< ペテロの手紙第二 2 >

1 されど民のうちに僞 預言者おこりき、その如く汝らの中にも僞 教師あらん。彼らは滅亡にいたる異端を持ち入れ、己らを買ひ給ひし主をさへ否みて、速かなる滅亡を自ら招くなり。
But there were false prophets also in the nation, just as there will be false teachers among you, people who will secretly introduce ruinous divisions, disowning even the Lord who bought them, and bringing speedy ruin on themselves.
2 また多くの人かれらの好色に隨はん、之によりて眞の道を譏らるべし。
There will be many, too, who will follow their licentious courses, and cause the way of the truth to be maligned.
3 彼らは貪慾によりて飾言を設け、汝 等より利をとらん。彼らの審判は古へより定められたれば遲からず、その滅亡は寢ねず。
In their covetousness they will try to make you a source of profit by their fabrications; but for a long time past their sentence has not been standing idle, nor their ruin slumbering.
4 神は罪を犯しし御使たちを赦さずして地獄に投げいれ、之を黒闇の穴におきて審判の時まで看守し、 (Tartaroō g5020)
Remember, God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them down to Tartarus, and consigned them to caverns of darkness, to be kept under guard for judgment. (Tartaroō g5020)
5 また古き世を容さずして、ただ義の宣傅者なるノアと他の七人とをのみ護り、敬虔ならぬ者の世に洪水を來らせ、
Nor did he spare the world of old; though he preserved Noah, the preacher of righteousness, and seven others, when he brought a flood on the godless world.
6 またソドムとゴモラとの町を滅亡に定めて灰となし、後の不 敬虔をおこなふ者の鑑とし、
He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and reduced them to ashes, holding them up as a warning to the godless of what was in store for them;
7 ただ無法の者どもの好色の擧動を憂ひし正しきロトのみを救ひ給へり。
but he rescued righteous Lot, whose heart was vexed by the wanton licentiousness of his neighbors;
8 (この正しき人は彼らの中に住みて、日々その不法の行爲を見 聞して、己が正しき心を傷めたり)
for, seeing and hearing what he did, as he lived his righteous life among them, day after day, Lot’s righteous soul was tortured by their wicked doings.
9 かく主は敬虔なる者を試煉の中より救ひ、また正しからぬ者を審判の日まで看守して之を罰し、
The Lord, therefore, knows how to deliver the pious from temptation, and to keep the wicked, who are even now suffering punishment, in readiness for ‘the day of judgment’ –
10 別けて、肉に隨ひて、汚れたる情 慾のうちを歩み、權ある者を輕んずる者を罰することを知り給ふ。この曹輩は膽 太く放縱にして、尊き者どもを譏りて畏れぬなり。
especially those who, following the promptings of their lower nature, indulge their polluting passions and despise all control. Audacious and self-willed, they feel no awe of the celestial beings, maligning them,
11 御使たちはかの尊き者どもに勝りて、大なる權勢と能力とあれど、彼らを主の御前に譏り訴ふることをせず。
even where angels, though excelling them in strength and power, do not bring against them a malignant charge before the Lord.
12 然れど、かの曹輩は恰も捕へられ屠らるるために生れたる辯別なき生物のごとし、知らぬことを譏り、不義の價をえて必ず亡さるべし。
These people, however, like animals without reason, intended by nature to be caught and killed – these people, I say, malign those of whom they know nothing, and will assuredly perish through their own corruption,
13 彼らは晝もなほ酒食を快樂とし誘惑を樂しみ、汝らと共に宴席に與りて、汚點となり瑕となる。
suffering themselves, as the penalty for the suffering that they have inflicted. They think that pleasure consists in the self-indulgence of the moment. They are a stain and a disgrace, indulging, as they do, in their wanton revelry, even while joining you at your feasts.
14 その目は淫婦にて滿ち罪に飽くことなし、彼らは靈魂の定らぬ者を惑し、その心は貪欲に慣れて呪詛の子たり。
They have eyes only for adulteresses, eyes never tired of sin; they entice weak souls; their minds are trained to covet; they live under a curse.
15 彼らは正しき道を離れて迷ひいで、ベオルの子バラムの道に隨へり。バラムは不義の報を愛して、
Leaving the straight road, they have gone astray and followed in the steps of Balaam, the son of Beor, who set his heart on the reward for wrongdoing,
16 その不法を咎められたり。物 言はぬ驢馬、人の聲して語り、かの預言者の狂を止めたればなり。
but was rebuked for his offense. A dumb animal spoke with a human voice, and checked the prophet’s madness.
17 この曹輩は水なき井なり、颶風に逐はるる雲霧なり、黒き闇かれらの爲に備へられたり。
These people are like springs without water, or mists driven before a gale; and for them the blackest darkness has been reserved.
18 彼らは虚しき誇をかたり、迷の中にある者どもより辛うじて遁れたる者を、肉の慾と好色とをもて惑し、
With boastful and foolish talk, they appeal to the passions of people’s lower nature, and, by their profligacy, entice those who are just escaping from the people who live such misguided lives.
19 之に自由を與ふることを約すれど、自己は滅亡の奴隷たり、敗くる者は勝つ者に奴隷とせらるればなり。
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves to corrupt habits; for a person is the slave of anything to which they give way.
20 彼 等もし主なる救主イエス・キリストを知るによりて、世の汚穢をのがれしのち、復これに纏はれて敗くる時は、その後の状は前よりもなほ惡しくなるなり。
If, after having escaped the polluting influences of the world, through knowing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, people are again entangled in them, and give way to them, their last state has become worse than their first.
21 義の道を知りて、その傳へられたる聖なる誡命を去り往かんよりは寧ろ義の道を知らぬを勝れりとす。
It would, indeed, have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn away from the holy command delivered to them.
22 俚諺に『犬おのが吐きたる物に歸り來り、豚 身を洗ひてまた泥の中に轉ぶ』と云へるは眞にして、能く彼らに當れり。
In their case is seen the truth of the proverb – ‘A dog returns to what it has vomited’ and ‘A sow after washing to her wallowing-place in the mud.’

< ペテロの手紙第二 2 >