< 使徒の働き 2 >
1 五旬節の日となり、彼らみな一處に集ひ居りしに、
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all meeting together in one place.
2 烈しき風の吹ききたるごとき響、にはかに天より起りて、その坐する所の家に滿ち、
Suddenly a noise came from heaven like a roaring wind that filled the whole house where they were staying.
3 また火の如きもの舌のやうに現れ、分れて各人の上にとどまる。
They saw what looked like separate tongue-shaped flames that settled on each of them.
4 彼らみな聖 靈にて滿され、御靈の宣べしむるままに異邦の言にて語りはじむ。
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages as the Spirit gave them the ability to do so.
5 時に敬虔なるユダヤ人ら、天下の國々より來りてエルサレムに住み居りしが、
At that time there were devout Jews from every nation on earth living in Jerusalem.
6 この音おこりたれば群衆あつまり來り、おのおの己が國語にて使徒たちの語るを聞きて騷ぎ合ひ、
When they heard this noise, a large crowd of them gathered. They were puzzled because everyone heard their own language being spoken.
7 かつ驚き怪しみて言ふ『視よ、この語る者は皆ガリラヤ人ならずや、
They were totally amazed, saying, “Look, these people who are speaking—aren't they all Galileans?
8 如何にして我等おのおのの生れし國の言をきくか。
So how is it that we can all hear them speaking in our own mother tongue?
9 我等はパルテヤ人、メヂヤ人、エラム人、またメソポタミヤ、ユダヤ、カパドキヤ、ポント、アジヤ、
Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
10 フルギヤ、パンフリヤ、エジプト、リビヤのクレネに近き地方などに住む者、ロマよりの旅人――ユダヤ人および改宗者――
Phrygia and Pamphylia; from Egypt and the area of Libya around Cyrene; visitors from Rome, both Jews and converts,
11 クレテ人およびアラビヤ人なるに、我が國語にて彼らが神の大なる御業をかたるを聞かんとは』
Cretans and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our own languages about all the great things God has done.”
They were all amazed and confused. “What does this mean?” they asked each other.
13 或 者どもは嘲りて言ふ『かれらは甘き葡萄酒にて滿されたり』
But others jeered and said, “They've been drinking too much wine!”
14 ここにペテロ十 一の使徒とともに立ち、聲を揚げ宣べて言ふ『ユダヤの人々および凡てエルサレムに住める者よ、汝 等わが言に耳を傾けて、この事を知れ。
Then Peter stood up with the eleven disciples and spoke in a loud voice: “Fellow Jews and everyone living here in Jerusalem: pay attention to me and I'll explain all this to you!
15 今は朝の九時なれば、汝らの思ふごとく彼らは醉ひたるに非ず、
These men aren't drunk as you presume. It's only nine in the morning!
16 これは預言者ヨエルによりて言はれたる所なり。
What's happening is what was predicted by the prophet Joel:
17 「神いひ給はく、末の世に至りて、我が靈を凡ての人に注がん。汝らの子 女は預言し、汝らの若者は幻影を見、なんぢらの老人は夢を見るべし。
God says, ‘In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.
18 その世に至りて、わが僕・婢女にわが靈を注がん、彼らは預言すべし。
I will pour out my Spirit on my servants, both male and female, and they will prophesy.
19 われ上は天に不思議を、下は地に徴をあらはさん、即ち血と火と煙の氣とあるべし。
I will also give you miraculous signs in the heavens above and on the earth below—blood, fire, and swirling smoke!
20 主の大なる顯著しき日のきたる前に、日は闇に月は血に變らん。
The sun will become dark, and the moon will become red like blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord.
But whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
22 イスラエルの人々よ、これらの言を聽け。ナザレのイエスは、汝らの知るごとく、神かれに由りて汝らの中に行ひ給ひし能力ある業と不思議と徴とをもて、汝らに證し給へる人なり。
People of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man confirmed by God to you by the powerful miracles and signs that God performed through him, right here among you—as you well know.
23 この人は神の定め給ひし御旨と、預じめ知り給ふ所とによりて付されしが、汝ら不法の人の手をもて釘磔にして殺せり。
God, knowing beforehand what would happen, followed his plan and resolved to hand him over to you. By means of the hands of wicked men, you killed him by nailing him to a cross.
24 然れど神は死の苦難を解きて之を甦へらせ給へり。彼は死に繋がれをるべき者ならざりしなり。
But God raised him back to life, freeing him from the burden of death, because death did not have the power to keep him a prisoner.
