< 申命記 1 >
1 是はモーセがヨルダンの此旁の曠野紅海に對する平野に在てバラン、トベル、ラバン、ハゼロテ、デザハブの間にてイスラエルの一切の人に告たる言語なり
These [are] the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on this side Jordan in the desert towards the west near the Red Sea, between Pharan Tophol, and Lobon, and Aulon, and the gold works.
2 ホレブよりセイル山の路を經てカデシバルネアに至るには十一日路あり
[It is] a journey of eleven days from Choreb to mount Seir as far as Cades Barne.
3 第四十年の十一月にいたりその月の一日にモーセはイスラエルの子孫にむかひてヱホバが彼等のために自己に授けたまひし命令を悉く告たり
And it came to pass in the forties year, in the eleventh month, on the first [day] of the month, Moses spoke to all the children of Israel, according to all things which the Lord commanded him for them:
4 是はモーセがヘシボンに住るアモリ人の王シホン及びエデレイのアシタロテに住るバシヤンの王オグを殺したる後なりき
after he had struck Seon king of the Amorites who lived in Esebon, and Og the king of Basan who lived in Astaroth and in Edrain;
5 即ちモーセ、ヨルダンの此旁なるモアブの地においてこの律法を解明すことを爲し始めたり曰く
beyond Jordan in the land of Moab, Moses began to declare this law, saying,
6 我らの神ヱホバ、ホレブにて我らに告て言たまへり汝らはこの山に居こと日すでに久し
The Lord your God spoke to us in Choreb, saying, Let it suffice you to have lived [so long] in this mountain.
7 汝ら身を轉らして途に進みアモリ人の山に往き其に鄰れる處々に往き平野山地窪地南の地海邊カナン人の地レバノンおよび大河ユフラテ河に至れ
Turn you and depart and enter into the mountain of the Amorites, and [go] to all that dwell near about Araba, to the mountain and the plain and to the south, and the land of the Chananites near the sea, and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.
8 我この地を汝らの前に置り入てこの地を獲よ是はヱホバが汝らの先祖アブラハム、イサク、ヤコブに誓ひて之を彼らとその後の子孫に與へんと言たまひし者なりと
Behold, [God] has delivered the land before you; go in and inherit the land, which I sware to your fathers, Abraam, and Isaac, and Jacob, to give it to them and to their seed after them.
9 彼時我なんぢらに語りて言り我は一人にては汝らをわが任として負ことあたはず
And I spoke to you at that time, saying, I shall not be able by myself to bear you.
10 汝らの神ヱホバ汝らを衆多ならしめたまひたれば汝ら今日は天空の星のごとくに衆し
The Lord your God has multiplied you, and, behold, you are today as the stars of heaven for multitude.
11 願くは汝らの先祖の神ヱホバ汝らをして今あるよりは千倍も多くならしめ又なんぢらに約束せしごとく汝らを祝福たまはんことを
The Lord God of your fathers add to you a thousand-fold more than you are, and bless you as he has spoken to you.
12 我一人にては爭で汝らを吾任となしまた汝らの重負と汝らの爭競に當ることを得んや
How shall I alone be able to bear your labour, and your burden, and your gainsayings?
13 汝らの支派の中より智慧あり知識ありて人に識れたる人々を簡べ我これを汝らの首長となさんと
Take to yourselves wise and understanding and prudent men for your tribes, and I will set your leaders over you.
14 時に汝ら答へて言り汝が言ところの事を爲は善しと
And you answered me and said, The thing which you have told us [is] good to do.
15 是をもて我汝らの支派の首長なる智慧ありて人に知れたる者等を取て汝らの首長となせり即ち之をもて千人の長百人の長五十人の長十人の長となしまた汝らの支派の中の官吏となせり
So I took of you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you as rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, and rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, and officers to your judges.
16 また彼時に我汝らの士師等に命じて言り汝らその兄弟の中の訴訟を聽き此人と彼人の間を正く審判くべし他國の人においても然り
And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear [causes] between your brethren, and judge rightly between a man and [his] brother, and the stranger that is with him.
