreat any widow or orphan.
23 汝もし彼等を惱まして彼等われに呼らば我かならずその號呼を聽べし
If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to Me in distress, I will surely hear their cry.
24 わが怒烈しくなり我劍をもて汝らを殺さん汝らの妻は寡婦となり汝らの子女は孤子とならん
My anger will be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword; then your wives will become widows and your children will be fatherless.
25 汝もし汝とともにあるわが民の貧き者に金を貸す時は金貸のごとくなすべからず又これより利足をとるべからず
If you lend money to one of My people among you who is poor, you must not act as a creditor to him; you are not to charge him interest.
26 汝もし人の衣服を質にとらば日のいる時までにこれを歸すべし
If you take your neighbor’s cloak as collateral, return it to him by sunset,
27 其はその身を蔽ふ者は是のみにして是はその膚の衣なればなり彼何の中に寝んや彼われに龥はらば我きかん我は慈悲ある者なればなり
because his cloak is the only covering he has for his body. What else will he sleep in? And if he cries out to Me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.
28 汝神を罵るべからず民の主長を詛ふべからず
You must not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.
29 汝の豊滿なる物と汝の搾りたる物とを献ぐることを怠るなかれ汝の長子を我に與ふべし
You must not hold back offerings from your granaries or vats. You are to give Me the firstborn of your sons.
30 汝また汝の牛と羊をも斯なすべし即ち七日母とともにをらしめて八日にこれを我に與ふべし
You shall do likewise with your cattle and your sheep. Let them stay with their mothers for seven days, but on the eighth day you are to give them to Me.
31 汝等は我の聖民となるべし汝らは野にて獣に裂れし者の肉を食ふべからず汝らこれを犬に投與ふべし
You are to be My holy people. You must not eat the meat of a mauled animal found in the field; you are to throw it to the dogs.

< 出エジプト記 22 >