< 申命記 3 >
1 斯てわれら身をめぐらしてバシヤンの路に上り行けるにバシヤンの王オグその民をことごとく率ゐ出てエデレイに戰はんとせり
'And we turn, and go up the way to Bashan, and Og king of Bashan cometh out to meet us, he and all his people, to battle, [to] Edrei.
2 時にヱホバわれに言たまひけらく彼を懼るるなかれ我かれとその一切の民とその地とを汝の手に付さん汝かのヘシボンに住たるアモリ人の王シホンになせし如く彼に爲べしと
'And Jehovah saith unto me, Fear him not, for into thy hand I have given him, and all his people, and his land, and thou hast done to him as thou hast done to Sihon king of the Amorite who is dwelling in Heshbon.
3 我らの神ヱホバすなはちバシヤンの王オグとその一切の民を我らの手に付したまひしかば我ら之を撃ころして一人をも遺さざりき
'And Jehovah our God giveth into our hands also Og king of Bashan, and all his people, and we smite him till there hath not been left to him a remnant;
4 その時に我らこれが邑々をことごとく取り取ざる邑は一も有ざりきその取る邑は六十是すなはちアルゴブの地にしてバシヤンにおけるオグの國なり
and we capture all his cities at that time, there hath not been a city which we have not taken from them, sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.
5 この邑々はみな高き石垣あり門あり關ありて堅固なりき外にまた石垣あらざる邑甚だ多くありき
All these [are] cities fenced with high walls, two-leaved doors and bar, apart from cities of villages very many;
6 我らはヘシボンの王シホンになせし如く之を滅しその一切の邑の男女および兒童をことごとく滅せり
and we devote them, as we have done to Sihon king of Heshbon, devoting every city, men, the women, and the infants;
7 惟その一切の家畜とその邑々よりの掠取物とはこれを獲てわれらの物となせり
and all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, we have spoiled for ourselves.
8 その時我らヨルダンの此旁の地をアルノン河よりヘルモン山までアモリ人の王二人の手より取り
'And we take, at that time, the land out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorite, which is beyond the Jordan, from the brook Arnon unto mount Hermon;
9 (ヘルモンはシドン人これをシリオンと呼びアモリ人これをセニルと呼ぶ)
(Sidonians call Hermon, Sirion; and the Amorites call it Senir, )
10 すなはち平野の一切の邑ギレアデの全地バシヤンの全地サルカおよびエデレイなどバシヤンに於るオグの國をことごとく取り
all the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Bashan, unto Salchah and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan,
11 彼レバイムの遺れる者はバシヤンの王オグ只一人なりき彼の寝臺は鐵の寝臺なりき是は今なほアンモンの子孫のラバにあるに非ずや人の肘によれば是はその長九キユビトその寛四キユビトあり
for only Og king of Bashan had been left of the remnant of the Rephaim; lo, his bedstead [is] a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the sons of Ammon? nine cubits its length, and four cubits its breadth, by the cubit of a man.
12 その時に我らこの地を獲たりしがアルノン河の邊なるアロエルよりの地とギレアデの山地の半とその中の邑々とは我これをルベン人とガド人に與へたり
'And this land we have possessed, at that time; from Aroer, which [is] by the brook Arnon, and the half of mount Gilead, and its cities, I have given to the Reubenite, and to the Gadite;
13 またオグの國なりしギレアデの殘餘の地とバシヤンの全地とは我これをマナセの半支派に與へたりアルゴブの全地すなはちバシヤンの全體はレバイムの國と稱へらる
and the rest of Gilead and all Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I have given to the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, to all that Bashan, called the land of Rephaim.
14 マナセの子ヤイルはアルゴブの全地を取てゲシユルの境界とマアカの境界にまで至り自分の名にしたがひてバシヤンをハヲテヤイルと名けたりその名今日にいたる
'Jair son of Manasseh hath taken all the region of Argob, unto the border of Geshuri, and Maachathi, and calleth them by his own name, Bashan-Havoth-Jair, unto this day.
And to Machir I have given Gilead.