25 ダビデ彼につきて言ふ「われ常に我が前に主を見たり、我が動かされぬ爲に我が右に在せばなり。
David says of him, ‘I saw the Lord always in front of me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
26 この故に我が心は樂しみ、我が舌は喜べり、かつ我が肉體もまた望の中に宿らん。
That's why I'm so happy! That's why my words are full of joy! That's why my body lives in hope!
27 汝わが靈魂を黄泉に棄て置かず、汝の聖者の朽果つることを許し給はざればなり。 (Hadēs )
For you will not abandon me in the grave, nor will you allow your Holy One to experience decay. (Hadēs )
28 汝は生命の道を我に示し給へり、御顏の前にて我に勸喜を滿し給はん」
You have revealed to me the ways of life. You will fill me with joy with your presence.’
29 兄弟たちよ、先祖ダビデに就きて、われ憚らず汝らに言ふを得べし、彼は死にて葬られ、その墓は今日に至るまで我らの中にあり。
My brothers and sisters, let me tell you plainly that our ancestor David died and was buried, and his tomb is here with us to this day.
30 即ち彼は預言者にして、己の身より出づる者をおのれの座位に坐せしむることを、誓をもて神の約し給ひしを知り、
But he was a prophet, and knew that God had promised on oath to place one of his descendants on his throne.
31 先見して、キリストの復活に就きて語り、その黄泉に棄て置かれず、その肉體の朽果てぬことを言へるなり。 (Hadēs )
David saw what would happen and spoke about the resurrection of Christ—for Christ was not abandoned to the grave nor did he experience decay. (Hadēs )
32 神はこのイエスを甦へらせ給へり、我らは皆その證人なり。
God has raised this Jesus from the dead, and we're all witnesses of that.
33 イエスは神の右に擧げられ、約束の聖 靈を父より受けて、汝らの見 聞する此のものを注ぎ給ひしなり。
Now he's been exalted to God's right hand, and has received from the Father the Holy Spirit whom he promised, and has poured out what you're seeing and hearing.
34 それダビデは天に昇りしことなし、然れど自ら言ふ「主わが主に言ひ給ふ、
For David didn't ascend into heaven, but he did say: the Lord told my Lord, ‘Sit down here at my right hand
35 我なんぢの敵を汝の足臺となすまでは、わが右に坐せよ」と。
until I have made your enemies a stool to put your feet on.’
36 然ればイスラエルの全家は確と知るべきなり。汝らが十字架に釘けし此のイエスを、神は立てて主となし、キリストとなし給へり』
Now let everyone in Israel be totally convinced of this: God has made this Jesus, who you killed on a cross, both Lord and Messiah!”
37 人々これを聞きて心を刺され、ペテロと他の使徒たちとに言ふ『兄弟たちよ、我ら何をなすべきか』
When the people heard this they were conscience-stricken. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
38 ペテロ答ふ『なんぢら悔改めて、おのおの罪の赦を得んために、イエス・キリストの名によりてバプテスマを受けよ、然らば聖 靈の賜物を受けん。
“Repent!” Peter told them. “All of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39 この約束は汝らと汝らの子らと、凡ての遠き者すなはち主なる我らの神の召し給ふ者とに屬くなり』
This promise is given to you, to your children, and to all who are far away—everyone the Lord our God calls.”
40 この他なほ多くの言をもて證し、かつ勸めて『この曲れる代より救ひ出されよ』と言へり。
Peter went on speaking, giving them much more evidence. He warned them, “Save yourselves from this perverted generation.”
41 かくてペテロの言を聽納れし者はバプテスマを受く。この日、弟子に加はりたる者、おほよそ三 千 人なり。
Those who accepted what he'd said were baptized, adding about three thousand people to the group of believers that day.
42 彼らは使徒たちの教を受け、交際をなし、パンを擘き、祈祷をなすことを只管つとむ。
They committed themselves to what the apostles had taught them, and to the fellowship of the believers, “breaking bread” and praying together.
43 ここに人みな敬畏を生じ、多くの不思議と徴とは使徒たちに由りて行はれたり。
Everyone was in awe, and many miracles and signs were done through the apostles.
44 信じたる者はみな偕に居りて諸般の物を共にし、
All the believers were together and shared everything they had.
45 資産と所有とを賣り、各人の用に從ひて分け與へ、
They sold their property and belongings, sharing the proceeds with everyone as they needed.
46 日々、心を一つにして弛みなく宮に居り、家にてパンをさき、勸喜と眞心とをもて食事をなし、
Day after day they continued to meet together in the Temple, and ate together in their homes. They enjoyed their meals humbly and happily. They praised God, and everyone thought favorably of them.
47 神を讃美して一般の民に悦ばる。かくて主は救はるる者を日々かれらの中に加へ給へり。
Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.