< 歴代誌Ⅱ 20 >
1 この後モアブの子孫アンモンの子孫およびマオニ人等ヨシヤパテと戰はんとて攻きたれり
and to be after so to come (in): come son: descendant/people Moab and son: descendant/people Ammon and with them from [the] Meunite upon Jehoshaphat to/for battle
2 時に或人きたりてヨシヤパテに告て云ふ海の彼旁スリアより大衆汝に攻きたる視よ今ハザゾンタマルにありとハザゾンタマルはすなはちエンゲデなり
and to come (in): come and to tell to/for Jehoshaphat to/for to say to come (in): come upon you crowd many from side: beyond to/for sea from Edom and behold they in/on/with Hazazon-tamar Hazazon-tamar he/she/it Engedi Engedi
3 是においてヨシヤパテ懼れ面をヱホバに向てその助を求めユダ全國に斷食を布令しめたれば
and to fear and to give: put Jehoshaphat [obj] face his to/for to seek to/for LORD and to call: call out fast upon all Judah
4 ユダ擧て集りヱホバの助を求めたり即ちユダの一切の邑より人々きたりてヱホバを求む
and to gather Judah to/for to seek from LORD also from all city Judah to come (in): come to/for to seek [obj] LORD
5 時にヨシヤパテ、ヱホバの室の新しき庭の前においてユダとヱルサレムの會衆の中に立ち
and to stand: stand Jehoshaphat in/on/with assembly Judah and Jerusalem in/on/with house: temple LORD to/for face: before [the] court [the] new
6 言けるは我らの先祖の神ヱホバよ汝は天の神にましますに非ずや異邦人の諸國を統たまふに非ずや汝の手には能力あり權勢ありて誰もなんぢを禦ぐこと能はざるに非ずや
and to say LORD God father our not you(m. s.) he/she/it God in/on/with heaven and you(m. s.) to rule in/on/with all kingdom [the] nation and in/on/with hand: power your strength and might and nothing with you to/for to stand
7 我らの神よ汝は此國の民を汝の民イスラエルの前より逐はらひて汝の友アブラハムの子孫に之を永く與へたまひしに非ずや
not you(m. s.) God our to possess: take [obj] to dwell [the] land: country/planet [the] this from to/for face: before people your Israel and to give: give her to/for seed: children Abraham to love: friend you to/for forever: enduring
8 彼らは此に住み汝の名のために此に聖所を建て言へり
and to dwell in/on/with her and to build to/for you in/on/with her sanctuary to/for name your to/for to say
9 刑罰の劍疫病饑饉などの災禍われらに臨まん時は我らこの家の前に立て汝の前にをりその苦難の中にて汝に呼號らんしかして汝聽て助けたまはん汝の名はこの家にあればなりと
if to come (in): come upon us distress: harm sword judgment and pestilence and famine to stand: stand to/for face: before [the] house: home [the] this and to/for face: before your for name your in/on/with house: home [the] this and to cry out to(wards) you from distress our and to hear: hear and to save
10 今アンモン、モアブおよびセイル山の子孫を視たまへ在昔イスラエル、エジプトの國より出きたれる時汝イスラエルに是等を侵さしめたまはざりしかば之を離れさりて滅ぼさざりしなり
and now behold son: descendant/people Ammon and Moab and mountain: mount (Mount) Seir which not to give: allow to/for Israel to/for to come (in): come in/on/with them in/on/with to come (in): come they from land: country/planet Egypt for to turn aside: turn aside from upon them and not to destroy them
11 かれらが我らに報ゆる所を視たまへ彼らは汝がわれらに有たしめたまへる汝の產業より我らを逐はらはんとす
and behold they(masc.) to wean upon us to/for to come (in): come to/for to drive out: drive out us from possession your which to possess: possess us
12 我らの神よ汝かれらを鞫きたまはざるや我らは此斯く攻よせたる此の大衆に當る能力なく又爲ところを知ず唯汝を仰ぎ望むのみと
God our not to judge in/on/with them for nothing in/on/with us strength to/for face: before [the] crowd [the] many [the] this [the] to come (in): come upon us and we not to know what? to make: do for upon you eye our
13 ユダの人々はその小者および妻子とともに皆ヱホバの前に立をれり
(and all *LAB(h)*) Judah to stand: stand to/for face: before LORD also child their woman: wife their and son: child their
