< 列王記Ⅰ 2 >

1 ダビデ死ぬる日近よりければ其子ソロモンに命じていふ
The time of David's death was approaching, so he gave his son Solomon these last instructions:
2 我は世人の皆往く途に往んとす汝は強く丈夫のごとく爲れ
“I am about to go the way everybody on earth must go. Be brave, and act like a man.
3 汝の神ヱホバの職守を守り其道に歩行み其法憲と其誡命と其律例と其證言とをモーセの律法に録されたるごとく守るべし然らば汝凡て汝の爲ところと凡て汝の向ふところにて榮ゆべし
Do what God orders you to do, follow his ways. Keep his rules, his commands, and his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses, so you may be successful in everything you do, and in everything you give your attention to.
4 又ヱホバは其甞に我の事に付て語りて若汝の子等其道を愼み心を盡し精神を盡して眞實をもて吾前に歩ばイスラエルの位に上る人汝に缺ることなかるべしと言たまひし言を堅したまはん
If so, then the Lord will keep his promise to me when he said: ‘If your descendants are to live right before me, faithfully and with complete commitment, then you will always have one of them on the throne of Israel.’
5 又汝はゼルヤの子ヨアブが我に爲たる事即ち彼がイスラエルの二人の軍の長ネルの子アブネルとヱテルの子アマサに爲たる事を知る彼此二人を切殺し太平の時に戰の血を流し戰の血を己の腰の周圍の帶と其足の履に染たり
In addition, you know what Joab, son of Zeruiah, did to me and what he did to Abner, son of Ner, and Amasa, son of Jether, the two army commanders of Israel. He murdered them, spilling the blood of war during a time of peace. He smeared the blood of war on his belt and on his sandals.
6 故に汝の智慧にしたがひて事を爲し其白髮を安然に墓に下らしむるなかれ (Sheol h7585)
Do what you think is right, but don't let his gray head go down peacefully into the grave. (Sheol h7585)
7 但しギレアデ人バルジライの子等には恩惠を施こし彼等をして汝の席にて食ふ者の中にあらしめよ彼等はわが汝の兄弟アブサロムの面を避て逃し時我に就たるなり
But be kind to the sons of Barzillai of Gilead. Bring them into your royal court, for they helped me when I ran from your brother Absalom.
8 視よ又バホリムのベニヤミン人ゲラの子シメイ汝とともに在り彼はわがマナハイムに往し時勵しき詛言をもて我を詛へり然ども彼ヨルダンに下りて我を迎へたれば我ヱホバを指て誓ひて我劍をもて汝を殺さじといへり
Don't you forget Shimei, son of Gera, the Benjamite from Bahurim who cursed me with painful words when I went to Mahanaim. When he met me at the Jordan I swore to him by the Lord, ‘I will not kill you with the sword.’
9 然りといへども彼を辜なき者とする勿れ汝は智慧ある人なれば彼に爲べき事を知るなり血を流して其白髮を墓に下すべしと (Sheol h7585)
So don't leave him unpunished. You're a wise man and you know what you have to do to him—send him down into the grave with blood on his gray head.” (Sheol h7585)
10 斯てダビデは其父祖と偕に寝りてダビデの城に葬らる
Then David died and his was buried in the City of David.
11 ダビデのイスラエルに王たりし日は四十年なりき即ちヘブロンにて王たりし事七年エルサレムにて王たりし事三十三年
His reign over Israel lasted forty years; seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
12 ソロモン其父ダビデの位に坐し其國は堅固く定まりぬ
Solomon took over as king, sitting on the throne of his father David, and his hold on his kingdom was secure.
13 爰にハギテの子アドニヤ、ソロモンの母バテシバの所に來りければバテシバいひけるは汝は平穩なる事のために來るや彼いふ平穩たる事のためなり
Adonijah, son of Haggith, went to see Bathsheba, Solomon's mother. She asked him, “Have you come here with good intentions?” He replied, “Yes, with good intentions.”
14 彼又いふ我は汝に言さんとする事ありとバテシバいふ言されよ
“I have something I'd like to ask of you,” he continued. “Go on,” she said.
15 かれいひけるは汝の知ごとく國は我の有にしてイスラエル皆其面を我に向て王となさんと爲りしかるに國は轉てわが兄弟の有となれり其彼の有となれるはヱホバより出たるなり
“You know that the kingdom was mine,” he declared, “and everyone in Israel was looking forward to me being their next king. But everything was turned upside-down, and the kingdom passed to my brother, because that's what the Lord wanted.
16 今我一の願を汝に求む請ふわが面を黜くるなかれバテシバかれにいひけるは言されよ
Now I've just one request to ask of you—please don't say no.” “Tell me,” she said.
