< サムエル記Ⅱ 14 >

1 ゼルヤの子ヨアブ王の心のアブサロムに趣くを知れり
Then Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah perceyued, that the Kings heart was toward Absalom,
2 ヨアブ乃ちテコアに人を遣りて彼處より一人の哲婦を呼きたらしめて其婦にいひけるは請ふ汝喪にある眞似して喪の服を着油む身にぬらず死者のために久しく哀しめる婦のごとく爲りて
And Ioab sent to Tekoah, and brought thence a subtile woman, and sayd vnto her, I pray thee, fayne thy selfe to mourne, and nowe put on mourning apparel, and anoynt not thy selfe with oyle: but be as a woman that had now long time mourned for the dead.
3 王の所にいたり是のごとくかれに語るべしとヨアブ其語言をかれの口に授けたり
And come to the King, and speake on this maner vnto him, (for Ioab taught her what she should say).
4 テコアの婦王にいたり地に伏て拝し王にいひけるは王よ助けたまへ
Then the woman of Tekoah spake vnto the king, and fel downe on her face to the ground, and did obeysance, and sayd, Helpe, O King.
5 王婦にひけるは何事なるや婦いひけるは我は實に嫠婦にしてわが夫は死り
Then the King sayd vnto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, I am in deede a widow, and mine husband is dead:
6 仕女に二人の子あり倶に野に爭ひしが誰もかれらを排解ものなきにより此遂に彼を撃て殺せり
And thine handmayd had two sonnes, and they two stroue together in the fielde: (and there was none to part them) so the one smote the other, and slew him.
7 是において視よ全家仕女に逼りていふ其兄弟を撃殺したる者を付せ我らかれをその殺したる兄弟の生命のために殺さんと斯く嗣子をも滅ぼし存れるわが炭火を熄てわが夫の名をも遺存をも地の面に無らしめんとす
And beholde, the whole familie is risen against thine handmayde, and they sayde, Deliuer him that smote his brother, that we may kill him for the soule of his brother whome hee slewe, that we may destroy the heire also: so they shall quenche my sparkle which is left, and shall not leaue to mine husband neither name nor posteritie vpon the earth.
8 王婦にいひけるは汝の家に往け我汝の事につきて命令を下さん
And the King said vnto the woman, Go to thine house, and I wil giue a charge for thee.
9 テコアの婦王にいひけるは王わが主よねがはくは其罪は我とわが父の家に歸して王と王の位には罪あらざれ
Then the woman of Tekoah said vnto the King, My lord, O King, this trespas be on me, and on my fathers house, and the King and his throne be giltlesse.
10 王いひけるは誰にても爾に語る者をば我に將來れしかせば彼かさねて爾に觸ること无るべし
And the King sayde, Bring him to me that speaketh against thee, and he shall touche thee no more.
11 婦いひけるは願くは王爾の神ヱホバを憶えてかの仇を報ゆる者をして重て滅すことを爲しめず我子を斷ことなからしめたまへと王いひけるはヱホバは生く爾の子の髮毛一すぢも地に隕ることなかるべし
Then said she, I pray thee, let the King remember the Lord thy God, that thou wouldest not suffer many reuengers of blood to destroy, lest they slay my sonne. And he answered, As the Lord liueth, there shall not one heare of thy sonne fall to the earth.
12 婦いひけるは請ふ仕女をして一言わが主王に言しめたまヘダビデいひけるは言ふべし
Then the woman said, I pray thee, let thine handmayde speake a worde to my lord the King. And he sayd, Say on.
13 婦いひけるは爾なんぞ斯る事を神の民にむかひて思ひたるや王此言を言ふにより王は罪ある者のごとし其は王その放れたる者を歸らしめざればなり
Then the woman sayde, Wherefore then hast thou thought such a thing against the people of God? or why doeth the King, as one which is faultie, speake this thing, that he will not bring againe his banished?
14 抑我儕は死ざるべからず我儕は地に潟れたる水の再び聚る能はざるがごとし神は生命を取りたまはず方法を設けて其放れたる者をして己の所より放たれをることなからしむ
For we must needes dye, and we are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered vp againe: neither doeth God spare any person, yet doeth he appoynt meanes, not to cast out from him, him that is expelled.
15 我此事を王我主に言んとて來れるは民我を恐れしめたればなり故に仕女謂らく王に言ん王婢の言を行ひたまふならんと
Nowe therefore that I am come to speake of this thing vnto my lord the King, the cause is that the people haue made me afrayd: therefore thine handmayde sayd, Nowe will I speake vnto the King: it may be that the King will perfourme the request of his handmayde.
16 其は王聞て我とわが子を共に滅して神の產業に離れしめんとする人の手より婢を救ひいだしたまふべければなり
For the King wil heare, to deliuer his handmayde out of the hande of the man that woulde destroy mee, and also my sonne from the inheritance of God.
17 仕女また思り王わが主の言は慰となるべしと其は神の使のごとく王わが主は善も惡も聽たまへばなりねがはくは爾の神ヱホバ爾と共に在せと
Therefore thine handmaid sayd, The word of my lord the King shall now be comfortable: for my lorde the King is euen as an Angel of God in hearing of good and bad: therefore the Lord thy God be with thee.
