< 使徒の働き 22 >

1 『兄弟たち親たちよ、今なんぢらに對する辯明を聽け』
Brethren and fathers, hear the defence which I make to you.
2 人々そのヘブルの語を語るを聞きてますます靜になりたれば、又いふ、
And when they heard that Hebrew he was speaking with them, the more they ceased; and he said to them,
3 『我はユダヤ人にてキリキヤのタルソに生れしが、此の都にて育てられ、ガマリエルの足下にて先祖たちの律法の嚴しき方に遵ひて教へられ、今日の汝らのごとく神に對して熱心なる者なりき。
I am a man a Jihudoya; and I was born in Tarsos of Cilicia, but was brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and instructed perfectly in the law of our fathers. And I was zealous for Aloha, even as all of you are also.
4 我この道を迫害し、男女を縛りて獄に入れ、死にまで至らしめしことは、
And this way I persecuted unto the death, while I bound and delivered to the house of the bound both men and women;
5 大 祭司も凡ての長老も我に就きて證するなり。我は彼 等より兄弟たちへの書を受けて、ダマスコに寓り居る者どもを縛り、エルサレムに曳き來りて罰を受けしめんとて彼處にゆけり。
as the chief of the priests can testify of me, and all the elders, that from them I received letters to go to the brethren who were in Darmsuk, that also them who were there I should bring to Urishlem bound, that they might be fined.
6 往きてダマスコに近づきたるに、正午ごろ忽ち大なる光、天より出でて我を環り照せり。
And as I went, and began to approach Darmsuk in the dividing of the day, suddenly from heaven there shone upon me a great light,
7 その時われ地に倒れ、かつ我に語りて「サウロ、サウロ、何ぞ我を迫害するか」といふ聲を聞き、
and I fell upon the earth, and heard a voice, which said to me, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me?
8 「主よ、なんぢは誰ぞ」と答へしに「われは汝が迫害するナザレのイエスなり」と言ひ給へり。
But I answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord? And he said to me, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest!
9 偕に居る者ども光は見しが、我に語る者の聲は聞かざりき。
And the men who were with me saw the light, but the voice they understood not which spake with me.
10 われ復いふ「主よ、我なにを爲すべきか」主いひ給ふ「起ちてダマスコに往け、なんぢの爲すべき定りたる事は彼處にて悉とく告げらるべし」
And I said, What shall I do, my Lord? And he said to me, Arise, go into Darmsuk, and there shall it be told thee of whatever it is commanded thee to do.
11 我は、かの光の晃耀にて目 見えずなりたれば、偕にをる者に手を引かれてダマスコに入りたり。
And while I could not see because of the glory of that light, they who were with me took me by my hands, and I entered Darmsuk.
12 ここに律法に據れる敬虔の人にして、其の町に住む凡てのユダヤ人に令聞あるアナニヤという者あり。
And a man, one Hanania, righteous in the law, as the Jihudoyee who were there testified of him,
13 彼われに來り傍らに立ちて「兄弟サウロよ、見ることを得よ」と言ひたれば、その時、仰ぎて彼を見たり。
came to me, and said to me, Shaol, my brother, open thine eyes. And in a moment my eyes were opened, and I beheld him.
14 かれ又いふ「我らの先祖の神は、なんぢを選びて御意を知らしめ、又かの義人を見、その御口の聲を聞かしめんとし給へり。
And he said to me, The God of our fathers hath appointed thee to know his will, and to see that Just One, and to hear the voice from his lips,
15 これは汝の見 聞したる事につきて、凡ての人に對し彼の證人とならん爲なり。
that thou mayest be a witness to all men of all that thou hast seen and heard.
16 今なんぞ躊躇ふか、起て、その御名を呼び、バプテスマを受けて汝の罪を洗ひ去れ」
And now why delayest thou? Arise, baptize, and be washed from thy sins, while thou callest his Name.
17 かくて我エルサレムに歸り、宮にて祈りをるとき、我を忘れし心地して主を見 奉るに、我に斯く言ひ給ふ、
And being returned, I came hither to Urishlem. And I prayed in the temple.
18 「なんぢ急げ、早くエルサレムを去れ、人々われに係る汝の證を受けぬ故なり」
And I saw him in a vision, when he said to me, Hasten, and remove thee from Urishlem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
19 我いふ「主よ、我さきに汝を信ずる者を獄に入れ、諸 會堂にて之を扑ち、
And I said, My Lord, they know also how I delivered to the house of the bound, and smote in all the synagogues, those who have believed in thee.
20 又なんぢの證人ステパノの血の流されしとき、我もその傍らに立ちて之を可しとし、殺す者どもの衣を守りしことは、彼らの知る所なり」
And when the blood of thy martyr Estephanos was shed, I also stood with them, and fulfilled the will of his murderers, and kept the garments of them who stoned him.
21 われに言ひ給ふ「往け、我なんぢを遠く異邦人に遣すなり」と』
And he said to me, Go: for I send thee far away to preach to the Gentiles.
22 人々きき居たりしが、此の言に及び、聲を揚げて言ふ『斯くのごとき者をば地より除け、生かしおくべき者ならず』
And when they had heard Paulos until this word, they lifted up their voice, and cried, Take from the earth one like this; for he ought not to live.
23 斯く叫びつつ其の衣を脱ぎすて、塵を空中に撒きたれば、
And as they shouted and cast their garments and threw dust to the heaven,
24 千卒長、人々が何 故パウロにむかひて斯く叫び呼はるかを知らんとし、鞭うちて訊ぶることを命じて、彼を陣營に曳き入れしむ。
the tribune commanded that he should be brought into the fortress, and commanded him to be questioned by scourging, that he might know for what cause they cried against him.
25 革鞭をあてんとてパウロを引き張りし時、かれ傍らに立つ百卒長に言ふ『ロマ人たる者を罪も定めずして鞭うつは可きか』
And as they exposed him with thongs, Paulos said to the centurion who stood near him, Is it allowed you to scourge a Roman man who is not condemned?
26 百卒長これを聞きて千卒長に往き、告げて言ふ『なんぢ何をなさんとするか、此の人はロマ人なり』
And when the centurion heard, he approached the tribune, and said to him, What doest thou? For this is a Roman man.
27 千卒長きたりて言ふ『なんぢはロマ人なるか、我に告げよ』かれ言ふ『然り』
And the tribune approached him, and said to him, Tell me, art thou a Roman? He said to him, Yes.
28 千卒長こたふ『我は多くの金をもて此の民 籍を得たり』パウロ言ふ『我は生れながらなり』
The tribune answered, and said to him, I with much money purchased the Roman-right. Paulos said to him, But I was born in it.
29 ここに訊べんとせし者どもは直ちに去り、千卒長はそのロマ人なるを知り、之を縛りしことを懼れたり。
And immediately those who had sought to scourge him desisted from him; and the tribune feared when he learned that he was a Roman, because he had bound him.
30 明くる日、千卒長かれが何 故ユダヤ人に訴へられしか、確なる事を知らんと欲して、彼の縛を解き、命じて祭司長らと全 議會とを呼び集め、パウロを曳き出して其の前に立たしめたり。
AND the day after he willed to know truly what was the accusation which the Jihudoyee brought against him. And he ordered him and commanded the great priests and all the synagogue of their rulers to come; and he took Paulos and brought (him) down, and stood him among them.

< 使徒の働き 22 >