< 申命記 10 >
1 かの時ヱホバ我に言たまひけるは汝石の板二枚を前のごとくに斫て作りまた木の櫃一箇を作りて山に登り來れ
After that the Lord told me, “Cut out two stone tablets just like the first ones, make an Ark out of wood, and come up to me on the mountain.
2 汝が碎きしかの前の板に載たる言を我その板に書さん汝これをその櫃に蔵むべし
I will write same the words on the tablets that were on the first ones, which you broke. Then put them in the Ark.”
3 我すなはち合歓木をもて櫃一箇を作りまた石の板二枚を前のごとくに斫て作りその板二枚を手に執て山に登りしかば
I made an Ark out of acacia wood, cut out two stone tablets like the first ones, and went up the mountain carrying them.
4 ヱホバかの集會の日に山において火の中より汝らに告たるその十誡を前に書したるごとくその板に書し而してヱホバこれを我に授けたまへり
The Lord wrote what he had before on the tablets, the Ten Commandments that he'd told you when he spoke from the fire on the mountain when we were all assembled there. The Lord gave them to me,
5 是に於て我身を轉らして山より下りその板を我が造りしかの櫃に蔵めたり今なほその中にありヱホバの我に命じたまへる如し
and I went back down the mountain and put them in the Ark I'd made following the Lord's instructions. They have been there ever since.
6 斯てイスラエルの子孫はヤカン人の井より出たちてモセラにいたれりアロン其處に死て其處に葬られその子エレアザルこれに代りて祭司となれり
The Israelites went from the wells of the people of Jaakan to Moserah. Aaron died there and was buried, and Eleazar his son took over as priest.
7 又其處より出たちてグデゴダにいたりグデゴダより出たちてヨテバにいたれりこの地には水の流多かりき
From there they moved on to Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Jotbathah, a land that had many streams.
8 かの時ヱホバ、レビの支派を區分てヱホバの契約の櫃を舁しめヱホバの前に立てこれに事へしめ又ヱホバの名をもて祝することを爲せたまへり其事今日にいたる
At this time the Lord put the tribe of Levi in charge of carrying the Ark of the Lord's Agreement, as well as serving the Lord by standing in his presence, and of pronouncing blessings in his name, as they continue to do to this day.
9 是をもてレビはその兄弟等の中に分なくまた產業なし惟ヱホバその產業たり汝の神ヱホバの彼に言たまへる如し
That's why the tribe of Levi has no land allowance or share among the other tribes. The Lord provides what they need, just as the Lord your God promised.
10 我は前の日數のごとく四十日四十夜山に居しがヱホバその時にもまた我に聽たまへりヱホバ汝を滅すことを好みたまはざりき
I remained on the mountain forty days and forty nights as before, and during that time the Lord listened to my prayers once more and agreed not to destroy you.
11 斯てヱホバ我に言たまひけるは汝起あがり民に先だちて進み行き彼らをして我が之に與へんとその先祖に誓ひたる地に入てこれを獲せしめよ
Then the Lord told me, “Get ready and continue your journey leading the people so they may enter and take over the land that I promised their forefathers to give them.”
12 イスラエルよ今汝の神ヱホバの汝に要めたまふ事は何ぞや惟是のみ即ち汝がその神ヱホバを畏れその一切の道に歩み之を愛し心を盡し精神を盡して汝の神ヱホバに事へ
People of Israel, what does the Lord your God want from you? He wants you to respect the Lord your God by following all his ways. He wants you to love him. He wants you to worship the Lord your God with all your mind and with all your being,
13 又我が今日汝らに命ずるヱホバの誡命と法度とを守りて身に福祉を得るの事のみ
He wants you to keep the commandments and regulations of the Lord that I am giving you today for your own good.
14 夫天と諸天の天および地とその中にある者は皆汝の神ヱホバに屬す
Look! Everything belongs to the Lord your God: the heavens, the highest heavens, and the earth and all that is there.
15 然るにヱホバただ汝の先祖等を悦こびて之を愛しその後の子孫たる汝らを萬の民の中より選びたまへり今日のごとし
But Lord was attracted to your forefathers and he loved them. He has also chosen you, their descendants, above any other people, even up till today.
Dedicate yourselves to God. Don't be stubborn and hard-hearted anymore.
17 汝の神ヱホバは神の神主の主大にしてかつ權能ある畏るべき神にましまし人を偏り視ずまた賄賂を受ず
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great, powerful, and awesome God. He shows no favoritism and accepts no bribes.
18 孤兒と寡婦のために審判を行ひまた旅客を愛してこれに食物と衣服を與へたまふ
He makes sure that orphans and widows receive justice, and he loves the foreigners, providing them with food and clothing.
19 汝ら旅客を愛すべし其は汝らもエジプトの國に旅客たりし事あればなり
You too must love the foreigner because you yourselves were once foreigners in Egypt.
20 汝の神ヱホバを畏れ之に事へこれに附從がひその名を指て誓ふことをすべし
You must respect the Lord your God and worship him. Hold onto him and make your promises in his name.
21 彼は汝の讃べき者また汝の神にして汝が目に見たる此等の大なる畏るべき事業をなしたまへり
He is the one you should praise and he is your God, who has carried out for you these incredible and awesome miracles that you've seen with your own eyes.
22 汝の先祖等は僅か七十人にてエジプトに下りたりしに今汝の神ヱホバ汝をして天空の星のごとくに多くならしめたまへり
When your forefathers went to Egypt there were only seventy of them in total, but now God has increased your numbers so much that there are as many of you as there are stars in the sky.