< 列王記Ⅱ 5 >

1 スリア王の軍勢の長ナアマンはその主君のまへにありて大なる者にしてまた貴き者なりき是はヱホバ曾て彼をもてスリアに拯救をほどこしたまひしが故なり彼は大勇士なりしが癩病をわづらひ居る
Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great and honorable man in his master's view, because by him Yahweh had given victory to Aram. He was also a strong, courageous man, but he was a leper.
2 昔にスリア人隊を組ていでたりし時にイスラエルの地より一人の小女を執へゆけり彼ナアマンの妻に事たりしが
The Arameans had gone out raiding in bands and had taken a little girl from the land of Israel. She served Naaman's wife.
3 その女主にむかひわが主サマリヤに居る預言者の前にいまさば善らん者をかれその癩病を痊すならんと言たれば
The girl said to her mistress, “I wish that my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! Then he would heal my master of his leprosy.”
4 ナアマン入りてその主君に告てイスラエルの地よりきたれる女子斯々語りたりと言ふに
So Naaman went in and told the king what the little girl from the land of Israel had said.
5 スリヤ王いひけるは往よ往よ我イスラエルの王に書をおくるべしと是において彼いでゆき銀十タラントと金六千および衣服十襲をたづさヘ
So the king of Aram said, “Go now, and I will send a letter to the king of Israel.” Naaman left and took with him ten talents of silver, six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of clothes.
6 イスラエルの王にその書をもちゆけりその文に曰くこの書汝にいたらば視よ我わが臣ナアマンをなんぢに遣はせるなりこは汝にその癩病を痊されんがためなり
He also took the letter to the king of Israel that said, “Now when this letter is brought to you, you will see that I have sent Naaman my servant to you, so that you may cure him of his leprosy.”
7 イスラエルの王その書を讀み衣を裂ていふ我神ならんや爭か殺すことをなし生すことをなしえん然るに此人なんぞ癩病の人を我に遣はしてこれを痊さしめんとするや然ば請ふ汝等彼が如何に我に爭を求むるかを見て知れと
When the king of Israel had read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, “Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man wants me to cure a man of his leprosy? It seems he is seeking to start an argument with me.”
8 茲に神の人エリシヤ、イスラエルの王がその衣を裂たることをきき王に言遣しけるは汝何とて汝の衣をさきしや彼をわがもとにいたらしめよ然ば彼イスラエルに預言者のあることを知にいたるべし
So when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent word to the king saying, “Why have you torn your clothes? Let him come now to me, and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
9 是においてナアマンその馬と車とをしたがへ來りてエリシヤの家の門に立けるに
So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariots and stood at the door of Elisha's house.
10 エリシヤ使をこれに遣して言ふ汝ゆきて身をヨルダンに七たび洗へ然ば汝の肉本にかへりて汝は清く爲べしと
Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and dip yourself into the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored; you will be clean.”
11 ナアマン怒りて去り言けるは我は彼かならず我もとにいできたりて立ちその神ヱホバの名を呼てその所の上に手を動して癩病を痊すならんと思へり
But Naaman was angry and went away and said, “Look, I thought he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hand over the place and heal my leprosy.
12 ダマスコの河アバナとパルパルはイスラエルのすべての河水にまさるにあらずや我これらに身を洗ふて清まることを得ざらんやと乃ち身をめぐらし怒りて去る
Are not Abanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Can I not bathe in them and be clean?” So he turned and went away in a rage.
13 時にその僕等近よりてこれにいひけるは我父よ預言者なんぢに大なる事をなせと命ずるとも汝はそれを爲ざらんや况て彼なんぢに身を洗ひて清くなれといふをやと
Then Naaman's servants came near and spoke to him, “My father, if the prophet had commanded you do some difficult thing, would you not have done it? How much rather then, when he says to you to simply, 'Dip yourself and be clean?'”
14 是においてナアマン下りゆきて神の人の言のごとくに七たびヨルダンに身を洗ひしにその肉本にかへり嬰兒の肉の如くになりて清くなりぬ
Then he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, obeying the instructions of the man of God. His flesh was restored again like the flesh of a little child, and he was healed.
