< 列王記Ⅱ 2 >
1 ヱホバ大風をもてエリヤを天に昇らしめんとしたまふ時エリヤはエリシヤとともにギルガルより出往り
And it comes to pass, at YHWH’s taking up Elijah to the heavens in a whirlwind, that Elijah goes, and Elisha, from Gilgal,
2 エリヤ、エリシヤにいひけるは請ふここに止まれヱホバわれをベテルに遣はしたまふなりとエリシヤいひけるはヱホバは活く汝の霊魂は活く我なんぢをはなれじと彼等つひにベテルに下れり
and Elijah says to Elisha, “Please abide here, for YHWH has sent me to Beth-El”; and Elisha says, “YHWH lives, and your soul lives, if I leave you”; and they go down to Beth-El.
3 ベテルに在る預言者の徒エリシヤの許に出きたりて之にいひけるはヱホバの今日なんぢの主をなんぢの首の上よりとらんとしたまふを汝知やかれいふ然りわれ知り汝等默すべし
And sons of the prophets who [are] in Beth-El come out to Elisha, and say to him, “Have you known that today YHWH is taking your lord from your head?” And he says, “I also have known—keep silent.”
4 エリヤかれにいひけるはエリシヤよ請ふ汝ここに止れヱホバわれをヱリコに遣したまふなりとエリシヤいふヱホバは活くなんぢの霊魂は活く我なんぢを離じとかれらヱリコにいたる
And Elijah says to him, “Elisha, please abide here, for YHWH has sent me to Jericho”; and he says, “YHWH lives, and your soul lives, if I leave you”; and they come to Jericho.
5 ヱリコに在る預言者の徒エリシヤに詣りて彼にいひけるはヱホバの今日なんぢの主をなんぢの首の上よりとらんとしたまふを汝知るやエリシヤ言ふ然り知り汝ら默すべしと
And sons of the prophets who [are] in Jericho come near to Elisha, and say to him, “Have you known that today YHWH is taking your lord from your head?” And he says, “I also have known—keep silent.”
6 エリヤまたかれにいひけるは請ふここに止れヱホバわれをヨルダンにつかはしたまふなりとかれいふヱホバは活くなんぢの霊魂は活くわれ汝をはなれじと二人進ゆくに
And Elijah says to him, “Please abide here, for YHWH has sent me to the Jordan”; and he says, “YHWH lives, and your soul lives, if I leave you”; and both of them go on—
7 預言者の徒五十人ゆきて遥に立て望めり彼ら二人はヨルダンの濱に立けるが
and fifty men of the sons of the prophets have gone on, and stand opposite [them] far off—and both of them have stood by the Jordan.
8 エリヤその外套をとりて之を巻き水をうちけるに此旁と彼旁にわかれたれば二人は乾ける土の上をわたれり
And Elijah takes his robe, and wraps [it] together, and strikes the waters, and they are halved, here and there, and both of them pass over on dry land.
9 渉りける時エリヤ、エリシヤにいひけるは我が取れてなんぢを離るる前に汝わが汝になすべきことを求めよエリシヤいひけるはなんぢの霊の二の分の我にをらんことを願ふ
And it comes to pass, at their passing over, that Elijah has said to Elisha, “Ask what I do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha says, “Indeed, please let there be a double portion of your spirit to me”;
10 エリヤいひけるは汝難き事を求む汝もしわが取れてなんぢを離るるを見ばこの事なんぢにならんしからずば此事なんぢにならじ
and he says, “You have asked a hard thing; if you see me taken from you, it is to you so; and if not, it is not.”
11 彼ら進みながら語れる時火の車と火の馬あらはれて二人を隔てたりエリヤは大風にのりて天に昇れり
And it comes to pass, they are going, going on and speaking, and behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire [appear], and they separate between them both, and Elijah goes up to the heavens in a whirlwind.
