< テモテへの手紙第二 4 >
1 われ神の前また生ける者と死にたる者とを審かんとし給ふキリスト・イエスの前にて、その顯現と御國とをおもひて嚴かに汝に命ず。
I command you therefore before God and Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:
2 なんぢ御言を宣傳へよ、機を得るも機を得ざるも常に勵め、寛容と教誨とを盡して責め、戒め、勸めよ。
preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching.
3 人々 健全なる教に堪へず、耳 痒くして私慾のまにまに己がために教師を増し加へ、
For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts;
and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to myths.
5 されど汝は何事にも愼み、苦難を忍び、傳道者の業をなし、なんぢの職を全うせよ。
But you be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
6 我は今 供物として血を灑がんとす、わが去るべき時は近づけり。
For I am already being offered, and the time of my departure has come.
7 われ善き戰鬪をたたかひ、走るべき道程を果し、信仰を守れり。
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.
8 今よりのち義の冠冕わが爲に備はれり。かの日に至りて正しき審判 主なる主、これを我に賜はん、啻に我のみならず、凡てその顯現を慕ふ者にも賜ふべし。
From now on, there is stored up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day; and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his appearing.
Be diligent to come to me soon,
10 デマスは此の世を愛し、我を棄ててテサロニケに往き、クレスケンスはガラテヤに、テトスはダルマテヤに往きて、 (aiōn )
for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. (aiōn )
11 唯ルカのみ我とともに居るなり。汝マルコを連れて共に來れ、彼は職のために我に益あればなり。
Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.
But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
13 汝きたる時わがトロアスにてカルポの許に遺し置きたる外衣を携へきたれ、また書物、殊に羊皮紙のものを携へきたれ。
Bring the cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus when you come, and the books, especially the parchments.
14 金 細工人アレキサンデル大に我を惱せり。主はその行爲に隨ひて彼に報いたまふべし。
Alexander, the coppersmith, did much evil to me. The Lord will repay him according to his works,
15 汝もまた彼に心せよ、かれは甚だしく我らの言に逆ひたり。
of whom you also must beware; for he greatly opposed our words.
16 わが始の辯明のとき誰も我を助けず、みな我を棄てたり、願はくはこの罪の彼らに歸せざらんことを。
At my first defense, no one came to help me, but all left me. May it not be held against them.
17 されど主われと偕に在して我を強めたまへり。これ我によりて宣教の全うせられ、凡ての異邦人のこれを聞かん爲なり。而して我は獅子の口より救ひ出されたり。
But the Lord stood by me, and strengthened me, that through me the message might be fully proclaimed, and that all the non-Jewish people might hear; and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
18 また主は我を凡ての惡しき業より救ひ出し、その天の國に救ひ入れたまはん。願はくは榮光 世々 限りなく彼にあらん事を、アァメン。 (aiōn )
And the Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
19 汝プリスカ及びアクラ、またオネシポロの家に安否を問へ。
Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the house of Onesiphorus.
20 エラストはコリントに留れり。トロピモは病ある故に我かれをミレトに遺せり。
Erastus remained at Corinth, and I left Trophimus at Miletus, ill.
21 なんぢ勉めて冬のまへに我に來れ、ユブロ、プデス、リノス、クラウデヤ、及び凡ての兄弟、なんぢに安否を問ふ。
Be diligent to come before winter. Eubulus salutes you, as do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.
22 願はくは主なんぢの靈と偕に在し、御惠なんぢらと偕に在らんことを。
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.