< 申命記 2 >
1 斯て我らは身を轉らしヱホバの我に命じたまへる如く紅海の途より曠野に進みいりて日久しくセイル山を行めぐりたりしが
Then turned we, and set forward towards the desert by way of the Red Sea, as Yahweh, spake unto me; and we encompassed Mount Seir many days.
And Yahweh spake unto me, saying:
3 汝等はこの山を行めぐること旣に久し今よりは北に轉りて進め
Long enough, have ye encompassed this mountain, —turn yourselves north, wards.
4 汝また民に命じて言へ汝らはセイルに住るヱサウの子孫なる汝らの兄弟の境界を通らんとす彼らはなんぢらを懼れん汝ら深く自ら謹むべし
And, the people, command thou saying, Ye are about to pass through the boundary of your brethren the sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, —and should they be afraid of you, take ye good heed to yourselves:
5 彼らを攻る勿れ彼らの地は足の跖に踐ほどをも汝らに與へじ其は我セイル山をエサウにあたへて產業となさしめたればなり
do not engage in strife with them, for I will not give you of their land, so much as place for the tread of a foot-sole, —for as a possession to Esau, have I given Mount Seir.
6 汝ら金をもて彼らより食物を買て食ひまた金をもて彼らより水をもとめて飮め
Food, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye eat, —yea even water, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye drink.
7 汝の神ヱホバ汝が手に作ところの諸の事において汝をめぐみ汝がこの大なる曠野を通るを看そなはしたまへり汝の神ヱホバこの四十年のあひだ汝とともに在したれば汝は乏しき所あらざりしなり
For Yahweh thy God, hath blessed thee in all the work of thy hand, he hath considered thy traversing of this great desert, —these forty years, hath Yahweh thy God been with thee, thou hast lacked, nothing.
8 我らつひにセイル山に住るエサウの子孫なる我らの兄弟を離れてアラバの路を通りエラテとエジオンゲベルを經て/轉りてモアブの曠野の路に進みいれり
So we passed on, a way from our brethren the sons of Esau who dwell in Seir, from the way of the waste plain, from Elath, and from Ezion-geber, —and we turned and passed on by way of the desert of Moab.
9 時にヱホバわれに言たまひけるはモアブ人をなやますなかれまた之を攻て戰ふなかれ彼らの地をば我なんぢらの產業に與へじ其は我ロトの子孫にアルをあたへて產業となさしめたればなりと
And Yahweh said unto me—Do not lay siege to Moab, nor engage in strife with them in battle, —for I will not give unto thee of this land as a possession, for unto the sons of Lot, have I given Ar, as a possession.
10 (昔エミ人ここに住り是民は大にして數多くアナク人のごとくに身長高かり
the Emim, formerly dwelt therein, —a people great and many and tall, like the Anakim.
11 アナク人とおなじくレバイムと呼なされたりしがモアブ人はこれをエミ人とよべり
Giants, used, they also, to be accounted like the Anakim, —but the Moabites, called them Emim.
12 ホリ人もまた昔セイルに住をりしがエサウの子孫これを逐滅し之にかはりて其處に住りイスラエルがヱホバに賜はりしその產業の地になせるが如し)
And in Seir, dwelt the Horim aforetime, but, the sons of Esau, dispossessed them, and destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead, —as did Israel unto the land of his own possession, which Yahweh had given unto them.
13 茲に汝等今たちあがりゼレデ川を渉れとありければ我らすなはちゼレデ川を渉れり
Now, arise, and pass ye over the ravine of Zered. So we passed over the ravine of Zered.
14 カデシバルネアを出てよりゼレデ川を渉るまでの間の日は三十八年にしてその代の軍人はみな亡果て營中にあらずなりぬヱホバのかれらに誓ひたまひし如し
Now, the days in which we journeyed from Kadesh-barnea, as far as where we crossed the ravine of Zered, were thirty-eight years, —until all the generation of the men of war were consumed out of the midst of the camp, as Yahweh had sworn unto them.
15 誠にヱホバ手をもて之を攻めこれを營中より滅ぼしたまひければ終にみな亡はてたり
Yea, even the hand of Yahweh was against them, to destroy them out of the midst of the camp, —until they were consumed.
16 かく軍人みなその民の中より死亡たる時にあたりて
So it came to pass when all the men of war were consumed by dying, out of the midst of the people,
then spake Yahweh unto me, saying:
Thou, art passing, to-day, the boundary of Moab even Ar;
19 汝アンモンの子孫に近く時に之をなやます勿れ之を攻るなかれアンモンの子孫の地は我これを汝らの產業に與へじ其は我これをロトの子孫にあたへて產業となさしめたればなり
so wilt thou draw near over against the sons of Ammon, do not thou besiege them neither engage in strife with them, —for I will not give of the land of the sons of Ammon unto thee as a possession, for unto the sons of Lot, have I given it as a possession.
