< 申命記 8 >

1 我が今日なんぢに命ずるところの諸の誡命を汝ら謹んで行ふべし然せば汝ら生ることを得かつ殖増しヱホバの汝の先祖等に誓たまひし地に入てこれを產業となすことを得ん
You must take care to follow every commandment I am giving you today, so that you may live and have many descendants, and go in and take over the country the Lord promised to give to your fore fathers.
2 汝記念べし汝の神ヱホバこの四十年の間汝をして曠野の路に歩ましめたまへり是汝を苦しめて汝を試驗み汝の心の如何なるか汝がその誡命を守るや否やを知んためなりき
Remember how for these forty years the Lord your God has led you all the way through the desert, humbling you and testing you in order to find out what you were really thinking, and whether or not you would keep his commandments.
3 即ち汝を苦しめ汝を饑しめまた汝も知ず汝の先祖等も知ざるところのマナを汝らに食はせたまへり是人はパン而已にて生る者にあらず人はヱホバの口より出る言によりて生る者なりと汝に知しめんが爲なり
He humbled you, and when you were hungry he gave you manna to eat, which nobody, including you and your forefathers, had ever had before This was in order to make it clear to you that human beings do not live by only eating bread, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
4 この四十年のあひだ汝の衣服は古びて朽ず汝の足は腫ざりし
During these forty years your clothing didn't wear out and your feet didn't swell up.
5 汝また心に念ふべし人のその子を懲戒ごとく汝の神ヱホバも汝を懲戒たまふなり
So you should realize that just as a parent disciplines their child, so the Lord your God disciplines you.
6 汝の神ヱホバの誡命を守りその道にあゆみてこれを畏るべし
That's why you have to keep the commandments of the Lord your God, following his ways and respecting him.
7 汝の神ヱホバ汝をして美地に到らしめたまふ是は谷にも山にも水の流あり泉あり瀦水ある地
For the Lord your God is taking you to a good country. It's a land of streams and pools and springs that flow through the valleys and down the hills;
8 小麥 大麥 葡萄 無花果および石榴ある地油 橄欖および蜜のある地
It's a land that produces wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey.
9 汝の食ふ食物に缺るところなく汝に何も乏しきところあらざる地なりその地の石はすなはち鐵その山よりは銅を掘とるべし
It's a land where you won't run out of food, where you will have everything you need; a land whose rocks contain iron ore and whose hills can be mined for copper.
10 汝は食ひて飽き汝の神ヱホバにその美地を己にたまひし事を謝すべし
When you eat and are full, make sure you thank the Lord your God for the good land that he's given you.
11 汝わが今日なんぢに命ずるヱホバの誡命と律法と法度とを守らずして汝の神ヱホバを忘るるにいたらざるやう愼めよ
Make sure you don't forget the Lord your God by disobeying his commandments and rules and regulations that I'm giving you today.
12 汝食ひて飽き美しき家を建て住ふに至り
For when you eat and are full, when you build beautiful houses to live in,
13 また汝の牛羊殖増し汝の金銀殖増し汝の所有みな殖増にいたらん時に
and when your herds and flocks grow larger, and your silver and gold accumulates, and all your possessions increase,
14 恐くは汝心に驕りて汝の神ヱホバを忘れんヱホバは汝をエジプトの地奴隸たる家より導き出し
then you will become proud, and you will forget the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt, out of the prison-house of slavery.
15 汝をみちびきて彼の大にして畏るべき曠野すなはち蛇火の蛇蠍などありて水あらざる乾ける地を通り汝らのために堅き磐の中より水を出し
He guided you through the immense and terrifying desert with its poisonous snakes and scorpions—a dried up, waterless land. He brought water for you out of a flint rock.
16 汝の先祖等の知ざるマナを曠野にて汝に食せたまへり是みな汝を苦しめ汝を試みて終に福祉を汝にたまはんとてなりき
He fed you in the desert with manna that your forefathers had never known, humbling you and testing you, so that eventually you would do well in the future.
17 汝我力とわが手の動作によりて我この資財を得たりと心に謂なかれ
You might think to yourselves, “I became rich through all my hard work.”
18 汝の神ヱホバを憶えよ其はヱホバ汝に資財を得の力をたまふなればなり斯したまふは汝の先祖等に誓し契約を今日の如く行はんとてなり
But remember it's the Lord your God who gives you the ability to become rich, in order to fulfill his agreement he promised to your forefathers that still exists today.
19 汝もし汝の神ヱホバを忘れ果て他の神々に從がひ之に事へこれを拝むことを爲ば我今日汝らに證をなす汝らはかならず滅亡ん
If you ever forget the Lord your God, and run after other gods, worshiping and bowing down to them, I assure you right now that you will definitely die!
20 ヱホバの汝らの前に滅ぼしたまひし國々の民のごとく汝らも滅亡べし是なんぢらの神ヱホバの聲に汝らしたがはざればなり
In the same way the Lord destroyed the nations as you advanced, you will also die if you don't obey the Lord your God.

< 申命記 8 >