< サムエル記Ⅰ 14 >
1 其時サウルの子ヨナタン武器を執る若者にいひけるはいざ對面にあるペリシテ人の先陣に渉りゆかんと然ど其父には告ざりき
And it came about, on a certain day, that Jonathan son of Saul said unto the young man bearing his armour: Come! and let us pass over unto the garrison of the Philistines, that is on the other side, yonder! but, to his father, he told it not.
2 サウル、ギベアの極においてミグロンにある石榴の樹の下に住まりしが倶にある民はおよそ六百人なりき
Now, Saul, was tarrying in the uttermost part of Gibeah, under the pomegranate tree that is in Migron, —and, the people that were with him, were about six hundred men;
3 又アヒヤ、エポデを衣てともにをるアヒヤはアヒトブの子アヒトブはイカボデの兄弟イカボデばピネハスの子ピネハスはシロにありてヱホバの祭司たりしエリの子なり民ヨナタンの行けるをしらざりき
and, Ahijah, son of Ahitub, brother of Ichabod, son of Phinehas, son of Eli, was priest of Yahweh in Shiloh, wearing an ephod, —and, the people, knew not that Jonathan had departed.
4 ヨナタンの渉りてペリシテ人の先陣にいたらんとする渡口の間に此傍に巉巌あり彼傍にも巉巌あり一の名をボゼツといひ一の名をセネといふ
And, between the passes by which Jonathan sought to cross over up to the garrison of the Philistines, there was a crag of rock on the one side, and a crag of rock on the other side; and, the name of the one, was Bozez, and the name of the other, Seneh.
5 其一は北に向ひてミクマシに對し一に南にむかひてゲバに對す
The one crag, was a pillar on the north, over against Michmash, —and, the other, on the south, over against Geba.
6 ヨナタン武器を執る少者にいふいざ我ら此割禮なき者どもの先陣にわたらんヱホバ我らのためにはたらきたまことあらん多くの人をもて救ふも少き人をもてすくふもヱホバにおいては妨げなし
So Jonathan said unto the young man bearing his armour—Come! and let us cross over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised, peradventure, Yahweh may work by us, —for there is no restraint with Yahweh, to save by many, or by few.
7 武器をとるもの之にいひけるは總て汝の心にあるところをなせ進めよ我汝の心にしたがひて汝とともにあり
And his armour-bearer said to him, Do all that is in thy heart, —decide for thyself (lo! I am with thee!), according to thine own heart.
8 ヨナタンいひけるは見よ我らかの人々のところにわたり身をかれらにあらはさん
Then said Jonathan, Lo! we, are crossing over unto the men, —and will discover ourselves unto them.
9 かれら若し我らが汝らにいたるまでとどまれと斯く我らにいはば我らはこのままとどまりてかれらの所にのぼらじ
If, thus, they say unto us, Keep quiet until we get to you, then will we stand still where we are, and will not go up unto them;
10 されど若し我らのところにのぼれとかくいはば我らのぼらんヱホバかれらを我らの手にわたしたまふなり是を徴となさんと
but, if thus, they say, Come up unto us, then will we go up; for Yahweh hath delivered them into our hand, —This, then, is our sign.
11 斯て二人其身をペリシテ人の先陣にあらはしければペリシテ人いひけるは視よヘブル人其かくれたる穴よりいで來ると
So they two discovered themselves unto the garrison of the Philistines, —and the Philistines said—Lo! Hebrews, coming forth out of the holes, wherein they had hidden themselves.
12 すなはち先陣の人ヨナタンと其武器を執る者にこたへて我等の所に上りきたれ目に物見せんといひしかばヨナタン武器を執る者にいひけるは我にしたがひてのぼれヱホバ彼らをイスラエルの手にわたしたまふなり
And the men of the garrison responded to Jonathan and his armour-bearer, and said—Come up unto us, and we will let you know a thing. Then said Jonathan unto his armour-bearer—Come up after me, for Yahweh hath delivered them into the hand of Israel.
