< サムエル記Ⅱ 15 >

1 此後アブサロム己のために戰車と馬ならびに己のまへに驅る者五十人を備たり
Sometime later, Absalom got himself a chariot with horses, and fifty men as bodyguards to run ahead of him.
2 アブサロム夙く興きて門の途の傍にたち人の訴訟ありて王に裁判を求めんとて來る時はアブサロム其人を呼ていふ爾は何の邑の者なるやと其人僕はイスラエルの某の支派の者なりといへば
He used to get up early and stand by the main road that led to the city gate. When people brought a case to the king for his decision, Absalom would call out and ask them, “What town are you from?” If they replied, “Your servant is from this particular tribe of Israel,”
3 アブサロム其人にいふ見よ爾の事は善くまた正し然ど爾に聽くべき人は王いまだ立ずと
Absalom would tell them, “Look, you're in the right and you've got a good case. It's such a shame there's no one from the king to hear you.”
4 アブサロム又嗚呼我を此地の士師となす者もがな然れば凡て訴訟と公事ある者は我に來りて我之に公義を爲しあたへんといふ
Then he would say, “If only there was someone to appoint me as judge for the country. Then everyone could come to me with their case or complaint, and I would give them justice.”
5 また人彼を拝せんとて近づく時は彼手をのばして其人を扶け之に接吻す
When anyone came to bow down before him, Absalom would stop them by reaching out his hand, taking hold of him, and kissing him.
6 アブサロム凡て王に裁判を求めんとて來るイスラエル人に是のごとくなせり斯アブサロムはイスラエルの人々の心を取り
This is how Absalom treated all the Israelites who came to the king for his judgment. So he captured the loyalty of the men of Israel.
7 斯て四年の後アブサロム王にいひけるは請ふ我をして往てヘブロンにてヱホバに我嘗て立し願を果さしめよ
Four years later Absalom asked the king, “Please let me go to Hebron to fulfill a promise I made to the Lord.
8 其は僕スリアのゲシユルに居し時願を立て若しヱホバ誠に我をエルサレムに携歸りたまはば我ヱホバに事へんと言たればなりと
For I, your servant, made this promise while living at Geshur in Aram, saying: ‘If the Lord does bring me back to Jerusalem, I will worship the Lord in Hebron.’”
9 王かれにいひけるは安然に往けと彼すなはち起てヘブロンに往り
“Go in peace,” said the king. So Absalom went to Hebron.
10 しかしてアブサロム窺ふ者をイスラエルの支派の中に徧く遣はして言せけるは爾等喇叭の音を聞ばアブサロム、ヘブロンにて王となれりと思ふべしと
Then Absalom sent his accomplices among all the tribes of Israel, saying, “When you hear the sound of the ram's horn, you shout, ‘Absalom is king at Hebron!’”
11 二百人の招かれたる者エルサレムよりアブサロムとともにゆけり彼らは何心なくゆきて何事をもしらざりき
Two hundred men from Jerusalem went with Absalom. They had been invited and went in all innocence, because they didn't know anything about what was planned.
12 アブサロム犠牲をささぐる時にダビデの議官ギロ人アヒトペルを其邑ギロより呼よせたり徒黨強くして民次第にアブサロムに加はりぬ
While Absalom was offering sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's advisor, asking him to come from Giloh, the town where he lived. The conspiracy grew stronger, and Absalom's followers went on increasing.
13 爰に使者ダビデに來りてイスラエルの人の心アブサロムにしたがふといふ
A messenger came to tell David, “Absalom has the loyalty of the men of Israel.”
14 ダビデおのれと共にエルサレムに居る凡ての僕にいひけるは起てよ我ら逃ん然らずば我らアブサロムより遁るるあたはざるべし急ぎ往け恐らくは彼急ぎて我らに追ひつき我儕に害を蒙らせ刃をもて邑を撃ん
David said to all the officials with him in Jerusalem, “Quick! Let's go! Otherwise we won't be able to get away from Absalom! We must leave immediately, or he will soon catch up with us, attack us, and kill the people here in the city.”
15 王の僕等王にいひけるは視よ僕等王わが主の選むところを凡て爲ん
“Whatever Your Majesty decides, we'll do what you want,” the king's servants replied.
16 王いでゆき其全家これにしたがふ王十人の妾なる婦を遺して家をまもらしむ
The king set off with his whole household following him, but he left behind ten concubines to look after the palace.
17 王いでゆき民みな之にしたがふ彼等遠の家に息めり
The king left with all his soldiers following him. He stopped at the last house,
18 かれの僕等みな其傍に進みケレテ人とペレテ人および彼にしたがひてガテよりきたれる六百人のガテ人みな王のまへに進めり
and all his men marched past him, including all the Cherethites and Pelethites, and six hundred Gittites who had come with him from Gath.
19 時に王がガテ人イツタイにいひけるは何ゆゑに爾もまた我らとともにゆくや爾かへりて王とともにをれ爾は外國人にして移住て處をもとむる者なり
The king said to Ittai the Gittite, “Why are you coming with us too? Go back and stay with the new king, because you are a foreigner and an exile a long way from home.
