< 列王記Ⅱ 6 >
1 茲に預言者の徒エリシヤに言けるは視よ我儕が汝とともに住ふ所はわれらのために隘し
And the children of the Prophets saide vnto Elisha, Behold, we pray thee, the place where we dwell with thee, is too litle for vs.
2 請ふ我儕をしてヨルダンに往しめよ我儕おのおの彼處より一の材木を取て其處に我儕の住べき處を設けんエリシヤ往よと言ふ
Let vs nowe goe to Iorden, that we may take thence euery man a beame, and make vs a place to dwell in. And he answered, Goe.
3 時にその一人希はくは汝も僕等と共に往けと言ければエリシヤ答へて我ゆかんと言ふ
And one said, Vouchsafe, I pray thee, to go with thy seruants, and he answered, I will goe.
4 エリシヤかく彼等とともに往り彼等すなはちヨルダンにいたりて樹を砍りたふしけるが
So he went with them, and when they came to Iorden, they cut downe wood.
5 一人の材木を砍りたふすに方りてその斧水におちいりしかば叫びて嗚呼主よ是は乞得たる者なりと言ふ
And as one was felling of a tree, the yron fell into the water: then he cryed, and said, Alas master, it was but borowed.
6 神の人其は何處におちいりしやと言ふにその處をしらせしかば則ち枝を切おとして其處に投いれてその斧を浮ましめ
And the man of God saide, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. Then he cut downe a piece of wood, and cast in thither, and he caused the yron to swimme.
7 汝これを取れと言ければその人手を伸てこれを取り
Then he saide, Take it vp to thee. And he stretched out his hand, and tooke it.
8 茲にスリアの王イスラエルと戰ひをりその臣僕と評議して斯々の處に我陣を張んと言たれば
Then the King of Aram warred against Israel, and tooke counsell with his seruants, and said, In such and such a place shalbe my campe.
9 神の人イスラエルの王に言おくりけるは汝愼んで某の處を過るなかれ其はスリア人其處に下ればなりと
Therefore the man of God sent vnto the King of Israel, saying, Beware thou goe not ouer to such a place: for there the Aramites are come downe.
10 イスラエルの王是において神の人が己に告げ己に敎たる處に人を遣して其處に自防しこと一二回に止まらざりき
So the King of Israel sent to the place which the man of God tolde him, and warned him of, and saued himselfe from thence, not once, nor twise.
11 是をもてスリアの王是事のために心をなやましその臣僕を召て我儕の中誰がイスラエルの王と通じをるかを我に告ざるやと言ふに
And the heart of the King of Aram was troubled for this thing: therefore he called his seruants and saide vnto them, Will ye not shewe me, which of vs bewrayeth our counsel to the king of Israel?
12 その臣僕の一人言ふ王わが主よ然るにあらず但イスラエルの預言者エリシヤ汝が寝室にて語る所の言語をもイスラエルの王に告るなり
Then one of his seruants saide, None, my lorde, O King, but Elisha the Prophet that is in Israel, telleth the King of Israel, euen the wordes that thou speakest in thy priuie chamber.
13 王いひけるは往て彼が安に居かを見よ我人をやりてこれを執へんと茲に彼はドタンに居ると王に告ていふ者ありければ
And he said, Goe, and espie where he is, that I may sende and fetch him. And one tolde him, saying, Beholde, he is in Dothan.
14 王そこに馬と車および大軍をつかはせり彼等すなはち夜の中に來りてその邑を取かこみけるが
So he sent thither horses, and charets, and a mightie hoste: and they came by night, and compassed the citie.
15 神の人の從屬夙に興て出て見に軍勢馬と車をもて邑を取かこみ居ればその少者エリシヤに言けるは嗚呼わが主よ我儕如何にすべきや
And when the seruant of the man of God arose earely to goe out, beholde, an hoste compassed the citie with horses and charets. Then his seruant sayde vnto him, Alas master, howe shall we doe?
16 エリシヤ答へけるは懼るなかれ我儕とともにある者は彼等とともにある者よりも多しと
And he answered, Feare not: for they that be with vs, are moe then they that be with them.
17 ヱリシヤ祈りて願くはヱホバかれの目を開きて見させたまへと言ければヱホバその少者の眼を開きたまへり彼すなはち見るに火の馬と火の車山に盈てエリシヤの四面に在り
Then Elisha prayed, and saide, Lord, I beseech thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the seruant, and he looked, and beholde, the mountaine was full of horses and charets of fyre round about Elisha.
18 スリア人エリシヤの所に下りいたれる時エリシヤ、ヱホバに祈りて言ふ願くは此人々をして目昏しめたまへと即ちエリシヤの言のごとくにその目を昏しめたまへり
So they came downe to him, but Elisha prayed vnto the Lord, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindnesse. And he smote them with blindnes, according to the worde of Elisha.