13 ヨナタン攀のぼり其武器を執るもの之にしたがふペリシテ人ヨナタンのまへに仆る武器をとる者も後にしたがひて之をころす
So Jonathan went up on his hands and on his feet, and, his armour-bearer, followed him, —and they fell before Jonathan, and, his armour-bearer, was slaying after him.
14 ヨナタンと其武器を取るもの手はじめに殺せし者およそ二十人此事田畑半段の内になれり
And the first smiting wherewith Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote, was about twenty men, —within, as it were, half a furrow’s length of a yoke of land.
15 しかして野にある陣のものおよび凡ての民の中に戰慄おこり先陣の人および劫掠人もまたおののき地ふるひ動けり是は神よりの戰慄なりき
And there came to be a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people, the outposts and the spoilers, they too, trembled, —and the earth quaked, so it became a preternatural trembling.
16 ベニヤミンのギベアにあるサウルの戌卒望見しに視よペリシテ人の群衆くづれて此彼にちらばる
And the scouts of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and lo! the camp, melted away, hither and thither.
17 時にサウルおのれとともなる民にいひけるは汝ら點驗て誰が我らの中よりゆきしかを見よとすなはちしらべたるにヨナタンとその武器を執るもの居らざりき
Then said Saul unto the people who were with him: Number, I pray you, and see who hath departed from us. So they numbered; and lo! Jonathan and his armour-bearer were missing.
18 サウル、アヒヤにエポデを持きたれといふ其はかれ此時イスラエルのまへにエポデを著たれば也
Then said Saul unto Ahijah, Bring near the ark of God; for the ark of God was, on that day, in the midst of the sons of Israel.
19 サウル祭司にかたれる時ペリシテ人の軍の騒いよいよましたりければサウル祭司にいふ姑く汝の手を措けと
And it came to pass, as soon as Saul had spoken unto the priest, that, the tumultuous noise that was in the camp of the Philistines, went on and on, increasing. Then said Saul unto the priest, —Withdraw thy hand.
20 かくてサウルおよびサウルと共にある民皆呼はりて戰ひに至るにペリシテ人おのおの劍を以て互に相撃ちければその敗績はなはだ大なりき
And Saul and all the people that were with him gathered themselves together, and came as far as the host, —and lo! the sword of every man was against his fellow, an exceeding great confusion.
21 また此時よりまへにペリシテ人とともにありてペリシテ人と共に上りて陣に來るところのヘブル人もまた翻へりてサウルおよびヨナタンと共にあるイスラエル人に合せり
And, the Hebrews who had aforetime belonged to the Philistines, who had come up with them in the host, even they, turned round so as to be with Israel who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 又エフライムの山地にかくれたるイスラエル人皆ペリシテ人の逃るを聞てまた戰ひに出て之を追撃り
And, all the men of Israel who had hidden themselves throughout the hill country of Ephraim, heard that the Philistines had fled, and, they also, followed hard after them in the battle.
23 是の如くヱホバ此日イスラエルをすくひたまふ而して戰はベテアベンにうつれり
Thus did Yahweh, on that day, save Israel, —and, the battle, passed over by Beth-aven.
24 されど此日イスラエル人苦めり其はサウル民を誓はせて夕まで即ちわが敵に仇をむくゆるまでに食物を食ふ者は呪詛れんと言たればなり是故に民の中に食物を味ひし者なし
Now, the men of Israel, were tired out on that day, —yet had Saul bound the people by an oath, saying—Cursed, be the man that eateth food until the evening, and I be avenged upon mine enemies. So none of the people had tasted food.
And, all the land, had entered into the forest, —and there was honey upon the face of the ground.
26 即ち民森にいたりて蜜のながるるをみる然ども民誓を畏るれば誰も手を口につくる者なし
So the people came into the forest, and lo! there were streams of honey, —but no man reached his hand to his mouth, because the people revered the oath.