14 時に會衆の中にてヱホバの霊アサフの子孫たるレビ人ヤハジエルに臨めりヤハジエルはゼカリヤの子ゼカリヤはベナヤの子ベナヤはヱイエルの子ヱイエルはマツタニヤの子なり
and Jahaziel son: descendant/people Zechariah son: descendant/people Benaiah son: descendant/people Jeiel son: descendant/people Mattaniah [the] Levi from son: descendant/people Asaph to be upon him spirit LORD in/on/with midst [the] assembly
15 ヤハジエルすなはち言けるはユダの人衆およびヱルサレムの居民ならびにヨシヤパテ王よ聽べしヱホバかく汝らに言たまふ此大衆のために懼るる勿れ慄くなかれ汝らの戰に非ずヱホバの戰なればなり
and to say to listen all Judah and to dwell Jerusalem and [the] king Jehoshaphat thus to say LORD to/for you you(m. p.) not to fear and not to to be dismayed from face: because [the] crowd [the] many [the] this for not to/for you [the] battle for to/for God
16 なんぢら明日彼らの所に攻くだれ彼らはヂヅの坡より上り來る汝らヱルエルの野の前なる谷の口にて之に遇ん
tomorrow to go down upon them look! they to ascend: rise in/on/with ascent [the] Ziz and to find [obj] them in/on/with end [the] torrent: valley face: east wilderness Jeruel
17 この戰爭には汝ら戰ふにおよばずユダおよびヱルサレムよ汝ら惟進みいでて立ち汝らとともに在すヱホバの拯救を見よ懼る勿れ慄くなかれ明日彼らの所に攻いでよヱホバ汝らとともに在せばなりと
not to/for you to/for to fight in/on/with this to stand to stand: stand and to see: see [obj] salvation LORD with you Judah and Jerusalem not to fear and not to to be dismayed tomorrow to come out: come to/for face: before their and LORD with you
18 是においてヨシヤパテ首をさげて地に俯伏りユダの人衆およびヱルサレムの民もヱホバの前に伏てヱホバを拝す
and to bow Jehoshaphat face land: soil [to] and all Judah and to dwell Jerusalem to fall: fall to/for face: before LORD to/for to bow to/for LORD
19 時にコハテの子孫およびコラの子孫たるレビ人立あがり聲を高くあげてイスラエルの神ヱホバを讃美せり
and to arise: rise [the] Levi from son: descendant/people [the] Kohathite and from son: descendant/people [the] Korahite to/for to boast: praise to/for LORD God Israel in/on/with voice great: large to/for above [to]
20 かくて皆朝はやく起てテコアの野に出ゆけり其いづるに當りてヨシヤパテ立て言けるはユダの人衆およびヱルサレムの民よ我に聽け汝らの神ヱホバを信ぜよ然ば汝ら堅くあらんその預言者を信ぜよ然ば汝ら利あらん
and to rise in/on/with morning and to come out: come to/for wilderness Tekoa and in/on/with to come out: come they to stand: stand Jehoshaphat and to say to hear: hear me Judah and to dwell Jerusalem be faithful in/on/with LORD God your and be faithful be faithful in/on/with prophet his and to prosper
21 彼また民と議りて人々を選び之をして聖き飾を著て軍勢の前に進ましめヱホバにむかひて歌をうたひ且これを讃美せしめヱホバに感謝せよ其恩惠は世々かぎりなしと言しむ
and to advise to(wards) [the] people and to stand: appoint to sing to/for LORD and to boast: praise to/for adornment holiness in/on/with to come out: come to/for face: before [the] to arm and to say to give thanks to/for LORD for to/for forever: enduring kindness his
22 その歌を歌ひ讃美をなし始むるに當りてヱホバ伏兵を設けかのユダに攻きたれるアンモン、モアブ、セイル山の子孫をなやましたまひければ彼ら打敗られたり
and in/on/with time to profane/begin: begin in/on/with cry and praise to give: put LORD to ambush upon son: descendant/people Ammon Moab and mountain: mount (Mount) Seir [the] to come (in): come to/for Judah and to strike
23 即ちアンモンとモアブの子孫起てセイル山の民にむかひ盡くこれを殺して滅ししがセイルの民を殺し盡すに及びて彼らも亦力をいだして互に滅ぼしあへり
and to stand: rise son: descendant/people Ammon and Moab upon to dwell mountain: mount (Mount) Seir to/for to devote/destroy and to/for to destroy and like/as to end: finish they in/on/with to dwell (Mount) Seir to help man: anyone in/on/with neighbor his to/for destruction
24 ユダの人々野の觀望所に至りてかの群衆を觀たりければ唯地に仆れたる死屍のみにして一人だに逃れし者なかりき