16 ルベン人とガド人にはギレアデよりアルノン河までを與へその河の眞中をもて界となしまたアンモンの子孫の地の界なるヤボク河にまで至り
'And to the Reubenite and to the Gadite I have given from Gilead even unto the brook Arnon, the middle of the valley and the border, even unto Jabbok the brook, the border of the sons of Ammon,
17 またアラバおよびヨルダンとその邊の地をキンネレテよりアラバの海すなはち鹽海まで之にあたへて東の方ピスガの麓にいたる
and the plain, and the Jordan, and the border, from Chinnereth even unto the sea of the plain, the salt sea, under the springs of Pisgah, at the [sun] -rising.
18 その時我なんぢらに命じて言り汝らの神ヱホバこの地を汝らに與へて產業となさしめたまへば汝ら軍人に身をよろひて汝らの兄弟なるイスラエルの子孫に先だちて渉りゆくべし
'And I command you, at that time, saying, Jehovah your God hath given to you this land to possess it; armed ye pass over before your brethren the sons of Israel, all the sons of might.
19 但し汝らの妻と子女と家畜は我が汝らに與へし邑に止るべし我なんぢらが衆多の家畜を有を知なり
Only, your wives, and your infants, and your cattle — I have known that ye have much cattle — do dwell in your cities which I have given to you,
20 ヱホバなんぢらに賜ひしごとく汝らの兄弟にも安息を賜ひて彼らもまたヨルダンの彼旁にて汝らの神ヱホバにたまはるところの地を獲て產業となすに至らば汝らおのおの我なんぢらに與へし產業に歸るべし
till that Jehovah give rest to your brethren like yourselves, and they also have possessed the land which Jehovah your God is giving to them beyond the Jordan, then ye have turned back each to his possession, which I have given to you.
21 かの時に我ヨシユアに命じて言り汝はこの二人の王に汝らの神ヱホバのおこなひたまふ所の事を目に視たりヱホバまた汝が往ところの諸の國にも斯のごとく行ひたまはん
'And Jehoshua I have commanded at that time, saying, Thine eyes are seeing all that which Jehovah your God hath done to these two kings — so doth Jehovah to all the kingdoms whither thou are passing over;
22 汝これを懼るる勿れ汝らの神ヱホバ汝らのために戰ひたまはんと
fear them not, for Jehovah your God, He is fighting for you.
'And I entreat for grace unto Jehovah, at that time, saying,
24 主ヱホバよ汝は汝の大なる事と汝の強き手を僕に見すことを始めたまへり天にても地にても何の神か能なんぢの如き事業を爲し汝のごとき能力を有んや
Lord Jehovah, Thou — Thou hast begun to shew Thy servant Thy greatness, and Thy strong hand; for who [is] a God in the heavens or in earth who doth according to Thy works, and according to Thy might?
25 願くは我をして渉りゆかしめヨルダンの彼旁なる美地美山およびレバノンを見ことを得させたまへと
Let me pass over, I pray Thee, and see the good land which [is] beyond the Jordan, this good hill-country, and Lebanon.
26 然るにヱホバなんぢらの故をもて我を怒り我に聽ことを爲たまはずヱホバすなはち我に言たまひけるは旣に足りこの事を重て我に言なかれ
'And Jehovah sheweth himself wroth with me, for your sake, and hath not hearkened unto me, and Jehovah saith unto me, Enough for thee; add not to speak unto Me any more about this thing:
27 汝ビスガの嶺にのぼり目を擧て西北南東を望み汝の目をもて其地を觀よ汝はヨルダンを濟ることを得ざるべければなり
go up [to] the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and see with thine eyes — for thou dost not pass over this Jordan;
28 汝ヨシユアに命じ之に力をつけ之を堅うせよ其はこの民を率ゐて渉りゆき之に汝が見るところの地を獲さする者は彼なればなりと
and charge Jehoshua, and strengthen him, and harden him, for he doth pass over before this people, and he doth cause them to inherit the land which thou seest.
'And we dwell in a valley over-against Beth-Peor.