< サムエル記Ⅱ 5 >

1 爰にイスラエルの支派咸くヘブロンにきたりダビデにいたりていひけるは視よ我儕は汝の骨肉なり
Then [the leaders of] all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron, and said to him, “Listen, we have the same ancestors [IDM] that you do.
2 前にサウルが我儕の王たりし時にも汝はイスラエルを率ゐて出入する者なりきしかしてヱホバ汝に汝わが民イスラエルを牧養はん汝イスラエルの君長とならんといひたまへりと
In the past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led our Israeli soldiers [in our battles]. You are the one to whom Yahweh promised, ‘You will be the leader [MET] of my people; you will be their king.’”
3 斯くイスラエルの長老皆ヘブロンにきたり王に詣りければダビデ王ヘブロンにてヱホバのまへにかれらと契約をたてたり彼らすなはちダビデに膏を灑でイスラエルの王となす
So while Yahweh was listening, all those leaders of the people of Israel declared there at Hebron [that David would be their king]. And David made a sacred agreement with them. They anointed him [with olive oil to set him apart] to be the king of the Israeli people.
4 ダビデは王となりし時三十歳にして四十年の間位に在き
David was 30 years old when he became their king. He ruled them for 40 years.
5 即ちヘブロンにてユダを治むること七年と六箇月またエルサレムにてイスラエルとユダを全く治むること三十三年なり
In Hebron he ruled over the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years, and in Jerusalem he ruled over all the people of Judah and Israel for 33 years.
6 茲に王其從者とともにエルサレムに往き其地の居民ヱブス人を攻んとすヱブス人ダビデに語りていひけるは汝此に入ること能はざるべし反て盲者跛者汝を追はらはんと是彼らダビデ此に入るあたはずと思へるなり
[One day] King David and his soldiers went to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebus people-group who lived there. The people there thought that David’s army would not be able to capture the city, so they sent a message to David, saying “Your army will never be able to get inside our city! Even the blind and crippled people will be able to chase you away!”
7 然るにダビデ、シオンの要害を取り是即ちダビデの城邑なり
But David’s army captured the fortress on Zion [Hill], [and later it was known as] David’s City.
8 ダビデ其日いひけるは誰にても水道にいたりてヱブス人を撃ちまたダビデの心の惡める跛者と盲者を撃つ者は(首となし長となさん)と是によりて人々盲者と跛者は家に入るべからずといひなせり
On that day, David said [to his soldiers], “Those who want to get rid of the Jebus people-group should go through the water tunnel [to enter the city]. Then they can attack those people whom I [SYN] detest—[and we will find out if any] blind and crippled people [will be able to stop them]!” That is why people say, “Blind and crippled people cannot enter Yahweh’s temple.”
9 ダビデ其要害に住て之をダビデの城邑と名けたりまたダビデ、ミロ(城塞)より内の四方に建築をなせり
[After] David [and his soldiers captured] the city with its strong walls around it, he lived there, and they named it ‘David’s City’. David [and his soldiers] built the city around the fortress, starting where the [land was (filled in/terraces) on the east side of the hill].
10 かくてダビデはますます大に成りゆき且萬軍の神ヱホバこれと共にいませり
David continued to become more and more powerful/influential, because the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels was with/helping him.
11 ツロの王ヒラム使者をダビデに遣はして香柏および木匠と石工をおくれり彼らダビデの爲に家を建つ
[One day] Hiram, the king of Tyre [city], sent ambassadors/messengers to David [to talk about making agreements between their countries]. Hiram agreed to provide cedar trees [to make lumber], and also that he would send carpenters and masons, to build a palace for David.
12 ダビデ、ヱホバのかたく己をたててイスラエルの王となしたまへるを暁りまたヱホバの其民イスラエルのために其國を興したまひしを暁れり
His doing that caused David to realize that Yahweh truly had appointed him to be the king of Israel, and that Yahweh was going to cause his kingdom to prosper, because Yahweh loved the Israeli people, whom [he had chosen to] belong to him.
13 ダビデ、ヘブロンより來りし後エルサレムの中よりまた妾と妻を納たれば男子女子またダビデに生る
After David moved from Hebron to Jerusalem, he took more slave women to be his second-class wives, and he also married other women. [All of those women] gave birth to more sons and daughters.
14 ヱルサレムにて彼に生れたる者の名はかくのごとしシヤンマ、シヨバブ、ナタン、ソロモン
The names of the sons who were born in Jerusalem were Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
15 イブハル、エリシユア、ネペグ、ヤピア
Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,
16 エリシヤマ、エリアダ、エリバレテ
Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.
17 爰に膏を沃いでダビデをイスラエルの王と爲し事ペリシテ人に聞えければペリシテ人皆ダビデを獲んとて上るダビデ聞て要害に下れり
When the Philistia people heard that David had been appointed to be the king of Israel, their army went up [toward Jerusalem] to try to capture David. But David heard that they were coming, so he went down to another fortified place.
18 ペリシテ人臻りてレバイムの谷に布き備たり
The [army of] Philistia arrived at Rephaim Valley [southwest of Jerusalem] and spread all over the valley.
19 ダビデ、ヱホバに問ていひけるは我ペリシテ人にむかひて上るべきや汝かれらをわが手に付したまふやヱホバ、ダビデにいひたまひけるは上れ我必らずペリシテ人を汝の手にわたさん
David asked Yahweh, “Should [my men and] I attack the Philistia army? Will you enable us to defeat them [IDM]?” Yahweh replied, “Yes, attack them, because I will certainly enable your army to defeat them. [IDM]”
20 ダビデ、バアルペラジムに至りかれらを其所に撃ていひけるはヱホバ水の破壞り出るごとく我敵をわが前に破壞りたまへりと是故に其所の名をバアルペラジム(破壞の處)と呼ぶ
So David [and his army] went to [where the Philistia army was], and there they defeated them. Then David said, “Yahweh has burst through my enemies like a flood.” [SIM] So that place is called ‘Lord of Bursting-through’.
21 彼處に彼等其偶像を遺たればダビデと其從者これを取あげたり
The Philistia men left their idols there; so David and his soldiers took them away.
22 ペリシテ人再び上りてレバイムの谷に布き備へたれば
Then the Philistia [army] returned to Rephaim Valley and spread all over the valley.
23 ダビデ、ヱホバに問にヱホバいひたまひけるは上るべからず彼等の後にまはりベカの樹の方より彼等を襲へ
So again David asked Yahweh [if his army should attack them]. But Yahweh replied, “Do not attack them [from here]. Tell your men to go around them and attack them from the other side, near the balsam trees.
24 汝ベカの樹の上に進行の音を聞ばすなけち突出づべし其時にはヱホバ汝のまへにいでてペリシテ人の軍を撃たまふべければなりと
When you hear something in the tops of the balsam trees that sounds like [an army] marching, attack them, because I will have gone ahead of you [to enable your army] to defeat their army.”
25 ダビデ、ヱホバのおのれに命じたまひしごとくなしペリシテ人を撃てゲバよりガゼルにいたる
So David did what Yahweh told him to do, and his [army] defeated the Philistia army from Geba [city] all the way [west] to Gezer [city].

< サムエル記Ⅱ 5 >