and Judah to come (in): come upon [the] lookout to/for wilderness and to turn to(wards) [the] crowd and look! they corpse to fall: fall land: soil [to] and nothing survivor
25 是においてヨシヤパテおよびその民彼らの物を奪はんとて來り觀にその死屍の間に財寳衣服および珠玉などおびただしく在たれば則ち各々これを剥とりけるが餘に多くして携さへ去こと能はざる程なりき其物多かりしに因て之を取に三日を費しけるが
and to come (in): come Jehoshaphat and people his to/for to plunder [obj] spoil their and to find in/on/with them to/for abundance and property and corpse and article/utensil precious thing and to rescue to/for them to/for nothing burden and to be day three to plunder [obj] [the] spoil for many he/she/it
26 第四日にベラカ(感謝)の谷に集り其處にてヱホバに感謝せり是をもてその處の名を今日までベラカ(感謝)の谷と呼ぶ
and in/on/with day: today [the] fourth to gather to/for Valley (of Beracah) Beracah (Valley) for there to bless [obj] LORD upon so to call: call by [obj] name [the] place [the] he/she/it Valley (of Beracah) Beracah (Valley) till [the] day: today
27 而してユダとヱルサレムの人々みな各々歸りきたりヨシヤパテの後にしたがひ歓びてヱルサレムに至れり其はヱホバ彼等をしてその敵の故によりて歓喜を得させたまひたればなり
and to return: return all man Judah and Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat in/on/with head: leader their to/for to return: return to(wards) Jerusalem in/on/with joy for to rejoice them LORD from enemy their
28 即ち彼ら瑟と琴および喇叭を合奏してヱルサレムに往てヱホバの室にいたる
and to come (in): come Jerusalem in/on/with harp and in/on/with lyre and in/on/with trumpet to(wards) house: temple LORD
29 諸の國の民ヱホバがイスラエルの敵を攻撃たまひしことを聞て神を畏れたれば
and to be dread God upon all kingdom [the] land: country/planet in/on/with to hear: hear they for to fight LORD with enemy Israel
30 ヨシヤパテの國は平穩なりき即ちその神四方において之に安息を賜へり
and to quiet royalty Jehoshaphat and to rest to/for him God his from around
31 ヨシヤパテはユダの王となり三十五歳のときその位に即き二十五年の間ヱルサレムにて世を治めたり其母はシルヒの女にして名をアズバといふ
and to reign Jehoshaphat upon Judah son: aged thirty and five year in/on/with to reign he and twenty and five year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his Azubah daughter Shilhi
32 ヨシヤパテはその父アサの道にあゆみて之を離れずヱホバの目に善と觀たまふ事を行へり
and to go: walk in/on/with way: conduct father his Asa and not to turn aside: turn aside from her to/for to make: do [the] upright in/on/with eye: seeing LORD
33 然れども崇邱はいまだ除かず又民はいまだその先祖の神に心を傾けざりき
surely [the] high place not to turn aside: remove and still [the] people not to establish: establish heart their to/for God father their
34 ヨシヤパテのその餘の始終の行爲はハナニの子ヱヒウの書に記さるヱヒウの事はイスラエルの列王の書に載す
and remainder word: deed Jehoshaphat [the] first and [the] last look! they to write in/on/with word: deed Jehu son: child Hanani which to ascend: establish upon scroll: book king Israel
35 ユダの王ヨシヤパテ後にイスラエルの王アハジアと相結べりアハジアは大に惡を行ふ者なりき
and after so to unite Jehoshaphat king Judah with Ahaziah king Israel he/she/it be wicked to/for to make: do
36 ヨシヤパテ、タルシシに遣る舟を造らんとて彼と相結びてエジオンゲベルにて共に舟數隻を造れり
and to unite him with him to/for to make fleet to/for to go: went Tarshish and to make fleet in/on/with Ezion-geber Ezion-geber
37 時にマレシヤのドダワの子エリエゼル、ヨシヤパテにむかひて預言して云ふ汝アハジアと相結びたればヱホバなんぢの作りし者を毀ちたまふと即ちその舟は皆壞れてタルシシに往くことを得ざりき
and to prophesy Eliezer son: child Dodavahu from Mareshah upon Jehoshaphat to/for to say like/as to unite you with Ahaziah to break through LORD [obj] deed: work your and to break fleet and not to restrain to/for to go: went to(wards) Tarshish