15 かれすなはちその從者とともに神の人の許にかへりきたりてその前に立ていふ我いまイスラエルのほかは全地に神なしと知る然ば請ふ僕より禮物をうけよ
Naaman returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came and stood before him. He said, “Look, now I know that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. So therefore, please take a gift from your servant.”
16 エリシヤいひけるはわが事へまつるヱホバは活く肯て禮物をうけじとかれ強て之を受しめんとしたれども遂にこれを辭したり
But Elisha replied, “As Yahweh lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing.” Naaman urged Elisha to take a gift, but he refused.
17 ナアマンいひけるは然ば請ふ騾馬に二駄の土を僕にとらせよ僕は今よりのち他の神には燔祭をも祭品をもささげずして只ヱホバにのみ献げんとす
So Naaman said, “If not, then I ask you to let there be given to your servant two mule loads of earth, for from now on, your servant will offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice to any god but Yahweh.
18 ねがはくは主この事につきて僕をゆるしたまへ即ちわが主君リンモンの宮にいりそこにて崇拝をなしてわが手に倚ることありまた我リンモンの宮にありて身をかがむることあらんわがリンモンの宮において身をかがむる時に願くはヱホバその事につきて僕をゆるしたまへと
In this one thing may Yahweh pardon your servant, that is, when my king goes into the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, may Yahweh pardon your servant in this matter.”
19 エリシヤ彼になんぢ安じて去れといひければ彼エリシヤをはなれて少しく進みゆきけるに
Elisha said to him, “Go in peace.” So Naaman left.
20 神の人エリシヤの僕ゲハジいいひけるは吾が主人は此スリア人ナアマンをいたはりて彼が手に携へきたれるものを受ざりしがヱホバは活くわれ彼のあとを追かけて彼より少く物をとらんと
He had traveled only a short distance, when Gehazi the servant of Elisha the man of God said to himself, “Look, my master has spared this Naaman the Aramean by not receiving from his hands gifts that he brought. As Yahweh lives, I will run after him and receive something from him.”
21 ゲハジすなはちナアマンのあとをおひ行くにナアマンはおのれのあとに走り來る者あるを見て車より下りこれを迎へて皆平安やと言ふに
So Gehazi followed after Naaman. When Naaman saw someone running after him, he jumped down from his chariot to meet him and said, “Is everything alright?”
22 彼言けるは皆平安しわが主我を遣していはしむ只今エフライムの山より預言者の徒なる二人の少者わが許に來れり請ふ汝かれらに銀一タラントと衣二襲をあたへよと
Gehazi said, “Everything is alright. My master has sent me, saying, 'See, now there have come to me from the hill country of Ephraim two young men of the sons of the prophets. Please give them a talent of silver and two changes of clothes.'”
23 ナアマンいひけるは望むらくは二タラントを取れとてかれを強ひ銀二タラントを二の袋にいれ衣二襲を添て二人の僕に負せたれば彼等これをゲハジの前に負きたりしが
Naaman replied, “I am very happy to give you two talents.” Naaman urged Gehazi and tied two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of clothes, and laid them on two of his servants, who carried the bags of silver before Gehazi.
24 彼岡に至りしとき之をかれらの手より取て室のうちにをさめかれらを放ちて去しめ
When Gehazi came to the hill, he took the bags of silver from their hands and hid them in the house; he sent the men away, and they left.
25 而して入てその主人のまへに立つにエリシヤこれにいひけるはゲハジよ何處より來りしや答へていふ僕は何處にもゆかず
When Gehazi went in and stood before his master, Elisha said to him, “Where have you come from, Gehazi?” He answered, “Your servant went nowhere.”
26 エリシヤいひけるはその人が車をはなれ來りてなんぢを迎へし時にわが心其處にあらざりしや今は金をうけ衣をうけ橄欖園葡萄園羊牛僕婢をうくべき時ならんや
Elisha said to Gehazi, “Was not my spirit with you when the man turned his chariot to meet you? Is this a time to accept money and clothes, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, and male servants and female servants?
27 然ばナアマンの癩病はなんぢにつき汝の子孫におよびて限なからんと彼その前より退ぞくに癩病發して雪のごとくになりぬ
So the leprosy of Naaman will be on you and your descendants forever.” So Gehazi went out from his presence, a leper as white as snow.

< 列王記Ⅱ 5 >