< テモテへの手紙第一 5 >

1 老人を譴責すな、反つて之を父のごとく勸め、若き人を兄弟の如くに、
An elder do not reprimand, but persuade him as a father, and those who are young as thy brethren,
2 老いたる女を母の如くに勸め、若き女を姉妹の如くに全き貞潔をもて勸めよ。
and the elderly women as mothers, and those who are young as thy sisters, with all purity.
3 寡婦のうちの眞の寡婦を敬へ。
The widows honour them who are widows in truth.
4 されど寡婦に子もしくは孫あらば、彼ら先づ己の家に孝を行ひて親に恩を報ゆることを學ぶべし。これ神の御意にかなふ事なり。
And if there be a widow who hath children, or children's children, let them learn first to do justly for their families, and to repay the debts (owing) to their parents; for this is acceptable before Aloha.
5 眞の寡婦にして獨殘りたる者は、望を神におきて、夜も晝も絶えず願と祈とを爲す。
But she who is truly a widow and solitary (is one) whose hope is in Aloha, and who persevereth in prayer and in supplication by night and by day.
6 されど佚樂を放恣にする寡婦は、生けりと雖も死にたる者なり。
But she who serveth pleasure is dead while she liveth.
7 これらの事を命じて彼らに責むべき所なからしめよ。
These things prescribe to them, that they be without blame.
8 人もし其の親族、殊に己が家族を顧みずば、信仰を棄てたる者にて、不 信者よりも更に惡しきなり。
For if a man hath not care of them who are his own, and especially of them who are children of the household of faith, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than those who believe not.
9 六十歳 以下の寡婦は寡婦の籍に記すべからず、記すべきは一人の夫の妻たりし者にして、
Elect, then, the widow who is not less than sixty years, who hath had one husband,
10 善き業の聲聞あり、或は子女をそだて、或は旅人を宿し、或は聖徒の足を洗ひ、或は惱める者を助くる等、もろもろの善き業に從ひし者たるべし。
and who hath the testimony of good works: if she have brought up children, if she have received guests, if she have washed the feet of the saints, if she have cheered the afflicted, if she have walked in every gracious work.
11 若き寡婦は籍に記すな、彼らキリストに背きて心 亂るる時は、嫁ぐことを欲し、
But from the widows who are young, withhold (the election); for these become schismatical against the Meshiha, and seek to marry,
12 初の誓約を棄つるに因りて批難を受くべければなり。
and their condemnation is confirmed, because they have rejected their first fidelity.
13 彼 等はまた懶惰に流れて家々を遊びめぐる、啻に懶惰なるのみならず、言 多くして徒事にたづさはり、言ふまじき事を言ふ。
They also learn idleness, wandering from house to house; and not only idleness, but also to multiply words, and to follow vain (pursuits), and to speak things which they ought not.
14 されば若き寡婦は嫁ぎて子を生み、家を理めて敵に少しにても謗るべき機を與へざらんことを我は欲す。
I will therefore that those who are young should marry, and bear children, and conduct their households,
15 彼らの中には既に迷ひてサタンに從ひたる者あり。
and not give to the adversary any occasion to revile. For already have some begun to turn aside after Satana.
16 信者たる女もし其の家に寡婦あらば、自ら之を助けて教會を煩はすな。これ眞の寡婦を教會の助けん爲なり。
If any believing man or believing woman have widows, let them support them, that they may not be burden-some on the church, that they who are widows indeed may have sufficient.
17 善く治むる長老、殊に言と教とをもて勞する長老を一層 尊ぶべき者とせよ。
Those presbyters who well conduct themselves shall be worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and in doctrine.
18 聖書に『穀物を碾す牛に口籠を繋くべからず』また『勞動人のその價を得るは相應しきなり』と云へばなり。
For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox in the treading out; and, Worthy is the labourer of his hire.
19 長老に對する訴訟は二三人の證人なくば受くべからず。
Against a presbyter an accusation receive not, except on the mouth of two or three witnesses.
20 罪を犯せる者をば衆の前にて責めよ、これ他の人をも懼れしめんためなり。
Those who sin before all men reprove, that the rest may be afraid.
21 われ神とキリスト・イエスと選ばれたる御使たちとの前にて嚴かに汝に命ず、何事をも偏り行はず、偏頗なく此 等のことを守れ、
I attest thee before Aloha and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha and his elect angels, that thou keep these, (precepts, ) and let not thy mind be pre-occupied by any thing, and do nothing with acceptance of persons.
22 輕々しく人に手を按くな、人の罪に與るな、自ら守りて潔くせよ。
The hand suddenly on any man lay not, neither participate in others' sins. Keep thyself in purity.
23 今よりのち水のみを飮まず、胃のため、又しばしば病に罹る故に、少しく葡萄酒を用ひよ。
And henceforth water drink not, but wine a little drink, on account of thy stomach, and on account of thy constant infirmities.
24 或 人の罪は明かにして先だちて審判に往き、或 人の罪は後にしたがふ。
THERE are men whose sins are known, and they precede them to the place of judgment; and there are whose (sins) go after them.
25 斯くのごとく善き業も明かなり、然らざる者も遂には隱るること能はず。
So also good men are known; and those who are otherwise cannot be hid.

< テモテへの手紙第一 5 >