< 使徒の働き 19 >
1 かくてアポロ、コリントに居りし時、パウロ東の地方を經てエペソに到り、或 弟子たちに逢ひて、
Now it happened that while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul, after passing through the hinterland, came to Ephesus, where he found a few disciples.
2 『なんぢら信者となりしとき聖 靈を受けしか』と言ひたれば、彼 等いふ『いな、我らは聖 靈の有ることすら聞かず』
"Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" he asked them. "No" said they, "we did not even hear that there is a Holy Spirit."
3 パウロ言ふ『されば何によりてバプテスマを受けしか』彼 等いふ『ヨハネのバプテスマなり』
"Into what, then, were you baptized?" he asked. And they said, "Into the baptism of John."
4 パウロ言ふ『ヨハネは悔改のバプテスマを授けて、己に後れて來るもの(即ちイエス)を信ずべきことを民に云へるなり』
"John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance," answered Paul, "telling the people to believe on One who was coming after him, namely, on Jesus."
5 彼 等これを聞きて主イエスの名によりてバプテスマを受く。
When they heard this they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus;
6 パウロ手を彼らの上に按きしとき、聖 靈その上に望みたれば、彼ら異言を語り、かつ預言せり。
and after Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began to speak with tongues, and to prophesy.
They were in all about twelve men.
8 ここにパウロ會堂に入りて、三个月のあひだ臆せずして神の國に就きて論じ、かつ勸めたり。
Then Paul went into the synagogue, and there continued to preach fearlessly for about three months, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God.
9 然るに或 者ども頑固になりて從はず、會衆の前に神の道を譏りたれば、パウロ彼らを離れ、弟子たちをも退かしめ、日毎にツラノの會堂にて論ず。
But when some grew hardened and disobedient, and spoke evil of the Way before the crowd, he left them, withdrew the disciples, and continued to hold discussions daily in the lecture-hall of Tyrannus.
10 斯くすること二年の間なりしかば、アジヤに住む者は、ユダヤ人もギリシヤ人もみな主の言を聞けり。
This went on for two years, so that all the inhabitants of Asia heard the Lord’s message, Jews as well as Greeks.
11 而して神はパウロの手によりて尋常ならぬ能力ある業を行ひたまふ。
God also wrought extraordinary miracles by the hand of Paul;
12 即ち人々かれの身より或は手拭あるひは前垂をとりて病める者に著くれば、病は去り惡 靈は出でたり。
so much so, that handkerchiefs or aprons were carried away from his body to the sick; and their diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out.
13 ここに諸國 遍歴の咒文 師なるユダヤ人 數人あり、試みに惡 靈に憑かれたる者に對して、主イエスの名を呼び『われパウロの宣ぶるイエスによりて、汝らに命ず』と言へり。
But there were also some strolling Jewish exorcists, who took it upon them to invoke the name of Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by that Jesus whom Paul preaches."
14 斯くなせる者の中に、ユダヤの祭司長スケワの七人の子もありき。
There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish high priest who used to do this.
15 惡 靈こたへて言ふ『われイエスを知り、又パウロを知る。然れど汝らは誰ぞ』
But the evil spirit answered, "Jesus I know, and Paul I have heard of, but who are you?"
16 かくて惡 靈の入りたる人、かれらに跳びかかりて二人に勝ち、これを打拉ぎたれば、彼ら裸體になり傷を受けてその家を逃げ出でたり。
And the man in whom the evil spirit was sprang on two of them, overpowered them and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded.
17 此の事エペソに住む凡てのユダヤ人とギリシヤ人とに知れたれば、懼かれら一同のあひだに生じ、主イエスの名 崇めらる。
And this became known to all the people of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. Awe fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus began to be held in honor.
18 信者となりし者おほく來り、懴悔して自らの行爲を告ぐ。
Many also of those who became believers used to come to confess and to declare their deeds.
19 また魔術を行ひし多くの者ども、その書物を持ちきたり、衆人の前にて焚きたるが、其の價を算ふれば銀 五 萬ほどなりき。
And some of them who had practised magic arts, collected their books, and burned them in the presence of all. And they counted the price of them, and found it to be fifty thousand silver coins.
20 主の言、大に弘りて權力を得しこと斯くの如し。
So mightily the word of the Lord continued to grow and to prevail.
21 此 等の事のありし後、パウロ、マケドニヤ、アカヤを經てエルサレムに往かんと心を決めて言ふ『われ彼處に到りてのち必ずロマをも見るべし』
Now after these things were ended, Paul resolved in his spirit to travel through Macedonia and Achaia on his way to Jerusalem. "After I get there," he said, "I must see Rome, too."
