< 歴代誌Ⅱ 24 >

1 ヨアシは七歳の時位に即きヱルサレムにて四十年の間世を治めたりその母はベエルシバより出たる者にして名をヂビアといふ
Ioash was seuen yere olde, when he began to reigne, and he reigned fourty yeere in Ierusalem: and his mothers name was Zibiah of Beer-sheba.
2 ヨアシは祭司ヱホヤダの世にある日の間は恒にヱホバの善と觀たまふことを行へり
And Ioash did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, all the dayes of Iehoiada the Priest.
3 ヱホヤダ彼のために二人の妻を娶れり男子女子生る
And Iehoiada tooke him two wiues, and he begate sonnes and daughters.
4 此後ヨアシ、ヱホバの室を修繕んと志し
And afterward it came into Ioash mind, to renew the house of the Lord.
5 祭司とレビ人を集めて之に言けるは汝ら出てユダの邑々に往き汝らの神ヱホバの室を歳々修繕ふべき金子をイスラエルの人衆より聚むべし其事を亟にせよと然るにレビ人これを亟にせざりき
And he assembled the Priests and the Leuites, and said to them, Goe out vnto the cities of Iudah, and gather of all Israel money to repaire the house of your God, from yeere to yeere, and haste the thing: but the Leuites hasted not.
6 王ヱホヤダ長を召てこれに言けるは汝なんぞレビ人に求めてヱホバの僕モーセおよびイスラエルの會衆の古昔證詞の幕屋のために集めたるが如き税をユダとヱルサレムより取きたらせざるやと
Therefore the King called Iehoiada, the chiefe, and said vnto him, Why hast thou not required of the Leuites to bring in out of Iudah and Ierusalem the taxe of Moses the seruant of the Lord, and of the Congregation of Israel, for the Tabernacle of the testimonie?
7 かの惡き婦アタリヤの子等神の家を壞りかつヱホバの家の諸の奉納物をバアルに供へたり
For wicked Athaliah, and her children brake vp the house of God: and all the things that were dedicate for the house of the Lord, did they bestowe vpon Baalim.
8 是において王の命にしたがひて一箇の匱を作りヱホバの室の門の外にこれを置き
Therefore the King commanded, and they made a chest, and set it at the gate of the house of the Lord without.
9 ユダとヱルサレムに宣布て汝ら神の僕モーセが荒野にてイスラエルに課したる如き税をヱホバに携へきたれと言けるに
And they made proclamation thorow Iudah and Ierusalem, to bring vnto the Lord the taxe of Moses the seruant of God, layde vpon Israel in the wildernesse.
10 一切の牧伯等および一切の民みな喜びて携へきたりその匱に投いれて遂に納めをはれり
And all the princes and all the people reioyced, and brought in, and cast into the chest, vntill they had finished.
11 レビ人その匱に金の多くあるを見てこれを王の廳に携へゆく時は王の書記と祭司の長の下役きたりてその匱を傾むけ復これを取て本の處に持ゆけり日々に斯のごとくして金を聚むること夥多し
And when it was time, they brought the chest vnto the Kings officer by the hand of the Leuites: and when they saw that there was much siluer, then the Kings Scribe (and one appoynted by the hie Priest) came and emptied the chest, and tooke it, and caried it to his place againe: thus they did day by day, and gathered siluer in abundance.
12 而して王とヱホヤダこれをヱホバの家の工事を爲す者に付し石工および木匠を雇ひてヱホバの室を修繕はせまた鐵工および銅工を雇ひてヱホバの室を修復せしめけるが
And the King and Iehoiada gaue it to such as did the labour and worke in the house of the Lord, and hyred masons and carpenters to repayre the house of the Lord: they gaue it also to workers of yron and brasse, to repayre the house of the Lord.
13 工人動作てその工事を成をへ神の室を本の状に復してこれを堅固にす
So the workemen wrought, and the worke amended through their hands: and they restored the house of God to his state, and strengthened it.
14 その旣に成るにおよびて餘れる金を王とヱホヤダの前に持いたりければ其をもてヱホバの室のために器皿を作れり即ち奉事の器献祭の器および匙ならびに金銀の器を作れりヱホヤダが世に在る日の間はヱホバの室にて燔祭をささぐること絶ざりき
And when they had finished it, they brought the rest of the siluer before the King and Iehoiada, and he made thereof vessels for the house of the Lord, euen vessels to minister, both morters and incense cuppes, and vessels of golde, and of siluer: and they offred burnt offrings in the house of the Lord continually all the dayes of Iehoiada.
