< 歴代誌Ⅱ 10 >

1 爰にレハベアム、シケムに往り其はイスラエルみな彼を王となさんとてシケムに到りたればたり
Rehoboam went to Shechem, because all the Israelites had gone to Shechem to make him king.
2 ネバテの子ヤラベアムはさきにソロモン王の面を避てエジプトに逃れ居しがこのことを聞てエジプトより歸れり
Jeroboam, son of Nebat, was still in Egypt when he heard about this. (He had run away to Egypt to escape from King Solomon and was living there.)
3 人衆人を遣はして之を招きたるなり斯てヤラベアムとイスラエルの人みな來りてレハベアムに語りて言けるは
The Israelite leaders sent for him. Jereboam and all the Israelites went to talk with Rehoboam.
4 汝の父我らの軛を苦しくせり然ば汝今汝の父の苦しき役とその我らに蒙むらせたる重き軛を軽くしたまへ然れば我儕なんぢに事へん
“Your father placed a heavy burden on us,” they told him. “But now if you lighten the load your father imposed and the heavy demands he laid on us, we will serve you.”
5 レハベアムかれらに言けるは汝ら三日を經て再び我に來れと民すなはち去り
Rehoboam answered, “Come back in three days time.” So the people left.
6 是においてレハベアム王その父ソロモンの生る間これが前に立たる老人等に計りて言けるは汝ら如何に敎へて此民に答へしむるや
King Rehoboam asked for advice from the elders who had served his father Solomon when he was alive. “How do you advise me to reply to these people about this?” he asked.
7 彼らレハベアムに語りて言けるは汝もし此民を厚く待ひ之を悦こばせ善言を之に語らば永く汝の僕たらんと
They replied, “If you treat these people well, and please them by speaking kindly to them, they will always serve you.”
8 然るに彼その老人等の敎へし敎を棄て自己とともに生長て己の前に立ところの少年等と計れり
But Rehoboam dismissed the advice of the elders. He instead asked advice from the young men who he had grown up with, and who were close to him.
9 即ち彼らに言けるは汝ら如何に敎へて我らをして此我に語りて汝の父の我らに蒙むらせし軛を軽くせよと言ふ民に答へしむるやと
He asked them, “What response do you advise that we send back to these people who have told me, ‘Lighten the burden your father put on us’?”
10 彼とともに生長たる少年等かれに語りて言けるは汝に語りて汝の父我らの軛を重くしたれば汝これを我らのために軽くせよと言たる此民に汝かく答へ斯これに言べし吾小指は我父の腰よりも太し
The young men who he had grown up with told him, “This is what you have to tell these people who said to you, ‘Your father made our burden heavy, but you should make it lighter.’ This is what you should answer them: ‘My little finger is thicker than my father's waist!
11 我父は汝らに重き軛を負せたりしが我は更に汝らの軛を重くせん我父は鞭をもて汝らを懲せしが我は蠍をもて汝らを懲さんと
My father placed a heavy burden on you, and I will make it even heavier. My father punished you with whips; I will punish you with scorpions.’”
12 偖またヤラベアムと民等は皆王の告て第三日に再び我にきたれと言しごとく第三日にレハベアムに詣りしに
Three days later, Jeroboam and all the people returned to Rehoboam, because the king had told them, “Come back in three days time.”
13 王荒々しく彼らに答へたり即ちレハベアム王老人の敎を棄て
The king answered them sharply. Dismissing the advice of the elders,
14 少年の敎のごとく彼らに告て言けるは我父は汝らの軛を重くしたりしが我は更に之を重くせん我父は鞭をもて汝らを懲せしが我は蠍をもて汝らを懲さんと
he replied using the advice of the young men. He said, “My father placed a heavy burden on you, and I will make it even heavier. My father punished you with whips; I will punish you with scorpions.”
15 王かく民に聽ことをせざりき此事は神より出たる者にしてその然るはヱホバかつてシロ人アヒヤによりてネバテの子ヤラベアムに告たる言を成就んがためなり
The king did not listen to what the people said, for this change in circumstances was from God, to fulfill what Lord had told Jeroboam son of Nebat through Ahijah the Shilonite.
16 イスラエルの民みな王の己に聽ざるを見しかば王に答へて言けるは我らダビデの中に何の分あらんやヱッサイの子の中には所有なしイスラエルよ汝ら各々その天幕に歸れダビデ族よ今おのれの家を顧みよと斯イスラエルは皆その天幕に歸れり
When all the Israelites saw that the king wasn't listening to them, they told the king: “What share do we have in David, and what part do we have in the son of Jesse? Go home, Israel! You're on your own, house of David!” So all the Israelites went home.
17 但しユダの邑々に住るイスラエルの子孫の上にはレハベアムなほ王たりき
However, Rehoboam still ruled over the Israelites who lived in Judah.
18 レハベアム王役夫の頭なるアドラムを遣はしけるにイスラエルの子孫石をもてこれを撃て死しめたればレハベアム王急ぎてその車に登りてエルサレムに逃かへれり
Then King Rehoboam sent out Hadoram, who was in charge of forced labor, but the Israelites stoned him to death. King Rehoboam quickly jumped into his chariot and raced back to Jerusalem.
19 是のごとくイスラエルはダビデの家に背きて今日にいたる
As a result, Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.

< 歴代誌Ⅱ 10 >