< ダニエル書 7 >

1 バビロンの王ベルシヤザルの元年にダニエルその牀にありて夢を見 腦中に異象を得たりしが即ちその夢を記してその事の大意を述ぶ
In the firste yeer of Balthasar, kyng of Babiloyne, Danyel siy a sweuene. Forsothe he wroot the visioun of his hed in his bed, and the dreem, and comprehendide in schort word; and he touchide schortli the sentence,
2 ダニエル述て曰く我夜の異象の中に見てありしに四方の天風大海にむかひて烈しく吹きたり
and seide, Y siy in my visioun in niyt, and lo! foure wyndis of heuene fouyten in the myddis of the greet see.
3 四箇の大なる獣海より上りきたれりその形はおのおの異なり
And foure grete beestis dyuerse bitwixe hem silf stieden fro the see.
4 第一のは獅子の如くにして鷲の翼ありけるが我見てをりしに是はその翼を抜とられまた地より起され人のごとく足にて立せられ且人の心を賜はれり
The firste beeste was as a lionesse, and hadde wyngis of an egle. Y bihelde til the wyngis therof weren pullid awei, and it was takun awei fro erthe, and it stood as a man on the feet, and the herte therof was youun to it.
5 第二の獣は熊のごとくなりき是はその體の一方を擧げその口の歯の間に三の脇骨を啣へ居けるが之にむかひて言る者あり曰く起あがりて許多の肉を食へと
And lo! another beeste, lijk a bere in parti, stood, and thre ordris weren in the mouth therof, and thre princes in the teeth therof. And thus thei seiden to it, Rise thou, ete thou ful many fleischis.
6 その後に我見しに豹のごとき獣いでたりしがその背には鳥の翼四ありこの獣はまた四の頭ありて統轄權をたまはれり
Aftir these thingis Y bihelde, and lo! anothir beeste as a pard, and it hadde on it silf foure wyngis of a brid, and foure heedis weren in the beeste, and power was youun to it.
7 我夜の異象の中に見しにその後第四の獣いでたりしが是は畏しく猛く大に強くして大なる鐵の歯あり食ひかつ咬碎きてその殘餘をば足にて踏つけたり是はその前に出たる諸の獣とは異なりてまた十の角ありき
Aftir these thingis Y bihelde in the visioun of niyt, and lo! the fourthe beeste, ferdful, and wondirful, and ful strong. It hadde grete irun teeth, and it ete, and made lesse, and defoulide with hise feet othere thingis; forsothe it was vnlijk othere beestis, which Y hadde seyn bifore it, and it hadde ten hornes.
8 我その角を考へ觀つつありけるにその中にまた一箇の小き角出きたりしがこの小き角のために先の角三箇その根より抜おちたりこの小き角には人の目のごとき目ありまた大なる事を言ふ口あり
Y bihelde the hornes, and lo! an other litil horn cam forth of the myddis of tho, and thre of the firste hornes weren drawun out fro the face therof; and lo! iyen as iyen of a man weren in this horn, and a mouth spekynge grete thingis.
9 我觀つつありしに遂に寳座を置列ぶるありて日の老たる者座を占めたりしがその衣は雪のごとくに白くその髮毛は漂潔めたる羊の毛のごとし又その寳座は火の熖にしてその車輪は燃る火なり
Y bihelde, til that trones weren set, and the elde of daies sat; his cloth was whijt as snow, and the heeris of his heed weren as cleene wolle, his trone was as flawmes of fier, hise wheelis weren fier kyndlid.
10 而して彼の前より一道の火の流わきいづ彼に仕ふる者は千々彼の前に侍る者は萬々審判すなはち始りて書を開けり
A flood of fier and rennynge faste yede out fro his face, a thousynde thousynde mynistriden to hym, and ten sithis a thousynde sithis an hundrid thousynde stoden niy hym; the dom sat, and bookis weren opened.
11 その角の大なる事を言ふ聲によりて我觀つつありけるが我が見る間にその獣は終に殺され體を壞はれて燃る火に投いれられたり
Y bihelde for the vois of grete wordis whiche thilke horn spak; and Y siy that the beeste was slayn, and his bodi was perischid, and was youun to be brent in fier.
12 またその餘の獣はその權威を奪はれたりしがその生命は時と期の至るまで延されたり
And Y siy that the power of othere beestis was takun awei, and the tymes of lijf weren ordeyned to hem, til to tyme and tyme.
13 我また夜の異象の中に觀てありけるに人の子のごとき者雲に乗て來り日の老たる者の許に到りたればすなはちその前に導きけるに
Therfor Y bihelde in the visyoun of niyt, and lo! as a sone of man cam with the cloudis of heuene; and he cam fulli til to the elde of daies, and in the siyt of hym thei offriden hym.
