< 歴代誌Ⅰ 29 >

1 ダビデ王また全會衆に言けるは我子ソロモンは神の惟獨選びたまへる者なるが少くして弱く此工事は大なり此殿は人のために非ずヱホバ神のためにする者なればなり
Moreouer Dauid the King sayde vnto all the Congregation, God hath chosen Salomon mine onely sonne yong and tender, and the worke is great: for this house is not for man, but for the Lord God.
2 是をもて我力を盡して我神の家のために物を備へたり即ち金の物を作る金 銀の物の銀 銅の物の銅 鐵の物の鐵 木の物の木を備へたり又葱珩 嵌石 黑石火崗諸の寶石蝋石など夥多し
Now I haue prepared with all my power for the house of my God, golde for vessels of golde, and siluer for them of siluer, and brasse for things of brasse, yron for things of yron, and wood for things of wood, and onix stones, and stones to be set, and carbuncle stones and of diuers colours, and all precious stones, and marble stones in aboundance.
3 かつまた我わが神の家を悦ぶが故に聖所のために備へたる一切の物の外にまた自己の所有なる金銀をわが神の家に献ぐ
Moreouer, because I haue delite in the house of my God, I haue of mine owne golde and siluer, which I haue giuen to the house of my God, beside all that I haue prepared for the house of the Sanctuarie,
4 即ちオフルの金三千タラント精銀七千タラントを献げてその家々の壁を蔽ふに供ふ
Euen three thousand talents of gold of the golde of Ophir, and seuen thousand talents of fined siluer to ouerlay the walles of the houses.
5 金は金の物に銀は銀の物に凡て工人の手にて作るものに用ふべし誰か今日自ら進んでヱホバのためにその手に物を盈さんかと
The golde for the things of golde, and the siluer for things of siluer, and for all the worke by the handes of artificers: and who is willing to fill his hand to day vnto the Lord?
6 是において宗家の長イスラエルの支派の牧伯等千人の長百人の長および王の工事を掌どる者等誠意より献物をなせり
So the princes of the families, and the princes of the tribes of Israel, and the captaines of thousands and of hundreths, with the rulers of the Kings worke, offred willingly,
7 その神の家の奉事のために献げたるものは金五千タラント一萬ダリク銀一萬タラント銅一萬八千タラント鐵十萬タラント
And they gaue for the seruice of the house of God fiue thousande talents of golde, and ten thousand pieces, and ten thousand talents of siluer, and eighteene thousand talents of brasse, and one hundreth thousand talents of yron.
8 また寶石ある者はゲルシヨン人ヱヒエルの手に託て之を神の家の府庫に納めたり
And they with whom precious stones were found, gaue them to the treasure of ye house of the Lord, by the hand of Iehiel the Gershunnite.
9 彼ら斯誠意よりみづから進んでヱホバに献げたれば民その献ぐるを喜べりダビデ王もまた大に喜びぬ
And the people reioyced when they offred willingly: for they offred willingly vnto ye Lord, with a perfite heart. And Dauid the King also reioyced with great ioy.
10 茲にダビデ全會衆の前にてヱホバを頌へたりダビデの曰く我らの先祖イスラエルの神ヱホバよ汝は世々限なく頌へまつるべきなり
Therefore Dauid blessed the Lord before all the Congregation, and Dauid sayde, Blessed be thou, O Lord God, of Israel our father, for euer and euer.
11 ヱホバよ權勢と能力と榮光と光輝と威光とは汝に屬す凡て天にある者地にある者はみな汝に屬すヱホバよ國もまた汝に屬す汝は萬有の首と崇られたまふ
Thine, O Lord, is greatnesse and power, and glory, and victorie and praise: for all that is in heauen and in earth is thine: thine is the kingdome, O Lord, and thou excellest as head ouer all.
12 富と貴とは共に汝より出づ汝は萬有を主宰たまふ汝の手には權勢と能力あり汝の手は能く一切をして大たらしめ又強くならしむるなり
Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest ouer all, and in thine hand is power and strength, and in thine hande it is to make great, and to giue strength vnto all.
13 然ば我儕の神よ我儕今なんぢに感謝し汝の尊き名を讃美す
Now therefore our God, we thanke thee, and prayse thy glorious Name.
14 但し我ら斯のごとく自ら進んで献ぐることを得たるも我は何ならんやまた我民は何ならんや萬の物は汝より出づ我らは只汝の手より受て汝に献げたるなり
But who am I, and what is my people, that we shoulde be able to offer willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee: and of thine owne hand we haue giuen thee.
15 汝の前にありては我らは先祖等のごとく旅客たり寄寓者たり我らの世にある日は影のごとし望む所ある無し
For we are stragers before thee, and soiourners, like all our fathers: our dayes are like ye shadowe vpon the earth, and there is none abiding.
