< コリント人への手紙第一 15 >

1 兄弟よ、曩にわが傳へし福音を更に復なんぢらに示す。汝らは之を受け、之に頼りて立ちたり。
to make known then you brother the/this/who gospel which to speak good news you which and to take in/on/among which and to stand
2 なんぢら徒らに信ぜずして、我が傳へしままを堅く守らば、この福音に由りて救はれん。
through/because of which and to save which? word to speak good news you if to hold back/fast outside/except if not in vain to trust (in)
3 わが第一に汝らに傳へしは、我が受けし所にして、キリスト聖書に應じて我らの罪のために死に、
to deliver for you in/on/among first which and to take that/since: that Christ to die above/for the/this/who sin me according to the/this/who a writing
4 また葬られ、聖書に應じて三日めに甦へり、
and that/since: that to bury and that/since: that to arise the/this/who day the/this/who third according to the/this/who a writing
5 ケパに現れ、後に十二 弟子に現れ給ひし事なり。
and that/since: that to appear Cephas then the/this/who twelve
6 次に五 百 人 以上の兄弟に同時にあらはれ給へり。その中には既に眠りたる者もあれど、多くは今なほ世にあり。
then to appear above five hundred brother once/at once out from which the/this/who greater to stay until now one then (and *k*) to sleep
7 次にヤコブに現れ、次にすべての使徒に現れ、
then to appear James then the/this/who apostle all
8 最終には月 足らぬ者のごとき我にも現れ給へり。
last/least then all just as if the/this/who untimely birth to appear I/we and
9 我は神の教會を迫害したれば、使徒と稱へらるるに足らぬ者にて、使徒のうち最 小き者なり。
I/we for to be the/this/who least the/this/who apostle which no to be sufficient to call: call apostle because to pursue the/this/who assembly the/this/who God
10 然るに我が今の如くなるは、神の恩惠に由るなり。斯くてその賜はりし御惠は空しくならずして、凡ての使徒よりも我は多く働けり。これ我にあらず、我と偕にある神の恩惠なり。
grace then God to be which to be and the/this/who grace it/s/he the/this/who toward I/we no empty to be but more excessive it/s/he all to labor no I/we then but the/this/who grace the/this/who God the/this/who with I/we
11 されば我にもせよ、彼 等にもせよ、宣傳ふる所はかくの如くにして、汝らは斯くのごとく信じたるなり。
whether therefore/then I/we whether that thus(-ly) to preach and thus(-ly) to trust (in)
12 キリストは死人の中より甦へり給へりと宣傳ふるに、汝 等のうちに、死人の復活なしと云ふ者のあるは何ぞや。
if then Christ to preach that/since: that out from dead to arise how! to say in/on/among you one that/since: that resurrection dead no to be
13 もし死人の復活なくば、キリストもまた甦へり給はざりしならん。
if then resurrection dead no to be nor Christ to arise
14 もしキリスト甦へり給はざりしならば、我らの宣教も空しく、汝らの信仰もまた空しからん、
if then Christ no to arise empty therefore (and *no*) the/this/who preaching me empty (then *k*) and the/this/who faith (you *NK(O)*)
15 かつ我らは神の僞證 人と認められん。我ら神はキリストを甦へらせ給へりと證したればなり。もし死人の甦へることなくば、神はキリストを甦へらせ給はざりしならん。
to find/meet then and false witness the/this/who God that/since: since to testify according to the/this/who God that/since: that to arise the/this/who Christ which no to arise if indeed therefore dead no to arise
16 もし死人の甦へる事なくば、キリストも甦へり給はざりしならん。
if for dead no to arise nor Christ to arise
17 若しキリスト甦へり給はざりしならば、汝らの信仰は空しく、汝 等なほ罪に居らん。
if then Christ no to arise futile the/this/who faith you (to be *o*) still to be in/on/among the/this/who sin you
18 然ればキリストに在りて眠りたる者も亡びしならん。
therefore and the/this/who to sleep in/on/among Christ to destroy
19 我等この世にあり、キリストに頼りて空しき望みを懷くに過ぎずば、我らは凡ての人の中にて最も憫むべき者なり。
if in/on/among the/this/who life this/he/she/it in/on/among Christ to hope/expect to be alone pitiful all a human to be
20 然れど正しくキリストは死人の中より甦へり、眠りたる者の初穗となり給へり。
now then Christ to arise out from dead firstfruits the/this/who to sleep (to be *K*)
21 それ人によりて死の來りし如く、死人の復活もまた人に由りて來れり。
since for through/because of a human (the/this/who *k*) death and through/because of a human resurrection dead