15 ヱホヤダは年邁み日滿て死りその死る時は百三十歳なりき
But Iehoiada waxed olde, and was ful of dayes and dyed. An hundreth and thirtie yeere olde was he when he dyed.
16 人衆ダビデの邑にて王等の中間にこれを葬むる其は彼イスラエルの中において神とその殿とにむかひて善事をおこなひたればなり
And they buried him in the citie of Dauid with the kings, because he had done good in Israel, and toward God and his house.
17 ヱホヤダの死たる後ユダの牧伯等きたりて王を拝す是において王これに聽したがふ
And after the death of Iehoiada, came the princes of Iudah, and did reuerence to the King, and the King hearkened vnto them.
18 彼らその先祖の神ヱホバの室を棄てアシラ像および偶像に事へたればその愆のために震怒ユダとヱルサレムに臨めり
And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and serued groues and idoles: and wrath came vpon Iudah and Ierusalem, because of this their trespasse.
19 ヱホバかれらを己にひきかへさんとて預言者等を遣はし之にむかひて證をたてさせたまひしかども聽ことをせざりき
And God sent Prophets amog the, to bring them againe vnto the Lord: and they made protestation among them, but they would not heare.
20 是において神の霊祭司ヱホヤダの子ゼカリヤに臨みければ彼民の前に高く起あがりて之に言けるは神かく宣ふ汝らヱホバの誡命を犯して災禍を招くは何ぞや汝らヱホバを棄たればヱホバも汝らを棄たまふと
And the Spirit of God came vpon Zechariah the sonne of Iehoiada the Priest, which stoode aboue the people, and sayde vnto them, Thus sayth God, Why transgresse ye the commandements of the Lord? surely ye shall not prosper: because ye haue forsaken the Lord, he also hath forsaken you.
21 然るに人衆かれを害せんと謀り王の命によりて石をもてこれをヱホバの室の庭にて撃殺せり
Then they conspired against him and stoned him with stones at the commandement of the King, in the court of the house of the Lord.
22 斯ヨアシ王はゼカリヤの父ヱホヤダが己にほどこせし恩を念ずしてその子を殺せり彼死る時にヱホバこれを顧みこれを問討したまへと言り
Thus Ioash the King remembred not the kindnesse which Iehoiada his father had done to him, but slewe his sonne. And when he dyed, he sayd, The Lord looke vpon it, and require it.
23 かくてその年の終るにおよびてスリアの軍勢かれにむかひて攻のぼりユダとヱルサレムにいたりて民の牧伯等をことごとく民の中より滅ぼし絶ちその掠取物を凡てダマスコの王に遣れり
And when the yeere was out, the host of Aram came vp against him, and they came against Iudah and Ierusalem, and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people, and sent all the spoyle of them vnto the King of Damascus.
24 この時スリアの軍勢は小勢にて來りけるにヱホバ大軍をこれが手に付したまへり是はその先祖の神ヱホバを棄たるが故なり斯かれらヨアシを罰せり
Though the armie of Aram came with a small company of men, yet the Lord deliuered a very great armie into their hand, because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers: and they gaue sentence against Ioash.
25 スリア人ヨアシに大傷をおはせて遺去けるがヨアシの臣僕等祭司ヱホヤダの子等の血のために黨をむすびて之に叛き之をその床の上に弑して死しめたり人衆これをダビデの邑に葬れり但し王の墓には葬らざりき
And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases) his owne seruants conspired against him for the blood of the children of Iehoiada the Priest, and slewe him on his bed, and he dyed, and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid: but they buryed him not in the sepulchres of the Kings.
26 黨をむすびて之に叛きし者はアンモンの婦シメアテの子ザバデおよびモアブの婦シムリテの子ヨザバデなりき
And these are they that conspired against him, Zabad the sonne of Shimrath an Ammonitesse, and Iehozabad the sonne of Shimrith a Moabitesse.
27 ヨアシの子等の事ヨアシの告られし預言および神の室を修繕し事などは列王の書の註釋に記さるヨアシの子アマジヤこれに代りて王となれり
But his sonnes, and the summe of the taxe gathered by him, and the foundation of the house of God, behold, they are written in the storie of the booke of the Kings. And Amaziah his sonne reigned in his steade.

< 歴代誌Ⅱ 24 >