20 (是もまたレバイムの國とよびなされたり昔レバイムここに住ゐたればなりアンモン人はかれらをザムズミ人とよべり
A land of giants, used, that also, to be accounted, —giants, dwelt therein aforetime, but the Ammonites, called them Zamzummim:
21 この民は大にして數多くアナク人のごとくに身長たかかりしがヱホバ、アンモン人の前に之を滅ぼしたまひたればアンモン人これを逐はらひて之にかはりて住り
a people great and many and tall, like the Anakim, —but Yahweh destroyed them from before them, and they took their possessions, and dwelt in their stead:
22 その事はセイルに住るエサウの子孫の前にホリ人を滅ぼしたまひしが如し彼らはホリ人を逐はらひ之にかはりて今日まで其處に住をるなり
as he did for the sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, —when he destroyed the Horim from before them, and they took their possessions and have dwelt in their stead, even unto this day.
23 カフトルより出たるカフトリ人はまたかの村々に住ひてガザにまで到るととろのアビ人を滅ぼし之にかはりて其處に居る)
The Avvim also, who dwelt in settlements as far as Gaza, Caphtorim, who were coming forth out of Caphtor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead.
24 汝ら起あがり進みてアルノン河を渉れ我ヘシボンの王アモリ人シホンとこれが國を汝らの手に付す進んで之を獲よ彼を攻て戰へ
Arise ye, set forward and cross over the ravine of Arnon, see! I have given into thy hand—Sihon king of Heshbon, the Amorite and his land, begin—take possession, —and engage in strife with him in battle.
25 今日我一天下の國人に汝を畏ぢ汝を懼れしめん彼らは汝の名聲を聞て慄ひ汝の爲に心を苦めんと
This day, will I begin to extend the dread of thee and the fear of thee over the face of the peoples under all the heavens, —who will hear the report of thee, then will they quake and writhe in pain because of thee.
26 茲に我ケデモテの曠野よりヘシボンの王シホンに使者をおくり和好の言を述しめたり云く
So I sent messengers out of the desert of Kademoth, unto Sihon, king of Heshbon, —with words of peace saying:
27 我に汝の國を通らしめよ我は大路を通りて行ん右にも左にも轉らじ
I would pass along through thy land, by the road, by the road, will I go, —I will not turn aside, to the right hand or to the left:
28 汝金をとりて食物を我に賣て食はせ金をとりて水を我にあたへて飮せよ我はただ徒歩にて通らんのみ
Food for silver, shalt thou sell me so will I eat, and water for silver, shalt thou let me have, so will I drink, —only I would pass through on my feet; —
29 セイルに住るエサウの子孫とアルに住るモアブ人とが我になしたる如くせよ然せば我はヨルダンを濟りて我らの神ヱホバの我らに賜ひし地にいたらんと
as the sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, did to me, and the Moabites who are dwelling in Ar, —until that I pass over the Jordan, into the land which, Yahweh our God, is giving unto us.
30 然るにヘシボンの王シホンは我らの通ることを容さざりき是は汝の神ヱホバ彼を汝の手に付さんとてその氣を頑梗しその心を剛愎にしたまひたればなり今日見るが如し
But Sihon king of Heshbon, was not willing, to let us pass along through it, —for Yahweh thy God had suffered him to make his spirit harsh and his heart bold, that he might give him into thy hand—(as [appeareth] this day).
31 時にヱホバ我に言たまひけるは視よ我いまシホンとこれが地を汝に與へんとす進んでその地を獲て汝の產業とせよと
Then said Yahweh unto me, See! I have begun to deliver up before thee Sihon and his land, —begin take possession, that thou mayest make a possession of his land.
32 茲にシホンその民をことごとく率ゐて出きたりヤハヅに於て戰ひけるが
So then Sihon came out to meet us he, and all his people, to give battle at Jahaz.
33 我らの神ヱホバ彼をわれらに付したまひたれば我らかれとその子等とその一切の民を撃殺せり
And Yahweh our God delivered him up before us, —and we smote him and his sons, and all his people
34 その時に我らは彼の邑々を盡く取りその一切の邑の男女および兒童を滅して一人をも遺さざりき
And we captured all his cities, at that time, and devoted to destruction every city of males, with the women and the little ones, —we left not remaining a survivor:
35 只その家畜および邑々より取たる掠取物は我らこれを獲て自分の物となせり
only the cattle, made we our prey, —and the spoil of the cities which we captured.
36 アルノンの河邊のアロエルおよび河の傍なる邑よりギレアデにいたるまで我らの攻取がたき邑とては一もあらざりき我らの神ヱホバこれを盡くわれらに付したまへり
From Aroer, which is on the edge of the ravine of Arnon and the city that is in the ravine even as far as Gilead, there was not a fortress that proved too high for us, —the whole, did Yahweh our God deliver up before us.
37 第アンモンの子孫の地ヤボク川の全岸山地の邑々など凡てわれらの神ヱホバが我らの往を禁じたまへる處には汝いたらざりき
Only unto the land of the sons of Ammon, didst thou not come near, —all the side of the Jabbok ravine, nor the cities of the hill country, nor any which Yahweh our God had forbidden to us.