17 汝ら人を視て審判すべからず小き者にも大なる者にも聽べし人の面を懼るべからず審判は神の事なればなり汝らにおいて斷定がたき事は我に持きたれ我これを聽ん
You shall not have respect to persons in judgement, you shall judge small and great equally; you shall not shrink from before the person of a man, for the judgement is God's; and whatever matter shall be too hard for you, you shall bring it to me, and I will hear it.
18 我かの時に汝らの爲べき事をことごとく汝らに命じたりき
And I charged upon you at that time all the commands which you shall perform.
19 我等の神ヱホバの我等に命じたまひしごとくに我等はホレブより出たち汝らが見知るかの大なる畏しき曠野を通りアモリ人の山を指てガデシバルネアに至れり
And we departed from Choreb, and went through all that great wilderness and terrible, which you saw, by the way of the mountain of the Amorite, as the Lord our God charged us, and we came as far as Cades Barne.
20 時に我なんぢらに言り汝らは我らの神ヱホバの我らに與へたまへるアモリ人の山に至れり
And I said to you, You have come as far as the mountain of the Amorite, which the Lord our God gives to you:
21 視よ汝の神ヱホバこの地を汝の前に置たまふ汝の先祖の神ヱホバの汝に言たまふごとく上り往てこれを獲よ懼るるなかれ猶豫なかれと
behold, the Lord your God has delivered to us the land before you: go up and inherit it as the Lord God of your fathers said to you; fear not, neither be afraid.
22 汝らみな我に近りて言り我等人を我らの先に遣してその地を伺察しめ彼らをして返て何の途より上るべきか何の邑々に入べきかを我らに告しめんと
And you all came to me, and said, Let us send men before us, and let them go up to the land for us; and let them bring back to us a report of the way by which we shall go up, and of the cities into which we shall enter.
23 この言わが目に善と見ければ我汝らの中より十二人の者を取り即ち一の支派より一人宛なりき
And the saying pleased me: and I took of you twelve men, one man of a tribe.
24 彼等前みゆきて山に登りエシコルの谷にいたり之を伺ひ
And they turned and went up to the mountain, and they came as far as the valley of the cluster, and surveyed it.
25 その地の菓物を手に取てわれらの許に持くだり我らに復命して言り我等の神ヱホバの我等に與へたまへる地は善地なりと
And they took in their hands of the fruit of the land, and brought it to you, and said, The land is good which the Lord our God gives us.
26 然るに汝等は上り往ことを好まずして汝らの神ヱホバの命令に背けり
Yet you would not go up, but rebelled against the words of the Lord our God.
27 すなはち汝らその天幕にて呟きて言りヱホバわれらを惡むが故に我らをアモリ人の手に付して滅ぼさんとてエジプトの國より我らを導き出せり
And you murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord hated us, he has brought us out of the land of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites, to destroy us.
28 我等は何方に往べきや我らの兄弟等は言ふその民は我らよりも大にして身長たかく邑々は大にしてその石垣は天に達る我らまたアナクの子孫を其處に見たりと斯いひて我らの氣を挫けりと
Whither do we go up? and your brethren drew away your heart, saying, [It is a] great nation and populous, and mightier than we; and [there are] cities great and walled up to heaven: moreover we saw there the sons of the giants.
And I said to you, Fear not, neither be you afraid of them;
30 汝らに先ち行たまふ汝らの神ヱホバ、エジプトにおいて汝らの爲に汝らの目の前にて諸の事をなしたまひし如く今また汝らのために戰ひたまはん
the Lord your God who goes before your face, he shall fight against them together with you effectually, according to all that he wrought for you in the land of Egypt;
31 曠野においては汝また汝の神ヱホバが人のその子を抱くが如くに汝を抱きたまひしを見たり汝らが此處にいたるまでその路すがら常に然ありしなりと
and in this wilderness which you saw, by the way of the mountain of the Amorite; how the Lord your God will bear you as a nursling, as if any man should nurse his child, through all the way which you have gone until you came to this place.
