< ペテロの手紙第一 2 >

1 されば凡ての惡意、すべての詭計・僞善・嫉妬および凡ての謗を棄てて、
Having put aside therefore all malice and all deceit and (hypocrisies *NK(O)*) and envies and all evil speakings
2 いま生れし嬰兒のごとく靈の眞の乳を慕へ、之により育ちて救に至らん爲なり。
like newborn babies reasonable pure milk do crave so that by it you may grow up (in respect to salvation, *NO*)
3 なんぢら既に主の仁慈あることを味ひ知りたらんには、然すべきなり。
(if *N(k)O*) you have tasted that [is] good the Lord.
4 主は人に棄てられ給へど、神に選ばれたる貴き活ける石なり。
To whom coming a stone living, by men indeed rejected in the sight of however God chosen [and] precious,
5 なんぢら彼にきたり、活ける石のごとく建てられて靈の家となれ。これ潔き祭司となり、イエス・キリストに由りて神に喜ばるる靈の犧牲を献げん爲なり。
also you yourselves as stones living are being built up as a house spiritual (into *no*) a priesthood holy to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable (*NK*) to God through Jesus Christ.
6 聖書に『視よ、選ばれたる貴き隅の首石を我シオンに置く。之に依頼む者は辱しめられじ』とあるなり。
(Therefore *N(k)O*) it is contained in (*k*) Scripture: Behold I lay in Zion a stone cornerstone a chosen precious, and the [one] who is believing on Him certainly not may be put to shame.
7 されば信ずる汝らには尊きなれど、信ぜぬ者には『造家者らの棄てたる石は、隅の首石となれる』にて、
To you therefore [is] the preciousness of those believing; ([for those] disbelieving *N(K)O*) however ([the] stone *N(k)O*) which rejected those building, this has become into [the] head of [the] corner
8 『つまづく石、礙ぐる岩』となるなり。彼らは服はぬに因りて御言に躓く。これは斯く定められたるなり。
and A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, [They] stumble at on the word being disobedient, to which also they were appointed;
9 されど汝らは選ばれたる族、王なる祭司・潔き國人・神に屬ける民なり、これ汝らを暗黒より召して、己の妙なる光に入れ給ひし者の譽を顯させん爲なり。
You yourselves however [are] a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for [His] possession, so that the excellencies you may proclaim of the [One] out of darkness you having called to the marvelous of Him light;
10 なんぢら前には民にあらざりしが、今は神の民なり。前には憐憫を蒙らざりしが、今は憐憫を蒙れり。
who once [were] not a people, now however [the] people of God, those [who] not received mercy, now however having received mercy.
11 愛する者よ、われ汝らに勸む。汝らは旅人また宿れる者なれば、靈魂に逆ひて戰ふ肉の慾を避け、
Beloved, I exhort [you] as aliens and sojourners to abstain from fleshly desires, which war against the soul;
12 異邦人の中にありて行状を美しく爲よ、これ汝らを謗りて惡をおこなふ者と云へる人々の、汝らの善き行爲を見て、反つて眷顧の日に神を崇めん爲なり。
the conduct of you among the Gentiles keeping honorable, so that wherein which they speak against you as evildoers, through the good deeds (having witnessed *N(k)O*) they may glorify God in [the] day of visitation.
13 なんぢら主のために凡て人の立てたる制度に服へ。或は上に在る王、
do be subjected (therefore *K*) to every human institution for the sake of the Lord; whether to [the] king as being supreme;
14 或は惡をおこなふ者を罰し、善をおこなふ者を賞せんために王より遣されたる司に服へ。
or to governors as through him being sent for vengeance (indeed *k*) to evildoers, praise however to well-doers;
15 善を行ひて愚なる人の無知の言を止むるは、神の御意なればなり。
because this is the will of God doing good to put to silence the of foolish men ignorance;
16 なんぢら自由なる者のごとくすとも、その自由をもて惡の覆となさず、神の僕のごとくせよ。
as free and not as a cover-up having for evil the freedom, but as of God servants.
17 なんぢら凡ての人を敬ひ、兄弟を愛し、神を畏れ、王を尊べ。
Everyone do honor, The brotherhood (do love, *NK(o)*) God do fear, the king do honor.
18 僕たる者よ、大なる畏をもて主人に服へ、啻に善きもの、寛容なる者にのみならず、情なき者にも服へ、
you who [are] Servants be subject with all fear to masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the unreasonable.
19 人もし受くべからざる苦難を受け、神を認むるに因りて憂に堪ふる事をせば、これ譽むべきなり。
This for [is] acceptable, if for sake of conscience toward God endures anyone griefs suffering unjustly.
20 もし罪を犯して撻たるるとき、之を忍ぶとも何の功かある。されど若し善を行ひてなほ苦しめらるる時これを忍ばば、これ神の譽めたまふ所なり。
What kind of for credit [is it] if sinning and being struck you will endure? But if doing good and suffering you will endure, this [is] commendable before God.
21 汝らは之がために召されたり、キリストも汝らの爲に苦難をうけ、汝らを其の足跡に隨はしめんとて模範を遺し給へるなり。
To this hereunto for you have been called, because also Christ suffered for (for you, *N(K)O*) you leaving an example that you may follow after the steps of Him:
22 彼は罪を犯さず、その口に虚僞なく、
Who sin not committed, neither was found trickery in the mouth of Him,
23 また罵られて罵らず、苦しめられて脅かさず、正しく審きたまふ者に己を委ね、
Who being reviled not was not reviling back suffering not was threatening He was delivering [Himself] however to the [One] judging justly;
24 木の上に懸りて、みづから我らの罪を己が身に負ひ給へり。これ我らが罪に就きて死に、義に就きて生きん爲なり。汝らは彼の傷によりて癒されたり。
Who the sins of us Himself bore in the body of Him on the tree so that to sins having been dead to righteousness we may live; Of whom by the wounds (of him *k*) you have been healed.
25 なんぢら前には羊のごとく迷ひたりしが、今は汝らの靈魂の牧者たる監督に歸りたり。
You were for like sheep (going astray *N(k)O*) but you have returned now to the Shepherd and Overseer of the souls of you.

< ペテロの手紙第一 2 >