17 彼いひけるは請ふソロモン王に言て彼をしてシエナミ人アビシヤグを我に與て妻となさしめよ彼は汝の面を黜けざるべければなり
He went on, “Please talk to King Solomon for me because he won't turn you down. Ask him to give me Abishag from Shunem as my wife.”
18 バテシバいふ善し我汝のために王に言んと
“Very well,” Bathsheba replied. “I will talk to the king for you.”
19 かくてバテシバ、アドニヤのために言とてソロモン王の許に至りければ王起てかれを迎へ彼を拝して其位に坐なほり王母のために座を設けしむ乃ち其右に坐せり
So Bathsheba went to talk to King Solomon for Adonijah. The king got up from his throne to meet her, and bowed before her. Then he sat back down and ordered another throne brought in for his mother. She sat to his right.
20 しかしてバテシバいひけるは我一の細小き願を汝に求むわが面を黜くるなかれ王かれにいひけるは母上よ求めたまへ我汝の面を黜けざるなり
“I have just one small request to ask of you,” she said. “Please don't say no.” The king replied, “Ask away, dear mother. I won't say no to you.”
21 彼いひけるは請ふシユナミ人アビシヤグをアドニヤに與て妻となさしめよ
“Please give Abishag from Shunem to your brother Adonijah as his wife,” she replied.
22 ソロモン王答て其母にいひけるは何ぞアドニヤのためにシユナミ人アビシヤグを求めらるるや彼のために國をも求められよ彼は我の兄なればなり彼と祭司アビヤタルとゼルヤの子ヨアブのために求められよと
King Solomon answered his mother, “Why on earth are you asking me to give Abishag to Adonijah? You might as well ask me to give my brother the kingdom! He is my older brother, and Abiathar the priest and Joab, son of Zeruiah, are on his side!”
23 ソロモン王乃ちヱホバを指て誓ひていふ神我に斯なし又重ねて斯なしたまへアドニヤは其身の生命を喪はんとて此言を言いだせり
Then King Solomon vowed before the Lord, “May God punish me, really punish me, if what Adonijah has asked for doesn't cost him his life.
24 我を立てわが父ダビデの位に上しめ其約せしごとく我に家を建たまひしヱホバは生くアドニヤは今日戮さるべしと
So I vow, as the Lord lives, who affirmed me as king and placed me on the throne of my father David, making me the head of a dynasty as he promised, Adonijah shall be executed today.”
25 ソロモン王ヱホヤダの子ベナヤを遣はしければ彼アドニヤを撃て死しめたり
King Solomon sent Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, who carried out the king's orders and executed Adonijah.
26 王また祭司アビヤタルにいひけるは汝の故田アナトテにいたれ汝は死に當る者なれども嚮にわが父ダビデのまへに神ヱホバの櫃を舁き又凡てわが父の艱難を受たる處にて汝も艱難を受たれば我今日は汝を戮さじと
In the case of Abiathar, the high priest, the king told him, “Go home and take care of your fields. You should be condemned to death, but I will not kill you right now because you carried the Ark of the Lord God ahead of my father David and went through all his hard times with him.”
27 ソロモン、アビヤタルを逐いだしてヱホバの祭司たらしめざりき斯ヱホバがシロにてエリの家につきて言たまひし言應たり
So Solomon dismissed Abiathar from his position as priest of the Lord, and so fulfilled what the Lord had said at Shiloh regarding the descendants of Eli.
28 爰に其風聞ヨアブに達りければヨアブ、ヱホバの幕屋に遁れて壇の角を執たり其はヨアブは轉てアブサロムには隨はざりしかどもアドニヤに隨ひたればなり
When Joab heard the news he ran to the Lord's Tent and grabbed hold of the horns of the altar. (He had not supported Absalom's rebellion but he had supported Adonijah.)
29 ヨアブがヱホバの幕屋に遁れて壇の傍に居ることソロモンに聞えければソロモン、ヱホヤダの子ベナヤを遣はしいひけるは往て彼を撃てと
When King Solomon was told that Joab was seeking sanctuary by the altar, he sent Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, to execute him.
30 ベナヤ乃ちヱホバの幕屋にいたり彼にいひけるは王斯言ふ出來れ彼いひけるは否我は此に死んとベナヤ反て王に告てヨアブ斯言ひ斯我に答へたりと言ふ
Benaiah went to the Lord's Tent and told called to Joab, “The king orders you to come out!” “No! I'll die here!” Joab replied. Benaiah went back to the king and told him what Joab had said.