27 然にヨナタンは其父が民をちかはせしを聞ざりければ手にある杖の末をのばして蜜にひたし手を口につけたり是に由て其目あきらかになりぬ
But, Jonathan, heard not his father putting the people on oath, so he reached forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and dipped it in the honey-copse, —and brought back his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were brightened.
28 時に民のひとり答て言けるは汝の父かたく民をちかはせて今日食物をくらふ人は呪詛はれんと言り是に由て民つかれたり
Then responded one from among the people, and said—With an oath, did thy father charge the people, saying—Cursed, be the man that eateth food to-day! And so the people were faint.
29 ヨナタンいひけるはわが父國を煩せり請ふ我この蜜をすこしく嘗しによりて如何にわが目の明かになりしかを見よ
Then said Jonathan: My father hath afflicted the land, —See, I pray you, how my own eyes have been brightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 ましてや民今日敵よりうばひし物を十分に食しならばペリシテ人をころすこと更におほかるべきにあらずや
How much more if haply the people had, eaten freely, to-day of the spoil of their enemies, which they found? for, now, would not the smiting of the Philistines have been, mighty?
31 イスラエル人かの日ペリシテ人を撃てミクマシよりアヤロンにいたる而して民はなはだ疲たり
Howbeit they smote the Philistines on that day from Michmash to Aijalon, —but the people became exceeding faint.
32 是において民劫掠物に走かかり羊と牛と犢とを取りて之を地のうへにころし血のままに之をくらふ
And the people darted greedily upon the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and felled them to the ground, —and the people did eat, with the blood.
33 人々サウルにつげていひけるは民肉を血のままに食ひて罪をヱホバにをかすとサウルいひけるは汝ら背けり直ちにわがもとに大石をまろばしきたれ
And they told Saul, saying, Lo! the people, are sinning against Yahweh, by eating with the blood. And he said—Ye have dealt treacherously, roll unto me, here, a great stone.
34 サウルまたいひけるは汝らわかれて民のうちにいりていへ人各其牛と各其羊をわがもとに引ききたり此處にてころしくらへ血のままにくらひて罪をヱホバに犯すなかれと此において民おのおのこの夜其牛を手にひききたりて之をかしこにころせり
And Saul said—Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them—Bring near unto me every man his ox, and every man his lamb, and slay them here, and then eat, so shall ye not sin against Yahweh, by eating with the blood. And all the people brought near—every man that which was in his hand, that night, and they slew them there.
35 しかしてサウル、ヱホバに一つの壇をきづく是はサウルのヱホバに壇を築ける始なり
And Saul built an altar unto Yahweh, —the same, was the first altar that he built unto Yahweh.
36 斯てサウルいひけるは我ら夜のうちにペリシテ人を追くだり夜明までかれらを掠めて一人をも殘すまじ皆いひけるは凡て汝の目に善とみゆる所をなせと時に祭司いひけるは我ら此にちかより神にもとめんと
Then said Saul—Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and make of them a prey until the morning light, and let us not leave of them, a man. And they said, All that is good in thine eyes, do! Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.
37 サウル神に我ペリシテ人をおひくだるべきか汝かれらをイスラエルの手にわたしたまふやと問けれど此日はこたへたまはざりき
So Saul asked of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Israel? But he answered him not, that day.
38 是においてサウルいひけるは民の長たちよ皆此にちかよれ汝らみて今日のこの罪のいづくにあるを知れ
Then said Saul, Come near hither, all ye chiefs of the people, —and get to know and see, wherein, hath been this sin, to-day.
39 イスラエルを救ひたまへるヱホバはいく假令わが子ヨナタンにもあれ必ず死なざるべからずとされど民のうち一人もこれにこたへざりき
For, by the life of Yahweh, who saveth Israel, though it be in Jonathan my son, yet shall he, die. But there was none ready to answer him, of all the people.