18 王こたへて婦にいひけるは請ふわが爾に問んところの事を我に隱すなかれ婦いふ請ふ王わが主言たまへ
Then the King answered, and said vnto the woman, Hide not from me, I pray thee, the thing that I shall aske thee. And the woman sayde, Let my lord the King now speake.
19 王いひけるは比すべての事においてはヨアブの手爾とともにあるや婦答へていひけるは爾の霊魂は活く王わが主よ凡て王わが主の言たまひしところは右にも左にもまがらず皆に爾の僕ヨアブ我に命じ是等の言を悉く仕女の口に授けたり
And the King said, Is not the hand of Ioab with thee in all this? Then the woman answered, and sayd, As thy soule liueth, my lord the King, I will not turne to the right hande nor to the left, from ought that my lorde the King hath spoken: for euen thy seruant Ioab bade mee, and he put all these wordes in the mouth of thine handmayde.
20 其事の見ゆるとこるを變んとて爾の僕ヨアブ此事をなしたるなり然どわが主は神の使の智慧のごとく智慧ありて地にある事を悉く知たまふと
For to the intent that I should chage the forme of speach, thy seruant Ioab hath done this thing: but my lord is wise according to the wisdome of an Angel of God to vnderstande all things that are in the earth.
21 是において王ヨアブにいひけるは視よ我此事を爲すされば往て少年アブサロムを携歸るべし
And the King sayde vnto Ioab, Beholde nowe, I haue done this thing: go then, and bring the yong man Absalom againe.
22 ヨアブ地に伏し拝し王を祝せりしかしてヨアブいひけるは王わが主よ王僕の言を行ひたまへば今日僕わが爾に惠るるを知ると
And Ioab fell to the grounde on his face, and bowed himselfe, and thanked the King. Then Ioab sayde, This day thy seruant knoweth, that I haue found grace in thy sight, my lord the King, in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his seruant.
23 ヨアブ乃ち起てゲシユルに往きアブサロムをエルサレムに携きたれり
And Ioab arose, and went to Geshur, and brought Absalom to Ierusalem.
24 王いひけるは彼は其家に退くべしわが面を見るべからずと故にアブサロム己の家に退きて王の面を觀ざりき
And the King sayde, Let him turne to his owne house, and not see my face. So Absalom turned to his owne house, and saw not the Kings face.
25 偖イスラエルの中にアブサロムのごとく其美貌のために讃られたる人はなかりき其足の跖より頭の頂にいたるまで彼には瑕疵あることなし
Nowe in all Israel there was none to be so much praysed for beautie as Absalom: from the sole of his foote euen to the toppe of his head there was no blemish in him.
26 アブサロム其頭を剪る時其頭の髮を衡るに王の權衡の二百シケルあり毎年の終にアブサロム其頭を剪り是は己の重によりて剪たるなり
And when he polled his head, (for at euery yeeres ende he polled it: because it was too heauie for him, therefore he polled it) he weyghed the heare of his head at two hundreth shekels by the Kings weight.
27 アブサロムに三人の男子と一人のタマルといふ女子生れたりタマルは美女なり
And Absalom had three sonnes, and one daughter named Tamar, which was a fayre woman to looke vpon.
28 アブサロム二年のあひだエルサレムにをりたれども王の顔を見ざりき
So Absalom dwelt the space of two yeres in Ierusalem, and saw not the Kings face.
29 是によりてアブサロム王に遣さんとてヨアブを呼に遣はしけるが彼來ることを肯ぜず再び遣せしかども來ることを肯ぜざりき
Therefore Absalom sent for Ioab to sende him to the King, but he would not come to him: and when he sent againe, he would not come.
30 アブサロム其僕にいひけるは視よヨアブの田地は我の近くにありて其處に大麥あり往て其に火を放てとアブサロムの僕等田地に火を放てり
Therefore he sayde vnto his seruants, Beholde, Ioab hath a fielde by my place, and hath barley therein: go, and set it on fire: and Absaloms seruants set the field on fire.
31 ヨアブ起てアブサロムの家に來りてこれにいひけるは何故に爾の僕等田地に火を放たるや
Then Ioab arose, and came to Absalom vnto his house, and sayd vnto him, Wherefore haue thy seruants burnt my field with fire?
32 アブサロム、ヨアブにいひけるは我人を爾に遣はして此に來れ我爾を王につかはさんと言り即ち爾をして王に我何のためにゲシユルよりきたりしや彼處に尚あらば我ためには反て善しと言しめんとせり然ば我今王の面を見ん若し我に罪あらば王我を殺すべし
And Absalom answered Ioab, Beholde, I sent for thee, saying, Come thou hither, and I wil send thee to the King for to say, Wherefore am I come from Geshur? It had bene better for me to haue bene there still: nowe therefore let mee see the Kings face: and if there be any trespasse in me, let him kill me.
33 ヨアブ王にいたりてこれに告たれば王アブサロムを召す彼王にいたりて王のまへに地に伏て拝せり王アブサロムに接吻す
Then Ioab came to the King, and told him: and he called for Absalom, who came to the King, and bowed himselfe to the grounde on his face before the King, and the King kissed Absalom.

< サムエル記Ⅱ 14 >