22 凡ての人、アダムに由りて死ぬるごとく、凡ての人、キリストに由りて生くべし。
just as for in/on/among the/this/who Adam all to die thus(-ly) and in/on/among the/this/who Christ all to make alive
23 而して各人その順序に隨ふ。まづ初穗なるキリスト、次はその來り給ふときキリストに屬する者なり。
each then in/on/among the/this/who one's own/private order firstfruits Christ then the/this/who the/this/who Christ in/on/among the/this/who coming it/s/he
24 次には終きたらん、その時キリストは、もろもろの權能・權威・權力を亡して國を父なる神に付し給ふべし。
then the/this/who goal/tax when(-ever) (to deliver *N(k)(o)*) the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God and father when(-ever) to abate all beginning and all authority and power
25 彼は凡ての敵をその足の下に置き給ふまで、王たらざるを得ざるなり。
be necessary for it/s/he to reign until which (if *k*) to place all the/this/who enemy by/under: under the/this/who foot it/s/he
26 最後の敵なる死もまた亡されん。
last/least enemy to abate the/this/who death
27 『神は萬の物を彼の足の下に服はせ給ひ』たればなり。萬の物を彼に服はせたりと宣ふときは、萬の物を服はせ給ひし者のその中になきこと明かなり。
all for to subject by/under: under the/this/who foot it/s/he when(-ever) then to say that/since: that all to subject Urim that/since: that outside/except the/this/who to subject it/s/he the/this/who all
28 萬の物かれに服ふときは、子も亦みづから萬の物を己に服はせ給ひし者に服はん。これ神は萬の物に於て萬の事となり給はん爲なり。
when(-ever) then to subject it/s/he the/this/who all then and it/s/he the/this/who son to subject the/this/who to subject it/s/he the/this/who all in order that/to to be the/this/who God the/this/who all in/on/among all
29 もし復活なくば、死人の爲にバプテスマを受くるもの何をなすか、死人の甦へること全くなくば、死人のためにバプテスマを受くるは何の爲ぞ。
since which? to do/make: do the/this/who to baptize above/for the/this/who dead if at all dead no to arise which? and to baptize above/for (the/this/who *k*) (it/s/he *N(K)O*)
30 また我らが何時も危険を冒すは何の爲ぞ。
which? and me be in danger all hour
31 兄弟よ、われらの主イエス・キリストに在りて、汝 等につき我が有てる誇によりて誓ひ、我は日々に死すと言ふ。
according to day to die as surely as the/this/who (you *NK(O)*) pride (brother *NO*) which to have/be in/on/among Christ Jesus the/this/who lord: God me
32 我がエペソにて獸と鬪ひしこと、若し人のごとき思にて爲ししならば、何の益あらんや。死人もし甦へる事なくば『我等いざ飮食せん、明日 死ぬべければなり』
if according to a human to fight beasts in/on/among Ephesus which? me the/this/who gain if dead no to arise to eat and to drink tomorrow for to die
33 なんぢら欺かるな、惡しき交際は善き風儀を害ふなり。
not to lead astray to destroy moral good/kind association evil/harm: evil
34 なんぢら醒めて正しうせよ、罪を犯すな。汝 等のうちに神を知らぬ者あり、我が斯く言ふは汝 等を辱しめんとてなり。
to wake up rightly and not to sin ignorance for God one to have/be to/with shame you (to speak *N(k)O*)
35 されど人あるひは言はん、死人いかにして甦へるべきか、如何なる體をもて來るべきかと。
but to say one how! to arise the/this/who dead what? then body to come/go
36 愚なる者よ、なんぢの播く所のもの先づ死なずば生きず。
foolish you which to sow no to make alive if not to die
37 又その播く所のものは後に成るべき體を播くにあらず、麥にても他の穀にても、ただ種粒のみ。
and which to sow no the/this/who body the/this/who to be to sow but naked seed if to obtain/happen grain or one the/this/who remaining
38 然るに神は御意に隨ひて之に體を予へ、おのおのの種にその體を予へたまふ。
the/this/who then God to give it/s/he body as/just as to will/desire and each the/this/who seed(s) (the/this/who *k*) one's own/private body
39 凡ての肉、おなじ肉にあらず、人の肉あり、獸の肉あり、鳥の肉あり、魚の肉あり。
no all flesh the/this/who it/s/he flesh but another on the other hand (flesh *k*) a human another then flesh animal another then (flesh *no*) bird another then fish
40 天上の體あり、地上の體あり、されど天上の物の光榮は地上の物と異なり。
and body heavenly and body earthly but other on the other hand the/this/who the/this/who heavenly glory other then the/this/who the/this/who earthly