40 サウル、イスラエルの人々にいひけるはなんぢらは彼處にをれ我とわが子ヨナタンは此處にをらんと民いひけるは汝の目によしとみゆるところをなせ
Then said he unto all Israel—Ye, shall be on one side, and, I and Jonathan my son, will be on the other side. And the people said unto Saul, What is good in thine eyes, do!
41 サウル、イスラエルの神ヱホバにいひけるはねがはくは眞實をしめしたまへとかくてヨナタンとサウル籤にあたり民はのがれたり
And Saul said unto Yahweh—O God of Israel! now set forth the truth. Then were, Jonathan and Saul, taken, and, the people, escaped.
42 サウルいひけるは我とわが子のあひだの鬮を掣けと即ちヨナタンこれにあたれり
And Saul said, Cast lots between me, and Jonathan my son. Then was, Jonathan, taken.
43 サウル、ヨナタンにいひけるは汝がなせしところを我に告よヨナタンつげていひけるは我は只わが手の杖の末をもて少許の蜜をなめしのみなるが我しなざるをえず
And Saul said unto Jonathan, Come tell me, what thou hast done. So Jonathan told him, and said, I, just tasted, with the end of the staff that was in my hand, a little honey, here I am—I must die!
44 サウルこたへけるは神かくなしまたかさねてかくなしたまヘヨナタンよ汝死ざるべからず
Then said Saul: So, may God do, and, so, may he add, surely thou must, die, Jonathan!
45 民サウルにいひけるはイスラエルの中に此大なるすくひをなせるヨナタン死ぬべけんや決めてしからずヱホバは生くヨナタンの髮の毛ひとすぢも地におつべからず其はかれ神とともに今日はたらきたればなりとかく民ヨナタンをすくひて死なざらしむ
But the people said unto Saul—Shall, Jonathan, die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? Far be it! By the life of Yahweh, there shall not fall a hair of his head to the ground, for, with God, hath he wrought this day. So the people delivered Jonathan, that he died not.
46 サウル、ペリシテ人を追ことを息てのぼりぬペリシテ人其國にかへれり
Then Saul went up from following the Philistines, —and, the Philistines, departed unto their own place.
47 かくてサウル、イスラエルの王の位につきて四方の敵を攻む即ちモアブ、アンモンの子孫エドム、ゾバの王たちおよびペリシテ人をせめけるに凡てむかふところにて勝利を得たり
And, Saul, took possession of the kingdom over Israel, —and made war round about against all his enemies—against Moab, and against the sons of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines, and, whomsoever he turned against, he was victorious.
48 サウル力をえアマレク人をうちてイスラエルを其劫掠人の手よりすくひいだせり
Then made he ready a force, and smote the Amalekites, —and delivered Israel out of the hand of such as plundered them.
49 サウルの男子はヨナタン、ヱスイおよびマルキシユアなり其二人の女子の名は姉はメラブといひ妹はミカルといふ
And the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishvi, and Malchishua, —and, the names of his two daughters, were, the name of the firstborn, Merab, and, the name of the younger, Michal, —
50 サウルの妻の名はアヒノアムといひてアヒマアズの女子なり其軍の長の名はアブネルといひてサウルの叔父なるネルの子なり
and, the name of Saul’s wife, was Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimaaz, —and the name of the prince of his host, Abner, son of Ner, Saul’s uncle.
51 サウルの父キシとアブネルの父ネルはアビエルの子なり
And, Kish, was Saul’s father, and, Ner, Abner’s father, was son of Abiel.
52 サウルの一生のあひだ恒にペリシテ人と烈しき戰ありサウルは力ある人または勇ある人を見るごとにこれをかかへたり
And the war was severe against the Philistines all the days of Saul, —and, whensoever Saul saw any mighty man, or any son of valour, he drew him unto himself.