32 この言をなせども汝らはなほその神ヱホバを信ぜざりき
And in this matter you believed not the Lord our God,
33 ヱホバは途にありては汝らに先ちゆきて汝らが營を張べき處を尋ね夜は火の中にあり晝は雲の中にありて汝らの行べき途を示したまへる者なり
who goes before you in the way to choose you a place, guiding you in fire by night, showing you the way by which you go, and a cloud by day.
34 ヱホバ汝らの言語の聲を聞て怒り誓て言たまひけらく
And the Lord heard the voice of your words, and being greatly provoked he sware, saying,
35 この惡き代の人々の中には我が汝らの先祖等に與へんと誓ひしかの善地を見る者一人も有ざるべし
Not one of these men shall see this good land, which I sware to their fathers,
36 只ヱフンネの子カルブのみ之を見ることを得ん彼が踐たりし地をもて我かれとかれの子孫に與ふべし其は彼まったくヱホバに從ひたればなり
except Chaleb the son of Jephonne, he shall see it; and to him I will give the land on which he went up, and to his sons, because he attended to the things of the Lord.
37 ヱホバまた汝らの故をもて我をも怒て言たまへり汝もまた彼處に入ことを得ず
And the Lord was angry with me for your sake, saying, Neither shall you by any means enter therein.
38 汝の前に侍るヌンの子ヨシユアかしこに入べし彼に力をつけよ彼イスラエルをして之を獲しむべし
Joshua the son of Naue, who stands by you, he shall enter in there; do you strengthen him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.
39 また汝等が掠められんと言たりしその汝らの子女および當日になほ善惡を辨へざりし汝らの幼兒等彼ら即ちかしこに入べし我これを彼らに與へて獲さすべし
And every young child who this day knows not good or evil, —they shall enter therein, and to them I will give it, and they shall inherit it.
40 汝らは身をめぐらし紅海の途より曠野に進みいるべしと
And you turned and marched into the wilderness, in the way by the Red Sea.
41 然るに汝ら對て我にいへり我等はヱホバにむかひて罪を犯せり然ばわれらの神ヱホバの凡て我らに命じたまへるがごとく我ら上りゆきて戰はんと汝らおのおの武器を身に帶て軽々しく山に登らんとせり
And you answered and said, We have sinned before the Lord our God; we will go up and fight according to all that the Lord our God has commanded us: and having taken every one his weapons of war, and being gathered together, you went up to the mountain.
42 時にヱホバわれに言たまひけるは汝かれらに言へ汝ら上りゆくなかれ又戰ふなかれ我なんぢらの中間に居ざればなり汝ら恐らくはその敵に打敗られんと
And the Lord said to me, Tell them, You shall not go up, neither shall you fight, for I am not with you; thus shall you not be destroyed before your enemies.
43 われかく汝らに告たるに汝ら聽ずしてヱホバの命令に背き自檀に山に登りたりしが
And I spoke to you, and you did not listen to me; and you transgressed the commandment of the Lord; and you forced your way and went up into the mountain.
44 その山に住るアモリ人汝等にむかひて出きたり蜂の驅がごとくに汝らを驅ちらしなんぢらをセイルに打敗りてホルマにおよべり
And the Amorite who lived in that mountain came out to meet you, and pursued you as bees do, and wounded you from Seir to Herma.
45 斯りしかばなんぢら還りきたりてヱホバの前に哭きたりしがヱホバなんぢらの聲を聽たまはず汝らに耳を傾むけたまはざりき
And you sat down and wept before the Lord our God, and the Lord listened not to your voice, neither did he take heed to you.
46 是をもてなんぢらは日久しくカデシに居りなんぢらが其處に居たる日數のごとし
And you lived in Cades many days, as many days as you lived [there].