31 王ベナヤにいひけるは彼が言ふごとく爲し彼を撃て葬りヨアブが故なくして流したる血を我とわが父の家より除去べし
“Do as he says,” the king told Benaiah. “Strike him down and bury him. In that way you will remove from me and my family the guilt of the innocent blood that Joab shed.
32 又ヱホバはヨアブの血を其身の首に歸したまふべし其は彼は己よりも義く且善りし二の人を撃ち劍をもてこれを殺したればなり即ちイスラエルの軍の長ネルの子アブネルとユダの軍の長ヱテルの子アマサを殺せり然るに吾父ダビデは與り知ざりき
The Lord will pay him back for the blood he shed, for without my father David's knowledge, he killed two good men who were better than he was. With his sword he killed Abner, son of Ner, commander of Israel's army, and Amasa, son of Jether, commander of Judah's army.
33 されば彼等の血は長久にヨアブの首と其苗裔の首に皈すべし然どダビデと其苗裔と其家と其位にはヱホバよりの平安永久にあるべし
May the responsibility for shedding their blood come back on Joab and his descendants forever; but may the Lord give peace and prosperity to David, his descendants, his family, and his dynasty forever.”
34 ヱホヤダの子ベナヤすなはち上りて彼を撃ち彼を殺せり彼は野にある己の家に葬らる
So Benaiah son of Jehoiada returned and killed Joab. He was buried at his home in the wilderness.
35 王乃ちヱホヤダの子ベナヤをヨアブに代て軍の長となせり王また祭司ザドクをしてアビヤタルに代しめたり
The king appointed Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, to take over Joab's role as army commander, and replaced Abiathar with Zadok the priest.
36 又王人を遣てシメイを召て之に曰けるはエルサレムに於て汝の爲に家を建て其處に住み其處より此にも彼にも出るなかれ
Then the king summoned Shimei and told him, “Go and build yourself a house in Jerusalem and stay there, but don't leave and go anywhere else.
37 汝が出てキデロン川を濟る日には汝確に知れ汝必ず戮さるべし汝の血は汝の首に歸せん
You should know for certain that the day you leave and cross the Kidron Valley you will die. Your death will be your own responsibility.”
38 シメイ王にいひけるは此言は善し王わが主の言たまへるごとく僕然なすべしと斯シメイ日久しくエルサレムに住り
“What Your Majesty says is fair,” Shimei replied. “Your servant will do as my lord the king has ordered.” Shimei lived in Jerusalem for a long time.
39 三年の後シメイの二人の僕ガテの王マアカの子アキシの所に逃されり人々シメイに告ていふ視よ汝の僕はガテにありと
But three years later, two of Shimei's slaves escaped to Achish, son of Maacah, king of Gath. Shimei was told, “Look, your slaves are in Gath.”
40 シメイ乃ち起て其驢馬に鞍置きガテに往てアキシに至り其僕を尋ねたり即ちシメイ往て其僕をガテより携來りしが
So Shimei saddled up his donkey and went to Achish in Gath to look for his slaves. He found them and brought them back from Gath.
41 シメイのエルサレムよりガテにゆきて歸しことソロモンに聞えければ
Solomon was informed that Shimei had left Jerusalem to go to Gath, and had then returned.
42 王人を遣てシメイを召て之にいひけるは我汝をしてヱホバを指て誓しめ且汝を戒めて汝確に知れ汝が出て此彼に歩く日には汝必ず戮さるべしと言しにあらずや又汝は我に我聞る言葉は善しといへり
The king summoned Shimei and asked him, “Didn't I vow to you by the Lord, didn't I warn you that the day you left and went somewhere else that you should know for certain that you would die? Didn't you reply to me, ‘What Your Majesty says is fair; I'll do as you ordered’?
43 しかるに汝なんぞヱホバの誓とわが汝に命じたる命令を守ざりしや
So why haven't you kept your vow to the Lord, and obeyed my orders?”
44 王又シメイにいひけるは汝は凡て汝の心の知る諸の惡即ち汝がわが父ダビデに爲たる所を知るヱホバ汝の惡を汝の首に歸したまふ
The king also told Shimei, “Deep down you know all the evil things you did to my father David. That's why the Lord will repay you for your evil.
45 されどソロモン王は福祉を蒙らんまたダビデの位は永久にヱホバのまへに固く立べしと
But I, King Solomon, will be blessed and David's dynasty will be kept safe in the presence of the Lord forever.”
46 王ヱホヤダの子ベナヤに命じければ彼出てシメイを撃ちて死しめたりしかして國はソロモンの手に固く立り
The king ordered Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, to execute Shimei, so he went and killed Shimei. In this way Solomon's hold on the kingdom was made secure.

< 列王記Ⅰ 2 >