19 是においてエリシヤ彼らに言けるは是はその途にあらず是はその城にもあらず我に從ひて來れ我汝らを汝らが尋ぬる人の所に携ゆかんとて彼等をサマリヤにひき至れり
And Elisha said vnto them, This is not the way, neither is this the citie: follow me, and I will leade you to the man whome ye seeke. But he ledde them to Samaria.
20 彼等がサマリヤに至りし時エリシヤ言けるはヱホバよ此人々の目をひらきて見させたまへと即ちヱホバかれらの目を開きたまひたれば彼等見るにその身はサマリヤの中にあり
And when they were come to Samaria, Elisha saide, Lord, open their eyes that they may see. And the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw, and beholde, they were in the mids of Samaria.
21 イスラエルの王かれらを見てエリシヤに言けるはわが父よ我撃殺すべきや撃殺すべきや
And the King of Israel sayde vnto Elisha when he sawe them, My father, shall I smite them, shall I smite them?
22 エリシヤ答けるは撃殺すべからず汝劍と弓をもて擄にせる者等を撃殺すことを爲んやパンと水と彼らの前にそなへて食飮せしめてその主君に往しむべきなり
And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them: doest thou not smite them that thou hast taken with thy sworde, and with thy bowe? but set bread and water before them, that they may eate and drinke and goe to their master.
23 王すなはちかれらの爲に大なる饗宴をまうけ其食飮ををはるに及びてこれを去しめたればすなはち其主君に歸れり是をもてスリアの兵ふたたびイスラエルの地に入ざりき
And he made great preparation for them: and when they had eaten and drunken, he sent them away: and they went to their master. So ye bands of Aram came no more into the land of Israel.
24 此後スリアの王ベネハダデその全軍を集めて上りきたりてサマリヤを攻圍みければ
But afterward Ben-hadad King of Aram gathered all his hoste, and went vp, and besieged Samaria.
25 サマリヤ大に糧食に乏しくなれり即ちかれら之を攻かこみたれば遂に驢馬の頭一箇は銀八十枚にいたり鳩の糞一カブの四分の一は銀五枚にいたる
So there was a great famine in Samaria: for loe, they besieged it vntill an asses head was at foure score pieces of siluer, and the fourth part of a kab of doues doung at fiue pieces of siluer.
26 茲にイスラエルの王石垣の上を通りをる時一人の婦人かれに呼はりて我主王よ助けたまへと言ければ
And as the King of Israel was going vpon the wall, there cryed a woman vnto him, saying, Helpe, my lord, O King.
27 彼言ふヱホバもし汝を助けたまはずば我何をもてか汝を助くることを得ん禾場の物をもてせんか酒榨の中の物をもてせんか
And he said, Seeing the Lord doeth not succour thee, howe shoulde I helpe thee with the barne, or with the wine presse?
28 王すなはち婦に何事なるやと言ば答へて言ふ此婦人我にむかひ汝の子を與へよ我儕今日これを食ひて明日わが子を食ふべしと言り
Also the King said vnto her, What ayleth thee? And she answered, This woman sayde vnto me, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him to day, and we will eate my sonne to morowe,
29 斯われら吾子を煮てこれを食ひけるが我次の日にいたりて彼にむかひ汝の子を與へよ我儕これを食はんと言しに彼その子を隱したり
So we sod my sonne, and did eate him: and I saide to her the day after, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him, but she hath hid her sonne.
30 王その婦人の言を聞て衣を裂き而して石垣の上を通りをりしが民これを見るにその膚に麻布を著居たり
And when the King had heard the wordes of the woman, he rent his clothes, (and as he went vpon the wall, the people looked, and behold, he had sackecloth within vpon his flesh)
31 王言けるは今日シヤパテの子エリシヤの首その身の上にすわりをらば神われに斯なしまた重ねてかく成たまへ
And he saide, God doe so to me and more also, if the head of Elisha the sonne of Shaphat shall stande on him this day.
32 時にエリシヤはその家に坐しをり長老等これと共に坐し居る王すなはち己の所より人を遣しけるがエリシヤはその使者の未だ己にいたらざる前に長老等に言ふ汝等この人を殺す者の子が我の首をとらんとて人を遣はすを見るや汝等觀てその使者至らば戸を閉てこれを戸の内にいるるなかれ彼の主君の足音その後にするにあらずやと
(Nowe Elisha sate in his house, and the Elders sate with him.) And the King sent a man before him: but before the messenger came to him, he saide to the Elders, See ye not howe this murtherers sonne hath sent to take away mine head? take heede when the messenger commeth, and shut the doore and handle him roughly at the doore: is not the sounde of his masters feete behinde him?
33 斯彼等と語をる間にその使者かれの許に來りしが王もつづいて來り言けるは此災はヱホバより出たるなり我なんぞ此上ヱホバを待べけんや
While he yet talked with them, beholde, the messenger came downe vnto him, and saide, Behold, this euill commeth of the Lord: should I attende on the Lord any longer?