< 歴代誌Ⅰ 22 >
1 ダビデ言けるはヱホバ神の室は此なりイスラエルの燔祭の壇は此なりと
Then said David, This, is the house of Yahweh God, —and, this, is the altar of ascending-sacrifice, for Israel.
2 ダビデすなはち命じてイスラエルの地に居る異邦人を集めしめ又神の室を建るに用ふる石を琢ために石工を設けたり
And David gave word, to gather together the sojourners, who were in the land of Israel, —and he set hewers to hew squared stones, for building the house of God;
3 ダビデまた門の扉の釘および鎹に用ふる鐵を夥しく備へたり又銅を數しれぬほどに夥しく備へたり
and, iron in abundance, for nails for the doors of the gates, and for hooks, did David prepare, —and bronze in abundance, without weight;
4 また香柏を備ふること數しれず是はシドン人およびツロの者夥多しく香柏をダビデの所に運びきたりたればなり
and cedar-trees, even without number, —for the Zidonians and the Tyreans brought cedar-trees in abundance, unto David.
5 ダビデ言けるは我子ソロモンは少くして弱し又ヱホバのために建る室は極めて高大にして萬國に名を得榮を得る者たらざる可らず今我其がために準備をなさんとダビデその死る前に大に之が準備をなせり
And David said, Solomon my son, is young and tender, and, the house to be built, must be great and lofty and famous and beautiful, for all lands, —oh let me then prepare for it. So David prepared abundantly, before his death.
6 而して彼その子ソロモンを召てイスラエルの神ヱホバのために家を建ることを之に命ぜり
Then he called for Solomon his son, —and charged him, to build a house, for Yahweh, God of Israel.
7 即ちダビデ、ソロモンに言けるは我子よ我は我神ヱホバの名のために家を建る志ありき
And David said to Solomon his son, —As for me, it was, near my heart, to build a house for the Name of Yahweh my God;
8 然るにヱホバの言われに臨みて言り汝は多くの血を流し大なる戰爭を爲したり汝我前にて多の血を地に流したれば我名の爲に家を建べからず
but the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying, Blood in abundance, hast thou shed, and, great wars, hast thou made, —thou shalt not build a house for my Name, because, much blood, hast thou shed upon the earth, before me.
9 視よ男子汝に生れん是は平安の人なるべし我これに平安を賜ひてその四周の諸の敵に煩はさるること無らしめん故に彼の名はソロモン(平安)といふべし彼の世に我平安と靜謐をイスラエルに賜はん
Lo! a son, born to thee, He, shall be a man of rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies, round about, —for, Solomon, shall be his Name, and, peace and quietness, will I bestow upon Israel, in his days;
10 彼わが名のために家を建ん彼はわが子となり我は彼の父とならん我かれの國の祚を固うして永くイスラエルの上に立しめん
He, shall build a house for my Name, and, he, shall be my son, and, I, will be his father, —therefore will I establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel, unto times age-abiding:
11 然ば我子よ願くはヱホバ汝とともに在し汝を盛ならしめ汝の神ヱホバの室を建させて其なんぢにつきて言たる如くしたまはんことを
Now, my son, Yahweh be with thee, —so shalt thou be prosperous, and shalt build the house of Yahweh thy God, according as he hath spoken concerning thee.
12 惟ねがはくはヱホバ汝に智慧と穎悟を賜ひ汝をイスラエルの上に立て汝の神ヱホバの律法を汝に守らせたまはんことを
Only Yahweh give thee discretion and understanding, and give thee charge over Israel, —so that thou take heed unto the law of Yahweh thy God.
13 汝もしヱホバがイスラエルにつきてモーセに命じたまひし法度と例規を謹みて行はば汝旺盛になるべし心を強くしかつ勇め懼るる勿れ慄くなかれ
Then, shalt thou prosper, if thou take heed to do the statutes and the regulations, which Yahweh commanded Moses, concerning Israel, —be strong and bold, thou mayst not be in fear, nor be dismayed.
14 視よ我患難の中にてヱホバの室のために金十萬タラント銀百萬タラントを備へまた銅と鐵とを數しれぬほど夥多しく備へたり又材木と石をも備へたり汝また之に加ふべし
Lo! then, in my humiliation, have I prepared for the house of Yahweh, of gold a hundred thousand talents, and of silver a thousand thousand talents, and, as for bronze and iron, without weight, for, an abundance, hath it become, —timber also and stone, have I prepared, and, thereunto, thou canst add.
15 かつまた工人夥多しく汝の手にあり即ち石や木を琢刻む者および諸の工作を爲すところの工匠など都てあり
And, with thee, in abundance, are workmen, hewers and carvers of stone and wood, —and every sort of wise man, in all manner of work:
16 夫金銀銅鐵は數限りなし汝起て爲せ願くはヱホバ汝とともに在せと
for gold and for silver and for bronze and for iron, without number. Arise and do, and Yahweh be with thee!
17 ダビデまたイスラエルの一切の牧伯等にその子ソロモンを助くることを命じて云く
And David charged all the rulers of Israel, to help Solomon his son: —
18 汝らの神ヱホバなんぢらと偕に在すならずや四方において泰平を汝らに賜へるならずや即ちこの地の民を我手に付したまひてこの地はヱホバの前とその民の前に服せり
Is not, Yahweh your God, with you? and hath he not given you rest on every side? for he hath given into my hand, the inhabitants of the land, and subdued is the land before Yahweh, and before his people.
19 然ば汝ら心をこめ精神をこめて汝らの神ヱホバを求めよ汝ら起てヱホバ神の聖所を建てヱホバの名のために建るその室にヱホバの契約の櫃と神の聖器を携さへいるべし
Now, apply your heart and your soul, to seek unto Yahweh your God, —and then arise ye and build the sanctuary of Yahweh Elohim, that ye may bring the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and the holy vessels of God, into the house which hath been built for the Name of Yahweh.