41 日の光榮あり、月の光榮あり、星の光榮あり、此の星は彼の星と光榮を異にす。
another glory sun and another glory moon and another glory star star for star to spread/surpass in/on/among glory
42 死人の復活もまた斯くのごとし。朽つる物にて播かれ、朽ちぬものに甦へらせられ、
thus(-ly) and the/this/who resurrection the/this/who dead to sow in/on/among corruption to arise in/on/among incorruptibility
43 卑しき物にて播かれ、光榮あるものに甦へらせられ、弱きものにて播かれ、強きものに甦へらせられ、
to sow in/on/among dishonour to arise in/on/among glory to sow in/on/among weakness: weak to arise in/on/among power
44 血氣の體にて播かれ、靈の體に甦へらせられん。血氣の體ある如く、また靈の體あり。
to sow body natural to arise body spiritual (if *NO*) to be body natural to be and (body *k*) spiritual
45 録して、始の人アダムは、活ける者となれるとあるが如し。而して終のアダムは、生命を與ふる靈となれり。
thus(-ly) and to write to be the/this/who first a human Adam toward soul to live the/this/who last/least Adam toward spirit/breath: spirit to make alive
46 靈のものは前にあらず、反つて血氣のもの前にありて靈のもの後にあり。
but no first the/this/who spiritual but the/this/who natural then the/this/who spiritual
47 第一の人は地より出でて土に屬し、第二の人は天より出でたる者なり。
the/this/who first a human out from earth: planet made of dust the/this/who secondly a human (the/this/who lord: God *K*) out from heaven
48 この土に屬する者に、すべて土に屬する者は似、この天に屬する者に、すべて天に屬する者は似るなり。
such as the/this/who made of dust such as this and the/this/who made of dust and such as the/this/who heavenly such as this and the/this/who heavenly
49 我ら土に屬する者の形を有てるごとく、天に屬する者の形をも有つべし。
and as/just as to wear the/this/who image the/this/who made of dust (to wear *NK(o)*) and the/this/who image the/this/who heavenly
50 兄弟よ、われ之を言はん、血肉は神の國を嗣ぐこと能はず、朽つるものは朽ちぬものを嗣ぐことなし。
this/he/she/it then to assert brother that/since: that flesh and blood kingdom God to inherit no (be able *N(k)O*) nor the/this/who corruption the/this/who incorruptibility to inherit
51 視よ、われ汝らに奧義を告げん、我らは悉とく眠るにはあらず、
look! mystery you to say all (on the other hand *k*) no to sleep all then to change
52 終のラッパの鳴らん時みな忽ち瞬間に化せん。ラッパ鳴りて死人は朽ちぬ者に甦へり、我らは化するなり。
in/on/among instant in/on/among twinkling eye in/on/among the/this/who last/least trumpet to sound a trumpet for and the/this/who dead to arise incorruptible and me to change
53 そは此の朽つる者は朽ちぬものを著、この死ぬる者は死なぬものを著るべければなり。
be necessary for the/this/who perishable this/he/she/it to put on incorruptibility and the/this/who mortal this/he/she/it to put on immortality
54 此の朽つるものは朽ちぬものを著、この死ぬる者は死なぬものを著んとき『死は勝に呑まれたり』と録されたる言は成就すべし。
when(-ever) then the/this/who perishable this/he/she/it to put on incorruptibility and the/this/who mortal this/he/she/it to put on (the/this/who *o*) immortality then to be the/this/who word the/this/who to write to swallow the/this/who death toward victory
55 『死よ、なんぢの勝は何處にかある。死よ、なんぢの刺は何處にかある』 (Hadēs g86)
where? you death the/this/who victory where? you (hell: Hades *N(K)O*) the/this/who sting (Hadēs g86)
56 死の刺は罪なり、罪の力は律法なり。
the/this/who then sting the/this/who death the/this/who sin the/this/who then power the/this/who sin the/this/who law
57 されど感謝すべきかな、神は我らの主イエス・キリストによりて勝を與へたまふ。
the/this/who then God grace the/this/who to give me the/this/who victory through/because of the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ
58 然れば我が愛する兄弟よ、確くして搖くことなく、常に勵みて主の事を務めよ、汝 等その勞の、主にありて空しからぬを知ればなり。
so brother me beloved steadfast to be immovable to exceed in/on/among the/this/who work the/this/who lord: God always to know that/since: that the/this/who labor you no to be empty in/on/among lord: God

< コリント人への手紙第一 15 >