< ペテロの手紙第一 3 >

1 妻たる者よ、汝らもその夫に服へ。たとひ御言に遵はぬ夫ありとも、汝らの潔く、かつ恭敬しき行状を見て、言によらず妻の行状によりて救に入らん爲なり。
So you also, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that them who have not obeyed the word, by your comely manners without labour you may win,
2 妻たる者よ、汝らもその夫に服へ。たとひ御言に遵はぬ夫ありとも、汝らの潔く、かつ恭敬しき行状を見て、言によらず妻の行状によりて救に入らん爲なり。
while they see that with reverence and with chastity you conduct yourselves.
3 汝らは髮を辮み、金をかけ、衣服を裝ふごとき表面のものを飾とせず、
Neither be adorned with outward adornings of the entwinement of your hair, or necklaces of gold, or of excelling vestments,
4 心のうちの隱れたる人、すなはち柔和、恬靜なる靈の朽ちぬ物を飾とすべし、是こそは神の前にて價 貴きものなれ。
but adorn yourselves in the hidden man of the heart, with the spirit of gentleness which perisheth not, the ornament of excellence before Aloha.
5 むかし神に望を置きたる潔き女たちも、かくの如くその夫に服ひて己を飾りたり。
For so also of old the holy women who confided in Aloha adorned themselves, and were subject to their husbands,
6 即ちサラがアブラハムを主と呼びて之に服ひし如し。汝らも善を行ひて何事にも戰き懼れずばサラの子たるなり。
even as Sara was subject to Abraham, and called him My Lord: of her be you the daughters in good works, not being perturbed by any fear.
7 夫たる者よ、汝らその妻を己より弱き器の如くし、知識にしたがひて偕に棲み、生命の恩惠を共に嗣ぐ者として之を貴べ、これ汝らの祈に妨害なからん爲なり。
AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers.
8 終に言ふ、汝らみな心を同じうし、互に思ひ遣り、兄弟を愛し、憐み、へりくだり、
But, finally be all unanimous, and suffer with those who suffer, and love one another, and be merciful and gentle;
9 惡をもて惡に、謗をもて謗に報ゆることなく、反つて之を祝福せよ。汝らの召されたるは祝福を嗣がん爲なればなり。
and let no man render evil for evil, nor invective for invective, but, that which is contrary to them, bless: for unto this are you called, that the blessing you may inherit.
10 『生命を愛し、善き日を送らんとする者は、舌を抑へて惡を避け、口唇を抑へて虚僞を語らず、
Who then willeth life, And loveth good days to see? Let him keep his tongue from evil, And his lips that they speak not guile.
11 惡より遠ざかりて善をおこなひ、平和を求めて之を追ふべし。
Let him depart from evil and do good, And seek peace and run after it.
12 それ主の目は義人の上にとどまり、その耳は彼らの祈にかたむく。されど主の御顏は惡をおこなふ者に向ふ』
For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, And his ears, to hear them; And the face of the Lord is against the wicked.
13 汝 等もし善に熱心ならば、誰か汝らを害はん。
And who (is he) who will do you evil if you be emulous of good (actions)?
14 たとひ義のために苦しめらるる事ありとも、汝ら幸福なり『彼 等の威嚇を懼るな、また心を騷がすな』
And (yet) if you suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy. And you will not fear them who would make you afraid, nor be shaken.
15 心の中にキリストを主と崇めよ、また汝らの衷にある望の理由を問ふ人には、柔和と畏懼とをもて常に辯明すべき準備をなし、
But sanctify in your hearts the Lord Meshiha. AND be prepared to make defence to every one who shall seek of you speech concerning the hope of the faith, with meekness and with seriousness, while you have a good conscience;
16 かつ善き良心を保て。これ汝 等のキリストに在りて行ふ善き行状を罵る者の、その謗ることに就きて自ら愧ぢん爲なり。
that as they speak against you as against evil men, they may be made ashamed who have traduced your good conversations in the Meshiha.
17 もし善をおこなひて苦難を受くること神の御意ならば、惡を行ひて苦難を受くるに勝るなり。
For it helpeth you (if) while doing goodly works you have to sustain evil, if so it be the will of Aloha, and not while working evils.
18 キリストも汝らを神に近づかせんとて、正しきもの正しからぬ者に代りて、一たび罪のために死に給へり、彼は肉體にて殺され、靈にて生かされ給へるなり。
Because the Meshiha also once died on account of sins, the just on account of sinners, that he might bring us unto Aloha. And dead in the body and alive in the Spirit,
19 また靈にて往き、獄にある靈に宣傅へたまへり。
he preached unto those souls who were held in sheul,
20 これらの靈は、昔ノアの時代に方舟の備へらるるあひだ寛容をもて神の待ち給へるとき、服はざりし者どもなり、その方舟に入り水を經て救はれし者は、僅にしてただ八人なりき。
those who before were disobedient in the days of Nuch; while the long-suffering of Aloha commanded that he should make the ark, upon the hope of their conversion, and eight souls only entered therein, and were saved in the waters.
21 その水に象れるバプテスマは肉の汚穢を除くにあらず、善き良心の神に對する要求にして、イエス・キリストの復活によりて今なんぢらを救ふ。
After which very type also you are saved in baptism, not while you cleanse the body from filth, but while you make confession of 6 Aloha with a pure conscience, and of the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha;
22 彼は天に昇りて神の右に在す。御使たち及びもろもろの權威と能力とは彼に服ふなり。
who is exalted unto heaven, and is at the right hand of Aloha, and unto whom are subject angels and authorities and powers.

< ペテロの手紙第一 3 >