12 エリシヤ見てわが父わが父イスラエルの兵車よその騎兵よと叫びしが/再びかれを見ざりき是においてエリシヤその衣をとらへて之を二片に裂き
And Elisha is seeing, and he is crying, “My father! My father! The chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” And he has not seen him again; and he takes hold on his garments and tears them into two pieces.
13 エリヤの身よりおちたるその外套をとりあげ返りてヨルダンの岸に立ち
And he takes up the robe of Elijah that fell from off him, and turns back and stands on the edge of the Jordan,
14 エリヤの身よりおちたる外套をとりて水をうちエリヤの神ヱホバはいづくにいますやと言ひ而して己も水をうちけるに水此旁と彼旁に分れたればエリシヤすなはち渡れり
and he takes the robe of Elijah that fell from off him, and strikes the waters, and says, “Where [is] YHWH, God of Elijah—even He?” And he strikes the waters, and they are halved, here and there, and Elisha passes over.
15 ヱリコにある預言者の徒對岸にありて彼を見て言けるはエリヤの霊エリシヤの上にとどまるとかれら來りてかれを迎へその前に地に伏て
And they see him—the sons of the prophets who [are] in Jericho—from opposite [them], and they say, “The spirit of Elijah has rested on Elisha”; and they come to meet him, and bow themselves to him to the earth,
16 かれにいひけるは僕等に勇力者五十人あり請ふかれらをして往てなんぢの主を尋ねしめよ恐くはヱホバの霊かれを曳あげてこれを或山か或谷に放ちしならんとエリシヤ遣すなかれと言けれども
and say to him, “Now behold, there are fifty men with your servants, sons of valor: please let them go, and they seek your lord, lest the Spirit of YHWH has taken him up, and casts him on one of the hills or into one of the valleys”; and he says, “You do not send.”
17 かれら彼の愧るまでに強ければすなはち遣せといへり是に於てかれら五十人の者を遣しけるが三日の間たづねたれども彼を看いださざりしかば
And they press on him, until he is ashamed, and he says, “Send”; and they send fifty men, and they seek three days, and have not found him;
18 エリシヤの尚ヱリコに止れる時かれら返りてかれの許にいたりしにエリシヤかれらに言けるはわれ往ことなかれと汝らにいひしにあらずやと
and they return to him—and he is abiding in Jericho—and he says to them, “Did I not say to you, Do not go?”
19 邑の人々エリシヤにいひけるは視よ吾主の見たまふごとく此邑の建る處は善しされど水あしくしてこの地流產をおこす
And the men of the city say to Elisha, “Now behold, the site of the city [is] good, as my lord sees, and the waters [are] bad, and the earth sterile.”
20 かれ言けるは新しき皿に鹽を盛て我に持ち來れよと乃ちもちきたりければ
And he says, “Bring a new dish to me, and place salt there”; and they bring [it] to him,
21 彼いでて水の源に至り鹽を其處になげ入ていひけるはヱホバかくいひたまふわれこの水を愈す此處よりして重て死あるひは流產おこらじと
and he goes out to the source of the waters, and casts salt there, and says, “Thus said YHWH: I have given healing to these waters; there is not anymore death and sterility there.”
22 其水すなはちエリシヤのいひし如くに愈て今日にいたる
And the waters are healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha that he spoke.
23 かれそこよりベテルに上りしが上りて途にありけるとき小童等邑よりいでて彼を嘲り彼にむかひて禿首よのぼれ禿首よのぼれといひければ
And he goes up from there to Beth-El, and he is going up in the way, and little youths have come out from the city, and scoff at him, and say to him, “Go up, bald-head! Go up, bald-head!”
24 かれ回轉りてかれらをみヱホバの名をもてかれらを呪詛ひければ林の中より二頭の牝熊出てその兒子輩の中四十二人をさきたり
And he looks behind him, and sees them, and declares them vile in the Name of YHWH, and two bears come out of the forest and ripped apart forty-two of the boys.
25 かれ彼處よりカルメル山にゆき其處よりサマリヤにかへれり
And he goes from there to the hill of Carmel, and from there he has turned back to Samaria.