< テモテへの手紙第二 2 >
1 わが子よ、汝キリスト・イエスにある恩惠によりて強かれ。
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
2 且おほくの證人の前にて、我より聽きし所のことを他の者に教へ得る忠實なる人々に委ねよ。
And those (doctrines) which thou hast heard from me by many witnesses, them commit to faithful men, who are also able to teach others.
3 汝キリスト・イエスのよき兵卒として我とともに苦難を忍べ。
And endure evils as a good soldier of Jeshu Meshiha.
4 兵卒を務むる者は生活のために纏はるる事なし、これ募れる者を喜ばせんとすればなり。
No man serveth as a soldier, and entangleth himself with the affairs of the world, that he might please him who hath chosen him.
5 技を競ふ者、もし法に隨ひて競はずば冠冕を得ず。
And if one contendeth, he is not crowned, unless according to his law he contend.
It becometh the husbandman who laboureth that he should first eat of his fruits.
7 汝わが言ふ所をおもへ、主なんぢに凡ての事に就きて悟を賜はん。
Understand what I say to thee. Our Lord give thee wisdom in all things.
8 わが福音に云へる如く、ダビデの裔にして死人の中より甦へり給へるイエス・キリストを憶えよ。
Remember Jeshu Meshiha, that he arose from among the dead, he who is of the seed of David, according to my gospel;
9 我はこの福音のために苦難を受けて惡人のごとく繋がるるに至れり、されど神の言は繋がれたるにあらず。
for which I endure evils unto bonds, as an evil-doer: but the word of Aloha is not bound.
10 この故に我えらばれたる者のために凡ての事を忍ぶ。これ彼 等をして永遠の光榮と共にキリスト・イエスによる救を得しめんとてなり。 (aiōnios )
Therefore I endure every thing on account of the elect, that they also may find salvation in Jeshu Meshiha, with the glory that is eternal. (aiōnios )
11 ここに信ずべき言あり『我等もし彼と共に死にたる者ならば、彼と共に生くべし。
Faithful is the word: For if we be dead with him, With him also we shall live;
12 もし耐へ忍ばば、彼と共に王となるべし。若し彼を否まば、彼も我らを否み給はん。
And if we endure, We shall also reign with him; But, if we deny him, He also will deny us!
13 我らは眞實ならずとも、彼は絶えず眞實にましませり、彼は己を否み給ふこと能はざればなり』
And if we believe him not, He in his faithfulness abideth; For deny himself he cannot.
14 汝かれらに此 等のことを思ひ出さしめ、かつ言爭する事なきやう神の前にて嚴かに命ぜよ、言爭は益なくして聞く者を滅亡に至らしむ。
Of these (truths) remind them, and testify before our Lord, that they contend not with unprofitable words, to the overturning of those who hear them.
15 なんぢ眞理の言を正しく教へ、恥づる所なき勞動人となりて、神の前に錬達せる者とならんことを勵め。
And be careful to establish thyself perfectly before Aloha, a workman without shame, preaching rightly the word of truth.
16 また妄なる虚しき物語を避けよ。かかる者はますます不 敬虔に進み、
From vain words which have no utility in them withdraw; for they add greatly to the wickedness of those who are occupied with them.
17 その言は脱疽のごとく腐れひろがるべし、ヒメナオとピレトとは斯くのごとき者の中にあり。
And their words as an eating cancer will lay hold upon many: but one of them is Hymeneos, and another Philetos,
18 彼らは眞理より外れ、復活ははや過ぎたりと云ひて、或 人々の信仰を覆へすなり。
who have erred from the truth, saying, that the resurrection of the dead hath been, and the faith of some overturning.
19 されど神の据ゑ給へる堅き基は立てり、之に印あり、記して曰ふ『主おのれの者を知り給ふ』また『凡て主の名を稱ふる者は不義を離るべし』と。
But the true foundation of Aloha standeth; and it hath this signature: And the Lord knoweth them who are his. And, Let every one who invoketh the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.
20 大なる家の中には金 銀の器あるのみならず、木また土の器もあり、貴きに用ふるものあり、また賤しきに用ふるものあり。
But in a great house there are not vessels of gold only or of silver, but also of wood, also of clay: of them (some are) to honour, and of them (some) to dishonour.
21 人もし賤しきものを離れて自己を潔よくせば貴きに用ひらるる器となり、淨められて主の用に適ひ、凡ての善き業に備へらるべし。
If a man then purify himself from these, he will be a pure vessel unto honour, fitted for the use of his Lord, and prepared for every good work.
22 汝わかき時の慾を避け、主を清き心にて呼び求むる者とともに、義と信仰と愛と平和とを追ひ求めよ。
From all the lusts of youth escape; and pursue after righteousness, and faith, and charity, and peace, with them who call upon the Lord with a pure heart.
23 愚なる無學の議論を棄てよ、これより分爭の起るを知ればなり。
From foolish controversies which are without instruction withdraw; for thou knowest that they beget strifes.
24 主の僕は爭ふべからず、凡ての人に優しく能く教へ忍ぶことをなし、
But a servant of the Lord oweth not to strive, but to be gentle towards every man, and teaching, and long-suffering,
25 逆ふ者をば柔和をもて戒むべし、神あるひは彼らに悔改むる心を賜ひて眞理を悟らせ給はん。
that he may instruct them who would contend against him with meekness, if by any means Aloha may give them conversion, and they may acknowledge the truth,
26 彼ら一度は惡魔に囚はれたれど、醒めてその羂をのがれ、神の御心を行ふに至らん。
and be mindful of themselves, and remove from the snare of Satana, by whom they have been entrapped at his will.