< テサロニケ人への手紙第二 2 >
1 兄弟よ、我らの主イエス・キリストの來り給ふこと、又われらが主の許に集ふことに就きては、汝らに求む。
Now [I want to write to you] about the time when our Lord Jesus Christ will return and when [God] will gather us together to [where Jesus] is. My fellow believers, I urge you
2 或は靈により、或は言により、或は我等より出でし如き書により、主の日すでに來れりとて、容易く心を動かしかつ驚かざらん事を。
that you think calmly [about any message] that [claims/says] that the Lord has [already] come again. Do not be shaken or alarmed/worried by any such message. [It does not matter] if [it is a message that someone claims God’s Spirit] revealed to him, or if [it is some other message that someone] has spoken, or whether [it is a message that someone claims] that I wrote in a letter.
3 誰が如何にすとも、それに欺かるな。その日の前に背教の事あり、不法の人すなはち滅亡の子あらはれざるを得ず、
Do not allow anyone to deceive you in any way [with the result that you believe any such message]. 2 Thessalonians 2:3b-5 [The Lord] will not come [MTY] [immediately]. First, [many people] [PRS] will rebel [against God]. The result of their rebelling will be that [they will accept and obey] the man who will sin very greatly [against God].
4 彼はすべて神と稱ふる者および人の拜む者に逆ひ、此 等よりも己を高くし、遂に神の聖所に坐し己を神として見する者なり。
He will be the [supreme] enemy [of God]. He will [proudly] exalt himself above everything that [people] consider to be some god and above everything that people worship. [As a result of wanting people to worship him], he will [even enter] God’s Temple and sit down [there to rule]. He will publicly proclaim that he himself is God! But [God] will [certainly] punish that man forever!
5 われ汝らと偕に在りし時、これらの事を告げしを汝ら憶えぬか。
(I am sure that you remember that I kept telling you these things while I was still with you [there in Thessalonica]./Do you not remember that I continued telling you these things while I was still with you [there in Thessalonica]?) [RHQ]
6 彼をして己が時に至りて顯れしめんために、彼を阻めをる者を汝らは知る。
You also know that there is something (OR, someone) that is preventing this man [from being revealed] {[from revealing himself]}. This man is being (held back/restrained) [now] for him to be revealed {that he reveal himself} at the time that [God has planned] [MTY].
7 不法の秘密は既に働けり、然れど此はただ阻めをる者の除かるるまでなり。
[Although Satan] is already secretly causing [people] to reject [God’s] laws, (the one/God) who is preventing [this man from revealing himself] now [will continue to prevent him from doing that] until he/[God] removes him.
8 かくて其のとき不法の者あらはれん、而して主イエス御口の氣息をもて彼を殺し、降臨の輝耀をもて彼を亡し給はん。
It is then that [God will allow] this man, who rejects [God’s] laws [completely], to be revealed {to reveal himself}. Then the Lord Jesus will destroy him, by simply commanding it [MTY]. Jesus, by his own glorious arrival, will cause him to become [completely] powerless.
9 彼はサタンの活動に從ひて來り、もろもろの虚僞なる力と徴と不思議と、
But [before Jesus destroys him], Satan will make him very powerful. As a result, he [will do all kinds of supernatural] miracles and amazing things [DOU] that will seem as though [God has enabled him to do them].
10 不義のもろもろの誑惑とを行ひて、亡ぶる者どもに向はん、彼らは眞理を愛する愛を受けずして、救はるることを爲ざればなり。
And by doing wicked [things], he will completely deceive those who will [certainly] (perish/go to hell). [He will deceive them] because they will have refused to love the true [message]. So they will not be saved {God will not save them}. ()
11 この故に神は、彼らが虚僞を信ぜんために惑をその中に働かせ給ふ。
So, God, by his power, will enable this man to easily deceive people, so that they will believe what [this man] falsely [claims/says that he is].
12 これ眞理を信ぜず不義を喜ぶ者の、みな審かれん爲なり。
The result will be that everyone will be [rightly] condemned {that [God] will [justly] condemn everyone} [to be punished] who did not believe the true [message], but who instead gladly chose [to be doing] what is wicked.
13 されど主に愛せらるる兄弟よ、われら常に汝 等のために神に感謝せざるを得ず。神は御靈によれる潔と眞理に對する信仰とをもて、始より汝らを救に選び、
[Our] fellow believers, whom our Lord [Jesus] loves, we thank God very frequently for you. It is appropriate/right for us to do that, because God chose you (from the beginning [MTY] [of creation/before the world existed]) in order that he might save [you] as a result of [your] believing the true [message] and as a result of [God’s] Spirit setting you apart [for God].
14 また我らの主イエス・キリストの榮光を得させんとて、我らの福音をもて汝らを招き給へばなり。
[We thank God that] he chose you as a result of our [proclaiming] the message about Christ [to you], in order that you might (share in/have) some of the glory that our Lord Jesus Christ has.
15 されば兄弟よ、堅く立ちて我らの言あるひは書に由りて教へられたる傳を守れ。
So, [our fellow believers, continue to be firm concerning what you believe]; that is, continue believing the [true] teaching that we gave to you by our speaking to you and by our [writing] a letter [to you].
16 我らの主イエス・キリスト、及び我らを愛し恩惠をもて永遠の慰安と善き望とを與へ給ふ我らの父なる神、 (aiōnios )
Our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, our Father, loves us and encourages us and causes us to confidently expect [to receive] the eternal things that [he has promised to give to us] as a result of [Christ] acting kindly toward us in a way we did not deserve. (aiōnios )
17 願はくは汝らの心を慰めて、凡ての善き業と言とに堅うし給はんことを。
[We strongly pray that] God and Jesus together will encourage you! And we pray that they will cause you to continue doing and saying things that God considers to be good.