< 使徒の働き 24 >
1 五日ののち、大 祭司アナニヤ數人の長老およびテルトロと云ふ辯護士とともに下りて、パウロを總督に訴ふ。
After five days, the high priest, Ananias, came down with certain elders and an orator, one Tertullus. They informed the governor against Paul.
2 パウロ呼び出されたれば、テルトロ訴へ出でて言ふ『ペリクス閣下よ、われらは汝によりて太平を樂しみ、
When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, "Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that by your foresight reforms are coming to this nation,
3 なんぢの先見によりて、此の國人のために時に隨ひ處に隨ひて、惡しき事の改められたるを感謝して罷まず。
we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
4 ここに喃々しく陳べて汝を妨ぐまじ、願はくは寛容をもて我が少しの言を聽け。
But, that I do not delay you, I entreat you to bear with us and hear a few words.
5 我等この人を見るに、恰も疫病のごとくにて、全世界のユダヤ人のあひだに騷擾をおこし、且ナザレ人の異端の首にして、
For we have found this man to be a plague, an instigator of insurrections among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.
He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him. And we would have judged him according to our law,
but the chief captain Lysias came, and with great violence took him away out of our hands,
8 汝この人に就きて訊さば、我らの訴ふる所をことごとく知り得べし』
commanding his accusers to come to you. By examining him yourself you may ascertain all these things of which we accuse him."
9 ユダヤ人も之に加へて、誠にその如くなりと主張す。
The Jews also joined in the attack, affirming that these things were so.
10 總督、首にて示しパウロに言はしめたれば、答ふ『なんぢが年 久しくこの國人の審判 人たることを我は知るゆゑに、喜びて我が辯明をなさん。
When the governor had beckoned to him to speak, Paul answered, "Because I know that you have been a judge of this nation for many years, I cheerfully make my defense,
11 なんぢ知り得べし、我が禮拜のためにエルサレムに上りてより僅か十二 日に過ぎず、
seeing that you can recognize that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship at Jerusalem.
12 また彼らは、我が宮にても會堂にても市中にても、人と爭ひ群衆を騷がしたるを見ず、
In the temple they did not find me disputing with anyone or stirring up a crowd, either in the synagogues, or in the city.
13 いま訴へたる我が事につきても證明すること能はざるなり。
Nor can they prove to you the things of which they now accuse me.
14 我ただ此の一事を汝に言ひあらはさん、即ち我は彼らが異端と稱ふる道に循ひて、我が先祖たちの神につかへ、律法と預言者の書とに録したる事をことごとく信じ、
But this I confess to you, that after the Way, which they call a sect, so I serve the God of our fathers, believing all things which are according to the Law, and which are written in the Prophets;
15 かれら自らも待てるごとく、義者と不義者との復活あるべしと、神を仰ぎて望を懷くなり。
having hope toward God, which these also themselves look for, that there will be a resurrection, both of the just and unjust.
16 この故に、われ常に神と人とに對して良心の責なからんことを勉む。
This being so, I also do my best to always have a clear conscience toward God and people.
17 我は多くの年を經てのち歸りきたり、我が民に施濟をなし、また献物をささげゐたりしが、
Now after some years, I came to bring gifts for the needy to my nation, and offerings;
18 その時かれらは我が潔をなして宮にをるを見たるのみにて、群衆もなく騷擾もなかりしなり。
amid which certain Jews from Asia found me purified in the temple, not with a mob, nor with turmoil.
19 然るにアジアより來れる數人のユダヤ人ありて――もし我に咎むべき事あらば、彼らが汝の前に出でて訴ふることを爲べきなり。
They ought to have been here before you, and to make accusation, if they had anything against me.
20 或はまた此處なる人々、わが先に議會に立ちしとき、我に何の不義を認めしか言へ。
Or else let these men themselves say what injustice they found in me when I stood before the council,
21 唯われ彼らの中に立ちて「死人の甦へる事につきて我けふ汝らの前にて審かる」と呼はりし一言の他には何もなかるべし』
unless it is for this one thing that I shouted out standing among them, 'Concerning the resurrection of the dead I am being judged before you today.'"
22 ペリクスこの道のことを詳しく知りたれば、審判を延して言ふ『千卒長ルシヤの下るを待ちて汝らの事を定むべし』
But Felix, having more exact knowledge concerning the Way, deferred them, saying, "When Lysias, the commanding officer, comes down, I will decide your case."
23 かくて百卒長に命じパウロを守らせ、寛かならしめ、かつ友の之に事ふるをも禁ぜざらしむ。
He ordered the centurion that he should be kept in custody, and should have some privileges, and not to forbid any of his friends to serve him or to visit him.
24 數日の後ペリクス、その妻なるユダヤ人の女ドルシラとともに來り、パウロを呼びよせてキリスト・イエスに對する信仰のことを聽き、
But after some days, Felix came with Drusilla, his wife, who was Jewish, and sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ Jesus.
25 パウロが正義と節制と來らんとする審判とにつきて論じたる時、ペリクス懼れて答ふ『今は去れ、よき機を得てまた招かん』
As he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified, and answered, "Go your way for this time, and when it is convenient for me, I will summon you."
26 かくてパウロより金を與へられんことを望みて、尚しばしば彼を呼びよせては語れり。
Meanwhile, he also hoped that money would be given to him by Paul. Therefore also he sent for him more often, and talked with him.
27 二年を經てポルシオ・フェスト、ペリクスの任に代りしが、ペリクス、ユダヤ人の意を迎へんとして、パウロを繋ぎたるままに差措けり。
But when two years were fulfilled, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, and desiring to gain favor with the Jews, Felix left Paul in bonds.