< テモテへの手紙第一 4 >

1 されど御靈あきらかに、或 人の後の日に及びて、惑す靈と惡鬼の教とに心を寄せて、信仰より離れんことを言ひ給ふ。
Now the Spirit speaketh euidently, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, and shall giue heede vnto spirits of errour, and doctrines of deuils,
2 これ虚僞をいふ者の僞善に由りてなり。彼らは良心を燒金にて烙かれ、
Which speake lies through hypocrisie, and haue their cosciences burned with an hote yron,
3 婚姻するを禁じ、食を斷つことを命ず。されど食は神の造り給へる物にして、信じかつ眞理を知る者の感謝して受くべきものなり。
Forbidding to marrie, and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with giuing thankes of them which beleeue and knowe the trueth.
4 神の造り給へる物はみな善し、感謝して受くる時は棄つべき物なし。
For euery creature of God is good, and nothing ought to be refused, if it be receiued with thankesgiuing.
5 そは神の言と祈とによりて潔めらるるなり。
For it is sanctified by the worde of God, and prayer.
6 汝もし此 等のことを兄弟に教へば、信仰と汝の從ひたる善き教との言にて養はるる所のキリスト・イエスの良き役者たるべし。
If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Iesus Christ, which hast bene nourished vp in the wordes of faith, and of good doctrine, which thou hast continually followed.
7 されど妄なる談と老いたる女の昔話とを捨てよ、また自ら敬虔を修行せよ。
But cast away prophane, and olde wiues fables, and exercise thy selfe vnto godlinesse.
8 體の修行もいささかは益あれど、敬虔は今の生命と後の生命との約束を保ちて凡ての事に益あり。
For bodily exercise profiteth litle: but godlinesse is profitable vnto all things, which hath the promise of the life present, and of that that is to come.
9 これ信ずべく正しく受くべき言なり。
This is a true saying, and by all meanes worthie to be receiued.
10 我らは之がために勞しかつ苦心す、そは我ら凡ての人、殊に信ずる者の救主なる活ける神に望を置けばなり。
For therefore we labour and are rebuked, because we trust in the liuing God, which is the Sauiour of all men, specially of those that beleeue.
11 汝これらの事を命じかつ教へよ。
These things warne and teache.
12 なんぢ年 若きをもて人に輕んぜらるな、反つて言にも、行状にも、愛にも、信仰にも、潔にも、信者の模範となれ。
Let no man despise thy youth, but be vnto them that beleeue, an ensample, in worde, in conuersation, in loue, in spirit, in faith, and in purenesse.
13 わが到るまで、讀むこと勸むること教ふる事に心を用ひよ。
Till I come, giue attendance to reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine.
14 なんぢ長老たちの按手を受け、預言によりて賜はりたる賜物を等閑にすな。
Despise not the gift that is in thee, which was giuen thee by prophecie with the laying on of the hands of the companie of the Eldership.
15 なんぢ心を傾けて此 等のことを專ら務めよ。汝の進歩の明かならん爲なり。
These things exercise, and giue thy selfe vnto them, that it may be seene howe thou profitest among all men.
16 なんぢ己とおのれの教とを愼みて此 等のことに怠るな、斯くなして己と聽く者とを救ふべし。
Take heede vnto thy selfe, and vnto learning: continue therein: for in doing this thou shalt both saue thy selfe, and them that heare thee.

< テモテへの手紙第一 4 >