20 爾は昨日來れり我は今日わが得るところに往くなれば豈爾をして我らとともにさまよはしむべけんや爾歸り爾の兄弟をも携歸るべしねがはくは恩と眞實爾とともにあれ
You only just got here, so why should I make you wander around with us now when I don't even know where I am going? Go back and take your men with you. May the Lord show you kindness and faithfulness.”
21 イツタイ王に答へていひけるはヱホバは活く王わが主は活く誠に王わが主いかなる處に坐すとも生死ともに僕もまた其處に居るべし
But Ittai answered the king, “As the Lord lives, and as Your Majesty lives, wherever Your Majesty may be, whether dead or alive, that's where your servant will be!”
22 ダビデ、イツタイにいひけるは進みゆけガテ人イツタイ乃ち進みかれのすべての從者およびかれとともにある妻子皆進めり
“Go ahead, march on!” David replied. Ittai the Gittite marched past with all his men and all the families that were with him.
23 國中皆大聲をあげて哭き民皆進む王もまたキデロン川を渡りて進み民皆進みて野の道におもむけり
All the people in the countryside were crying aloud as everyone with David passed by. They crossed the Kidron Valley with the king on the way toward the wilderness.
24 視よザドクおよび倶にあるレビ人もまた皆神の契約の櫃を舁ていたり神の櫃をおろして民の悉く邑よりいづるをまてりアビヤタルもまたのぼれり
Zadok was there too, and all the Levites were with him, carrying the Ark of God's Agreement. They set down the Ark of God, and Abiathar offered sacrifices until everyone had left the city.
25 ここに王ザドクにいひけるは神の櫃を邑に舁もどせ若し我ヱホバのまへに恩をうるならばヱホバ我を携かへりて我にこれを見し其往處を見したまはん
Then the king told Zadok, “Take the Ark of God back to the city. If I find the Lord approves of me, he will bring me back and let me see both the Ark and his Tent again.
26 されどヱホバもし汝を悦ばずと斯いひたまはば視よ我は此にあり其目に善と見ゆるところを我になしたまへ
But if he says, ‘I'm not happy with you,’ then here I stand. Let him do to me whatever he thinks best.”
27 王また祭司ザドクにいひけるは汝先見者汝らの二人の子即ち汝の子アヒマアズとアビヤタルの子ヨナタンを伴ひて安然に城邑に歸れ
The king also told Zadok the priest, “You understand the situation, don't you? Go back to the city safely with your son Ahimaaz, and also Jonathan, son of Abiathar. You and Abiathar take both of your sons back with you.
28 見よ我は汝より言のきたりて我に告るまで野の渡場に留まらんと
I'll wait at the fords of the wilderness until I hear from you.”
29 ザドクとアビヤタルすなはち神の櫃をエルサレムに舁もどりて彼處に止まれり
Zadok and Abiathar took the Ark of God back to Jerusalem and remained there.
30 ここにダビデ橄欖山の路を陟りしが陟るときに哭き其首を蒙みて跣足にて行りかれと倶にある民皆各其首を蒙みてのぼり哭つつのぼれり
David went on his way up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he did so. He had his head covered, and walked barefoot. All the people with him covered their heads, weeping as they went along.
31 時にアヒトペルがアブサロムに與せる者の中にあることダビデに聞えければダビデいふヱホバねがはくはアヒトペルの計策を愚ならしめたまへと
David was told, “Ahithophel is one of the people conspiring with Absalom.” So David prayed, “Lord, please make Ahithophel's advice worthless.”
32 ダビデ嶺にある神を拝する處に至れる時視よアルキ人ホシヤイ衣を裂き土を頭にかむりてきたりてダビデを迎ふ
When David arrived at the top of the Mount of Olives, where people worshiped God, there to meet him was Hushai the Archite, with his robe torn and with dust on his head.
33 ダビデかれにいひけるは爾若し我とともに進まば我の負となるべし
David told him, “If you come with me, you'll only be a burden to me,
34 されど汝もし城邑にかへりてアブサロムにむかひ王よ我爾の僕となるべし此まで爾の父の僕たりしごとく今また汝の僕となるべしといはば爾はわがためにアヒトペルの計策を敗るにいたらん
but if you go back to the city and tell Absalom, ‘I will be your servant, Your Majesty! Formerly I worked for your father, but now I'll work for you,’ then you can block Ahithophel's advice for me.
35 祭司ザドクとアビヤタル爾とともに彼處にあるにあらずや是故に爾が王の家より聞たる事はことごとく祭司ザドクとアビヤタルに告べし
Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, will be there too. Tell them everything you hear in the king's palace.
36 視よかれらとともに彼處にはその二人の子即ちザドクの子アヒマアズとアビヤタルの子ヨナタンをるなり爾ら其聞たる事をことごとく彼等の手によりて我に通ずべし
Their two sons, Ahimaaz and Jonathan, are there with them. Send them to me so they can tell me everything you hear.”
37 ダビデの友ホシヤイすなはち城邑にいたりぬ時にアブサロムはエルサレムに入居たり
David's friend Hushai arrived back in Jerusalem at the same time Absalom was entering the city.

< サムエル記Ⅱ 15 >