14 之に權と榮と國とを賜ひて諸民諸族諸音をしてこれに事へしむその權は永遠の權にして移りさらず又その國は亡ぶることなし
And he yaf to hym power, and onour, and rewme, and alle the puplis, lynagis, and langagis schulen serue hym; his power is euerlastynge power, that schal not be takun awei, and his rewme, that schal not be corrupt.
15 是において我ダニエルその體の内の魂を憂へしめわが腦中の異象のために思ひなやみたれば
My spirit hadde orrour, ether hidousnesse; Y, Danyel, was aferd in these thingis, and the siytis of myn heed disturbliden me.
16 すなはち其處にたてる者の一箇に就てこの一切の事の眞意を問けるに其者われにこの事の解明を告しらせて云く
Y neiyede to oon of the stonderis niy, and Y axide of hym the treuthe of alle these thingis. And he seide to me the interpretyng of wordis, and he tauyte me.
17 この四の大なる獣は地に興らんとする四人の王なり
These foure grete beestis ben foure rewmes, that schulen rise of erthe.
18 然ど終には至高者の聖徒國を受け長久にその國を保ちて世々限りなからんと
Forsothe hooli men schulen take the rewme of hiyeste God, and thei schulen holde the rewme, til in to the world, and `til in to the world of worldis.
19 是において我またその第四の獣の眞意を知んと欲せり此獣は他の獣と異なりて至畏ろしくその歯は鐵その爪は銅にして食ひかつ咬碎きてその殘餘を足にて踏つけたり
Aftir these thingis Y wolde lerne diligentli of the fourthe beeste, that was greetli vnlijk fro alle, and was ful ferdful, the teeth and nailis therof weren of irun; it eet, and made lesse, and defoulide with hise feet othere thingis.
20 此獣の頭には十の角ありしが其他にまた一の角いできたりしかば之がために三の角抜おちたり此角には目ありまた大なる事を言ふ口ありてその状はその同類よりも強く見えたり我またこの事を知んと欲せり
And of ten hornes whiche it hadde in the heed, and of the tother horn, that cam forth, bifore which thre hornes fellen doun, and of that horn that hadde iyen, and a mouth spekynge grete thingis, and was grettere than othere;
21 我觀つつありけるに此角聖徒と戰ひてこれに勝たりしが
I bihelde, and lo! thilke horn made batel ayens hooli men, and hadde maistrie of hem,
22 終に日の老たる者來りて至高者の聖徒のために公義をおこなへり而してその時いたりて聖徒國を獲たり
til the elde of daies cam, and hiy God yaf doom to hooli men; and lo! tyme cam, and hooli men goten rewme.
23 彼かく言り第四の獣は地上の第四の國なり是は一切の國と異なり全世界を并呑しこれを踏つけかつ打破らん
And he seide thus, The fourthe beeste schal be the fourthe rewme in erthe, that schal be more than alle rewmes, and it schal deuoure al erthe, and it schal defoule, and make lesse that erthe.
24 その十の角はこの國に興らんところの十人の王なり之が後にまた一人興るべし是は先の者と異なり且その王三人を倒すべし
Forsothe ten hornes schulen be ten kyngis of that rewme; and another kyng schal rise after hem, and he schal be miytiere than the formere, and he schal make low thre kyngis.
25 かれ至高者に敵して言を出しかつ至高者の聖徒を惱まさん彼また時と法とを變んことを望まん聖徒は一時と二時と半時を經るまで彼の手に付されてあらん
And he schal speke wordis ayens the hiy God, and he schal defoule the seyntis of the hiyeste; and he schal gesse, that he mai chaunge tymes and lawis; and thei schulen be youun in to his hondis, til to tyme, and times, and the half of tyme.
26 斯て後審判はじまり彼はその權を奪はれて終極まで滅び亡ん
And doom schal sitte, that the power be takun awei, and be al to-brokun, and perische til in to the ende.
27 而して國と權と天下の國々の勢力とはみな至高者の聖徒たる民に歸せん至高者の國は永遠の國なり諸國の者みな彼に事へかつ順はんと
Sotheli that the rewme, and power, and the greetnesse of rewme, which is vndur ech heuene, be youun to the puple of the seintis of the hiyeste, whos rewme is euerlastynge rewme, and alle kingis schulen serue, and obeie to hym.
28 その事此にて終れり我ダニエルこれを思ひまはして大に憂へ顔色も變りぬ我この事を心に蔵む
Hidur to is the ende of the word. Y, Danyel, was disturblid myche in my thouytis, and my face was chaungid in me; forsothe Y kepte the word in myn herte.

< ダニエル書 7 >