< サムエル記Ⅰ 16 >
1 爰にヱホバ、サムエルにいひたまひけるは我すでにサウルを棄てイスラエルに王たらしめざるに汝いつまでかれのために歎くや汝の角に膏油を滿してゆけ我汝をベテレヘム人ヱサイの許につかはさん其は我其子の中にひとりの王を尋ねえたればなり
The Lord then saide vnto Samuel, Howe long wilt thou mourne for Saul, seeing I haue cast him away from reigning ouer Israel? fill thine horne with oyle and come, I will sende thee to Ishai the Bethlehemite: for I haue prouided mee a King among his sonnes.
2 サムエルいひけるは我いかで往くことをえんサウル聞て我をころさんヱホバいひたまひけるは汝一犢を携へゆきて言へヱホバに犠牲をささげんために來ると
And Samuel sayde, Howe can I goe? for if Saul shall heare it, he will kill me. Then the Lord answered, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to doe sacrifice to the Lord.
3 しかしてヱサイを犠牲の場によべ我汝が爲すべき事をしめさん我汝に告るところの人に膏をそそぐ可し
And call Ishai to the sacrifice, and I will shewe thee what thou shalt doe, and thou shalt anoynt vnto me him whom I name vnto thee.
4 サムエル、ヱホバの語たまひしごとくなしてベテレヘムにいたる邑の長老おそれて之をむかへいひけるは汝平康なる事のためにきたるや
So Samuel did that the Lord bade him, and came to Beth-lehem, and the Elders of the towne were astonied at his comming, and sayd, Commest thou peaceablie?
5 サムエルいひけるは平康なることのためなり我はヱホバに犠牲をささげんとてきたる汝ら身をきよめて我とともに犠牲の場にきたれと斯てヱサイと其諸子を潔めて犠牲の場によびきたる
And he answeared, Yea: I am come to doe sacrifice vnto the Lord: sanctifie your selues, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Ishai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.
6 かれらが至れる時サムエル、エリアブを見ておもへらくヱホバの膏そそぐものは必ず此人ならんと
And when they were come, hee looked on Eliab, and saide, Surely the Lordes Anointed is before him.
7 しかるにヱホバ、サムエルにいひたまひけるは其容貌と身長を觀るなかれ我すでにかれをすてたりわが視るところは人に異なり人は外の貌を見ヱホバは心をみるなり
But the Lord said vnto Samuel, Looke not on his countenance, nor on the height of his stature, because I haue refused him: for God seeth not as man seeth: for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord beholdeth the heart.
8 ヱサイ、ヘアビナダブをよびてサムエルのまへを過しむサムエルいひけるは此人もまたヱホバ擇みたまはず
Then Ishai called Abinadab, and made him come before Samuel. And he saide, Neither hath the Lord chosen this.
9 ヱサイ、シヤンマを過しむサムエルいひけるは此人もまたヱホバえらみたまはず
Then Ishai made Shammah come. And he said, Neither yet hath the Lord chosen him.
10 ヱサイ其七人の子をしてサムエルの前をすぎしむサムエル、ヱサイにいふヱホバ是等をえらみたまはず
Againe Ishai made his seue sonnes to come before Samuel: and Samuel saide vnto Ishai, The Lord hath chosen none of these.
11 サムエル、ヱサイにいひけるは汝の男子は皆此にをるやヱサイいひけるは尚季子のこれり彼は羊を牧をるなりとサムエル、ヱサイにいひけるは彼を迎へきたらしめよかれが此にいたるまでは我ら食に就かざるべし
Finally, Samuel said vnto Ishai, Are there no more children but these? And hee sayde, There remaineth yet a litle one behinde, that keepeth the sheepe. Then Samuel saide vnto Ishai, Sende and set him: for we will not sit downe, till he be come hither.
12 是において人をつかはしてかれをつれきたらしむ其人色赤く目美しくして其貌麗しヱホバいひたまひけるは起てこれにあぶらを沃げ是其人なり
And he sent, and brought him in: and he was ruddie, and of a good countenance, and comely visage. And the Lord saide, Arise, and anoynt him: for this is he.
13 サムエル膏の角をとりて其兄弟の中にてこれに膏をそそげり此日よりのちヱホバの霊ダビデにのぞむサムエルはたちてラマにゆけり
Then Samuel tooke the horne of oyle, and anoynted him in the middes of his brethren. And the Spirit of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that day forwarde: then Samuel rose vp, and went to Ramah.
14 かくてヱホバの霊サウルをはなれヱホバより來る惡鬼これを惱せり
But the Spirite of the Lord departed from Saul, and an euill spirite sent of the Lord vexed him.
15 サウルの臣僕これにいひけるは視よ神より來れる惡鬼汝をなやます
And Sauls seruants said vnto him, Beholde nowe, the euill spirite of God vexeth thee.
16 ねがはくはわれらの主汝のまへにつかふる臣僕に命じて善く琴を鼓く者一人を求めしめよ神よりきたれる惡鬼汝に臨む時彼手をもて琴を鼓て汝いゆることをえん
Let our Lord therefore command thy seruants, that are before thee, to seeke a man that is a cunning plaier vpon the harpe: that when the euil spirit of God commeth vpon thee, hee may play with his hand, and thou maiest be eased.
17 サウル臣僕にいひけるはわがために巧に鼓琴者をたづねてわがもとにつれきたれ
Saul then saide vnto his seruantes, Prouide me a man, I pray you, that can play well, and bring him to me.
18 時に一人の少者こたへていひけるは我ベテレヘム人ヱサイの子を見しが琴に巧にしてまた豪氣して善くたたかふ辯舌さはやかなる美しき人なりかつヱホバこれとともにいます
Then answered one of his seruauntes, and sayde, Beholde, I haue seene a sonne of Ishai, a Bethlehemite, that can plaie, and is strong, valiant and a man of warre and wise in matters, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him.
19 サウルすなはち使者をヱサイにつかはしていひけるは羊をかふ汝の子ダビデをわがもとに遣はせと
Wherefore Saul sent messengers vnto Ishai, and said, Send me Dauid thy sonne which is with the sheepe.
20 ヱサイすなはち驢馬にパンを負せ一嚢の酒と山羊の羔を執りてこれを其子ダビデの手によりてサウルにおくれり
And Ishai tooke an asse laden with breade and a flagon of wine and a kidde, and sent them by the hand of Dauid his sonne vnto Saul.
21 ダビデ、サウルの許にいたりて其まへに事ふサウル大にこれを愛し其武器を執る者となす
And Dauid came to Saul, and stoode before him: and he loued him verie well, and he was his armour bearer.
22 サウル人をヱサイにつかはしていひけるはねがはくはダビデをしてわが前に事へしめよ彼はわが心にかなへりと
And Saul sent to Ishai, saying, Let Dauid nowe remaine with me: for he hath found fauour in my sight.
23 神より出たる惡鬼サウルに臨めるときダビデ琴を執り手をもてこれを弾にサウル慰さみて愈え惡鬼かれをはなる
And so when the euil spirite of God came vpon Saul, Dauid tooke an harpe and plaied with his hande, and Saul was refreshed, and was eased: for the euill spirit departed from him.