16 我らの神ヱホバよ汝の聖名のために汝に家を建んとて我らが備へたる此衆多の物は凡て汝の手より出づ亦皆なんぢの所有なり
O Lord our God, all this abundance that we haue prepared to buylde thee an house for thine holy Name, is of thine hand and all is thine.
17 我神よ我また知る汝は心を鑒みたまひ又正直を悦びたまふ我は正き心をもて眞實より此一切の物を献げたり今我また此にある汝の民が眞實より献物をするを見て喜悦にたへざるなり
I knowe also, my God, that thou tryest the heart, and hast pleasure in righteousnesse: I haue offred willingly in the vprightnesse of mine heart all these things: now also haue I seene thy people which are found here, to offer vnto thee willingly with ioy.
18 我らの先祖アブラハム、イサク、イスラエルの神ヱホバよ汝の民をして此精神を何時までもその心の思念に保たしめその心を固く汝に歸せしめたまへ
O Lord God of Abraham, Izhak and Israel our fathers, keepe this for euer in the purpose, and the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their hearts vnto thee.
19 又わが子ソロモンに完全心を與へ汝の誡命と汝の證言と汝の法度を守らせて之をことごとく行はせ我が備をなせるその殿を建させたまへ
And giue vnto Salomon my sonne a perfit heart to keepe thy commandements, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to doe all things, and to builde the house which I haue prepared.
20 ダビデまた全會衆にむかひて汝ら今なんぢらの神ヱホバを頌へよと言ければ全會衆その先祖等の神ヱホバを頌へ俯てヱホバと王とを拝せり
And Dauid said to all the Congregation, Now blesse the Lord your God. And all the Congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed downe their heads, and worshipped the Lord and the King.
21 而して其翌日に至りてイスラエルの一切の人のためにヱホバに犠牲を献げヱホバに燔祭を献げたり其牡牛一千牡羊一千羔羊一千またその灌祭と祭物夥多しかりき
And they offred sacrifices vnto the Lord, and on the morowe after that day, they offered burnt offrings vnto the Lord, euen a thousande yong bullocks, a thousand rammes and a thousand sheepe, with their drinke offrings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel.
22 その日彼ら大に喜びてヱホバの前に食ひかつ飮み/さらに改めてダビデの子ソロモンを王となしヱホバの前にてこれに膏をそそぎて主君となし又ザドクを祭司となせり
And they did eate and drinke before the Lord the same day with great ioy, and they made Salomon the sonne of Dauid King the seconde time, and anoynted him prince before the Lord, and Zadok for the hie Priest.
23 かくてソロモンはヱホバの位に坐しその父ダビデに代りて王となりその繁榮を極むイスラエルみな之に從がふ
So Salomon sate on the throne of the Lord, as King in steade of Dauid his father, and prospered: and all Israel obeyed him.
24 また一切の牧伯等勇士等およびダビデ王の諸の子等みなソロモン王に服事す
And all the princes and men of power, and all the sonnes of King Dauid submitted them selues vnder King Salomon.
25 ヱホバ、イスラエルの目の前にてソロモンを甚だ大ならしめ彼より前のイスラエルの王の未だ得たること有ざる王威を之に賜へり
And the Lord magnified Salomon in dignitie, in the sight of all Israel, and gaue him so glorious a kingdome, as no King had before him in Israel.
26 夫ヱツサイの子ダビデはイスラエルの全地を治めたり
Thus Dauid the sonne of Ishai reigned ouer all Israel.
27 そのイスラエルを治めし間は四十年なり即ちヘブロンにて七年世を治めヱルサレムにて三十三年世を治めたりき
And the space that he reigned ouer Israel, was fourtie yeere: seuen yeere reigned he in Hebron, and three and thirtie yeere reigned he in Ierusalem:
28 遐齡にいたり年も富も尊貴も滿足て死り其子ソロモンこれに代りて王となる
And he dyed in a good age, full of dayes, riches and honour, and Salomon his sonne reigned in his steade.
29 ダビデ王が始より終まで爲たる事等は先見者サムエルの書預言者ナタンの書および先見者ガドの書に記さる
Concerning the actes of Dauid the King first and last, behold, they are written in the booke of Samuel the Seer, and in the booke of Nathan the Prophet, and in the booke of Gad the Seer,
30 其中にはまた彼の政治とその能力および彼とイスラエルと國々の諸の民に臨みしところの事等を載す
With all his reigne and his power, and times that went ouer him, and ouer Israel and ouer all the kingdomes of the earth.

< 歴代誌Ⅰ 29 >