22 かくて己に事ふる者の中にてテモテとエラストとの二人をマケドニヤに遣し、自己はアジヤに暫く留る。
So he sent two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia, while he himself kept back for a time on his way into Asia.
23 その頃この道に就きて一方ならぬ騷擾おこれり。
Now just at this time, there arose no small commotion concerning the Way.
24 デメテリオと云ふ銀 細工人ありしが、アルテミスの銀の小宮を造りて細工人らに多くの業を得させたり。
There was a man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Diana, and brought rich profit to his workmen.
25 それらの者および同じ類の職業 者を集めて言ふ『人々よ、われらが此の業に頼りて利 益を得ることは、汝らの知る所なり。
He gathered them together with others of like occupation, and said. "Men, you know that by this business we make our money.
26 然るに、かのパウロは手にて造れる物は神にあらずと云ひて、唯にエペソのみならず、殆ど全アジヤにわたり、多くの人々を説き勸めて惑したり、これ亦なんぢらの見 聞する所なり。
"And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus, but almost throughout all of Asia, this fellow Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, by telling them that they are no gods at all who are made with hands.
27 かくては啻に我らの職業の輕しめらるる恐あるのみならず、また大女神アルテミスの宮も蔑せられ、全アジヤ全世界のをがむ大女神の稜威も滅ぶるに至らん』
"So there is danger not only that our trade come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana will be brought into disrepute, and that she herself may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world now worships."
28 彼 等これを聞きて憤恚に滿され、叫びて言ふ『大なる哉、エペソ人のアルテミス』
After listening to this they were filled with rage, and cried out again and again, saying,
29 かくて町 擧りて騷ぎ立ち、人々パウロの同行 者なるマケドニヤ人ガイオとアリスタルコとを捕へ、心を一つにして劇場に押入りたり。
The city was filled with commotion. They rushed like one man into the theater, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, Paul’s companions in travel.
30 パウロ集民のなかに入らんとしたれど、弟子たち許さず。
When Paul wanted to go in to the people, the disciples would not let him,
31 又アジヤの祭の司のうちの或 者どもも彼と親しかりしかば、人を遣して劇場に入らぬやうにと勸めたり。
and some of the Asiarchs, too, who were his friends, sent word to him repeatedly, entreating him not to venture into the theater.
32 ここに會衆おほいに亂れ、大方はその何のために集りたるかを知らずして、或 者はこの事を、或 者はかの事を叫びたり。
Now some were shouting one thing, some another, for the assembly was in an uproar, and the majority had no idea why they were come together.
33 遂に群衆の或 者ども、ユダヤ人の推し出したるアレキサンデルに勸めたれば、かれ手を搖かして集民に辯明をなさんとすれど、
And they brought Alexander out of the crowd, whom the Jews had pushed forward. And Alexander, motioning with his hand, would have made a defense to the people,
34 其のユダヤ人たるを知り、みな同音に『おほいなる哉、エペソ人のアルテミス』と呼はりて二 時間ばかりに及ぶ。
but when they saw that he was a Jew they all, with one voice, for about two hours, shouted,
35 時に書記役、群衆を鎭めおきて言ふ『さてエペソ人よ、誰かエペソの町が大女神アルテミス及び天より降りし像の宮守なることを知らざる者あらんや。
At length the recorder got them quiet. "Men of Ephesus," he said, "who here does not know that the city of the Ephesians is temple- guardian of the great Diana and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?
36 これは言ひ消し難きことなれば、なんぢら靜なるべし、妄なる事を爲すべからず。
"Since these facts cannot be gainsaid, you ought to be calm and do nothing reckless.
37 この人々は宮の物を盜む者にあらず、我らの女 神を謗る者にもあらず、然るに汝ら之を曳き來れり。
"For you have brought these men here, who are neither robbers of temples nor blasphemers of our goddess.
38 もしデメテリオ及び偕にをる細工人ら、人に就きて訴ふべき事あらば、裁判の日あり、かつ司あり、彼 等おのおの訴ふべし。
If then Demetrius and his craftsmen have a grievance against any one, the courts are open and there are the proconsuls; let them accuse one another.
39 もし又ほかの事につきて議する所あらば、正式の議會にて決すべし。
But if you desire anything further, it must be settled in the regular assembly.
40 我ら今日の騷擾につきては、何の理由もなきにより咎を受くる恐あり。この會合につきて言ひひらくこと能はねばなり』
For indeed we are in danger of being accused in regard to this day’s riot, since there is no cause for it, nor shall we be able to give account for this disorderly gathering."
With these words he dismissed the assembly.