< 歴代誌Ⅰ 3 >

1 ヘブロンにて生れたるダビデの子等は左のごとし長子はアムノンといひてヱズレル人アヒノアムより生れ其次はダニエルといひてカルメル人アビガルより生る
These also were the sonnes of Dauid which were borne vnto him in Hebron: the eldest Amnon of Ahinoam, the Izraelitesse: the seconde Daniel of Abigail the Carmelitesse:
2 その三はアブサロムといひてゲシユルの王タルマイの女マアカの生る子其四はアドニヤといひてハギテの生る子なり
The third Absalom the sonne of Maachah daughter of Talmai King of Geshur: the fourth Adoniiah the sonne of Haggith:
3 その五はシバテヤといひてアビタルより生れ其六はイテレアムといひて妻エグラより生る
The fift Shepatiah of Abital: ye sixt Ithream by Eglah his wife.
4 この六人ヘブロンにてかれに生れたりダビデ彼處にて王たりし事七年と六箇月またヱルサレムにて王たりし事三十三年
These sixe were borne vnto him in Hebron: and there hee reigned seuen yeere and sixe moneths: and in Ierusalem he reigned three and thirtie yeere.
5 ヱルサレムにて生れたるその子等は左のごとしシメア、シヨバブ、ナタン、ソロモンこの四人はアンミエルの女バテシユアより生る
And these foure were borne vnto him in Ierusalem, Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Salomon of Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel:
6 またイブハル、エリシヤマ、エリペレテ
Ibhar also, and Elishama, and Eliphalet,
7 ノガ、ネペグ、ヤピア
And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Iaphia,
8 エリシヤマ、エリアダ、エリペレテの九人
And Elishama, and Eliada, and Eliphelet, nine in nomber.
9 是みなダビデの子なり此外にまた妾等の生る子等あり彼らの姉妹にタマルといふ者あり
These are all the sonnes of Dauid, besides the sonnes of the concubines, and Thamar their sister.
10 ソロモンの子はレハベアムその子はアビヤその子はアサその子はヨシヤパテ
And Salomons sonne was Rehoboam, whose sonne was Abiah, and Asa his sonne, and Iehoshaphat his sonne,
11 その子はヨラムその子はアハジアその子はヨアシ
And Ioram his sonne, and Ahaziah his sonne, and Ioash his sonne,
12 その子はアマジヤその子はアザリヤモの子はヨタム
And Amaziah his sonne, and Azariah his sonne, and Iotham his sonne,
13 その子はアハズその子はヒゼキヤその子はマナセ
And Ahaz his sonne, and Hezekiah his sonne, and Manasseh his sonne,
14 その子はアモンその子はヨシア
And Amon his sonne, and Iosiah his sonne.
15 ヨシアの子等は長子はヨハナンその次はヱホヤキムその三はゼデキヤその四はシヤルム
And of the sonnes of Iosiah, the eldest was Iohanan, the second Iehoiakim, the thirde Zedekiah, and the fourth Shallum.
16 ヱホヤキムの子等はその子はヱコニアその子はゼデキヤ
And the sonnes of Iehoiakim were Ieconiah his sonne, and Zedekiah his sonne.
17 俘擄人ヱコニアの子等はその子シヤルテル
And the sonnes of Ieconiah, Assir and Shealtiel his sonne:
18 マルキラム、ペダヤ、セナザル、ヱカミア、ホシヤマ、ネダビヤ
Malchiram also and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Iecamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah.
19 ペダヤの子等はゼルバベルおよびシメイ、ゼルバベルの子等はメシユラムおよびハナニヤその姉妹にシロミテといふ者あり
And the sonnes of Pedaiah were Zerubbabel, and Shimei: and the sonnes of Zerubbabel were Meshullam, and Hananiah, and Shelomith their sister,
20 またハシユバ、オヘル、ベレキヤ、ハサデヤ、ユサブヘセデの五人あり
And Hashubah, and Ohel, and Berechiah, and Hazadiah, and Iushabheshed, fiue in nomber.
21 ハナニヤの子等はベラテヤおよびヱサヤまたレバヤの子等アルナンの子等オバデヤの子等シカニヤの子等あり
And the sonnes of Hananiah were Pelatiah, and Iesaiah: the sonnes of Rephaiah, the sonnes of Arnan, the sonnes of Obadiah, the sonnes of Shechaniah.
22 シカニヤの子はシマヤ、シマヤの子等はハツトシ、イガル、バリア、ネアリア、シヤパテの六人
And the sonne of Shechaniah was Shemaiah: and the sonnes of Shemaiah were Hattush and Igeal, and Bariah, and Neariah, and Shaphat, sixe.
23 ネアリアの子等はエリヨエナイ、ヒゼキヤ、アズリカムの三人
And the sonnes of Neariah were Elioenai, and Hezekiiah, and Azrikam, three.
24 エリヨエナイの子等はホダヤ、エリアシブ、ペラヤ、アツクブ、ヨハナン、デラヤ、アナニの七人
And the sonnes of Elioenai were Hodaiah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, and Iohanan, and Delaiah, and Anani, seuen.

< 歴代誌Ⅰ 3 >