< 列王記Ⅱ 12 >
1 ヨアシはヱヒウの七年に位に即きエルサレムにおいて四十年世を治めたりその母はベエルシバより出たるものにて名をヂビアといへり
When Jehu had been ruling Israel for almost seven years, Joash became the king of Judah. He ruled in Jerusalem for 40 years. His mother was Zibiah, from Beersheba [city].
2 ヨアシは祭司ヱホヤダの己を誨ふる間は恒にヱホバの善と視たまふ事をおこなへり
All his life, he did what pleased Yahweh, because Jehoiada the priest instructed/taught him.
3 然ど崇邱は除かずしてあり民は尚その崇邱において犠牲をささげ香を焚り
But the places where the people worshiped [Yahweh] on the tops of hills were not destroyed, and they continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense at those places, [instead of at the place that God had chosen for them in Jerusalem].
4 茲にヨアシ祭司等に言けるは凡てヱホバの家に聖別て献納るところの金即ち核數らるる人の金估價にしたがひて出すところの身の代の金および人々が心より願てヱホバの家に持きたるところの金
Joash said to the priests, “You must take all the money which the people contribute, both the money they are required to give and the money that they themselves decide to give, as sacred offerings to buy things for the temple.
5 これを祭司等おのおのその知人より受をさめ何處にても殿に破壞の見る時はこれをもてその破壞を修繕ふべしと
Each priest must take the money from people who know him (OR, from one of the treasurers), and he must use that money to repair the temple whenever he sees that there is something that needs to be repaired.”
6 然るにヨアシ王の二十三年におよぶまで祭司等殿の破壞を修繕ふにいたらざりしかば
But after Joash had been ruling for almost twenty-three years, the priests still had not repaired anything in the temple.
7 ヨアシ王祭司ヱホヤダおよびその他の祭司等を召てこれに言ふ汝等などて殿の破壞を修繕はざるや然ば今よりは汝等の知人より金を受て自己のためにすべからず唯殿の破壞の修理に其を供ふべしと
So Joash summoned Jehoiada and the other priests and said to them, “(Why are you not repairing things in the temple?/You should have been repairing things in the temple!) [RHQ] From now on, you must not keep the money that you receive from people who know you (OR, the treasurers). You must give it to the people who will be repairing things in the temple!”
8 祭司等は重て民より自己のために金を受ず又殿の破壞を修理ふことをせじと約せり
The priests agreed to do that, and they also agreed that they themselves would not do the repair work.
9 斯て後祭司ヱホヤダ一箇の櫃をとりその蓋に孔を穿ちてこれをヱホバの家の入口の右において壇の傍に置り門守の祭司等すなはちヱホバの家に入きたるところの金をことごとくその中に入たり
Then Jehoiada took a chest and bored a hole in the lid. He placed it alongside the altar [for burning incense/sacrifices] that was on the right as anyone enters the temple. The priests who guarded the entrance to the temple put in the box the money that was brought to the temple.
10 爰にその櫃の中に金の多くあることを見たれば王の書記と祭司長と上り來りてそのヱホバの家に積りし金を包みてこれを數へ
Whenever they saw that there was a lot of money in the chest, the king’s secretary and the Supreme Priest would come and count the money. Then they would put it in bags and tie the bags shut.
11 その數へし金をこの工事をなす者に付せり即ちヱホバの家の監督者にこれを付しければ彼等またヱホバの家を修理ふところの木匠と建築師にこれを與へ
Then, after they weighed it, they would give the money to the men who supervised the work in the temple. Then the supervisors would use that money to pay the carpenters and builders who did the repair work in the temple,
12 石工および琢石者に與へまたこれをもてヱホバの家の破壞を修繕ふ材木と琢石を買ひ殿を修理ふために用ふる諸の物のためにこれを費せり
and the masons and the stone cutters. Also with some of that money they bought timber and stones that had been cut to be used in the repair work, and to pay all the other expenses for the repair work.
13 但しヱホバの家にり來れるその金をもてヱホバの家のために銀の盂燈剪鉢喇叭金の器銀の器等を造ることはせざりき
But they did not use any of that money [to pay men] to make silver cups or wick trimmers or bowls or trumpets or any other items made of silver or gold to be used in the temple.
14 唯これをその工事をなす者にわたして之をもてヱホバの家を修理はしめたり
All that money was given to the men who were doing the work of repairing the temple.
15 またその金を手にわたして工人にはらはしめたる人々と計算をなすことをせざりき是は彼等忠厚に事をなしたればなり
The men who supervised the work always did things honestly, so the king’s secretary and the Supreme Priest never required that the supervisors report what they had spent the money for.
16 愆金と罪金はヱホバの家にいらずして祭司に歸せり
But the money that people gave to pay for the wrong things that they had done and the money they gave to purify themselves because of the sins that they had committed was not put in the chest. That money belonged to the priests.
17 當時スリアの王ハザエルのぼり來りてガテを攻てこれを取り而してハザエル、エルサレムに攻のぼらんとてその面をこれに向たり
At that time, Hazael, the king of Syria, went [with his army] and attacked Gath [city] and conquered it. Then he decided that they would attack Jerusalem.
18 是をもてユダの王ヨアシその先祖たるユダの王ヨシヤパテ、ヨラム、アハジア等が聖別て献げたる一切の物および自己が聖別て献げたる物ならびにヱホバの家の庫と王の家とにあるところの金を悉く取てこれをスリアの王ハザエルにおくりければ彼すなはちエルサレムを離れて去ぬ
So Joash, the king of Judah, took all the money that the previous kings, Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah, had dedicated to Yahweh. He added some of his own money, and all the gold that was in the rooms in the temple where valuable things were kept/stored, and the gold in his palace, and sent it all to King Hazael, [to (appease him/persuade him to not attack Jerusalem)]. So King Hazael [took his army] away from Jerusalem.
19 ヨアシのその餘の行爲およびその凡て爲たる事はユダの王の歴代志の書に記さるるにあらずや
[If you want to read more of] what Joash did, [it] is all written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
20 茲にヨアシの臣僕等おこりて黨をむすびシラに下るところのミロの家にてヨアシを弑せり
Joash’s officials plotted against him, and two of them killed Joash on the road that goes down to [the] Silla [district]. The two men who did that were Jozabad, the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad, the son of Shomer. Joash was buried in the place where his ancestors were buried, [in the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. Then Joash’s son Amaziah became the king of Judah.
21 即ちその僕シメアテの子ヨザカルとシヨメルの子ヨザバデかれを弑して死しめたればその先祖とおなじくこれをダビデの邑に葬れりその子アマジヤこれに代りて王となる