< コリント人への手紙第二 2 >

1 われ再び憂をもて汝らに到らじと自ら定めたり。
So I made up my mind that I would not come to you again in sorrow.
2 我もし汝らを憂ひしめば、我が憂ひしむる者のほかに誰か我を喜ばせんや。
For if I make you sorrowful, who is there to make me glad but the one whom I have made sorrowful?
3 われ前に此の事を書き贈りしは、我が到らんとき、我を喜ばすべきもの、反つて我を憂ひしむる事のなからん爲にして、汝らは皆わが喜悦を喜悦とするを信ずるに因りてなり。
That is why I wrote to you as I did, so that when I came I would not have sorrow from those who ought to make me rejoice. I had confidence about you all that my joy would be yours.
4 われ大なる患難と心の悲哀とにより、多くの涙をもて汝らに書き贈れり。これ汝らを憂ひしめんとにあらず、我が汝らに對する愛の溢るるばかりなるを知らしめん爲なり。
For I wrote to you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you sorrow, but to let you know the abundant love I have for you.
5 もし憂ひしむる人あらば、我を憂ひしむるにあらず、幾許か汝ら衆を憂ひしむるなり。(幾許かと云へるは、われ激しく責むるを好まぬ故なり)
Now if anyone has caused sorrow, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure (not to put it too severely) to all of you.
6 かかる人の多數の者より受けたる懲罰は足れり。
This punishment by the majority is enough for that person.
7 されば汝ら寧ろ彼を恕し、かつ慰めよ、恐らくは其の人、甚だしき愁に沈まん。
So you should forgive and comfort him instead, so that he will not be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow.
8 この故に我なんぢらの愛を彼に顯さんことを勸む。
Therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him.
9 前に書き贈りしは、凡ての事につきて汝らが從順なりや否やをも試み知らん爲なり。
I wrote to you because I wanted to test your character and see if you would be obedient in everything.
10 なんぢら何事にても人を恕さば、我も亦これを恕さん、われ恕したる事あらば、汝らの爲にキリストの前に恕したるなり。
Now if you forgive anyone of anything, I also forgive him. For if I have forgiven anyone of anything, I have done it for your sakes in the presence of Christ,
11 これサタンに欺かれざらん爲なり、我等はその詭謀を知らざるにあらず。
so that we might not be exploited by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his schemes.
12 我キリストの福音の爲にトロアスに到り、主われに門を開き給ひたれど、
Now when I came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ, a door was opened for me in the Lord.
13 我が兄弟テトスに逢はぬによりて心に平安をえず、彼處の者に別を告げてマケドニヤに往けり。
But I had no rest in my spirit because I did not find my brother Titus. So I took leave of the people there and went on to Macedonia.
14 感謝すべきかな、神は何時にてもキリストにより、我らを執へて凱旋し、何處にても我等によりてキリストを知る知識の馨をあらはし給ふ。
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere.
15 救はるる者にも亡ぶる者にも、我らは神に對してキリストの香しき馨なり。
For we are a sweet fragrance of Christ ascending to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;
16 この人には死よりいづる馨となりて死に至らしめ、かの人には生命より出づる馨となりて生命に至らしむ。誰か此の任に耐へんや。
to the latter we are a smell of death leading to death, but to the former we are a fragrance of life leading to life. And who is equal to such a task?
17 我らは多くの人のごとく神の言を曲げず、眞實により神による者のごとく、神の前にキリストに在りて語るなり。
For we are not like others who peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak with sincerity in the presence of God, as men sent from God.

< コリント人への手紙第二 2 >