< 歴代誌Ⅰ 21 >
1 茲にサタン起りてイスラエルに敵しダビデを感動してイスラエルを核數しめんとせり
And an adversary up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.
2 ダビデすなはちヨアブと民の牧伯等に言けるは汝等ゆきてベエルシバよりダンまでのイスラエル人を數へその數をとりきたりて我に知せよ
And David said to Joab and to the leaders of the people, "Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring me word, that I may know the sum of them."
3 ヨアブ答へけるは幾何あるとも願くはヱホバその民を百倍に増たまへ然ながら王わが主よ是はみな我主の僕ならずや然に何とて我主この事を爲んと要たまふや何ぞイスラエルをして之によりて罪を獲せしむべけんやと
Joab said, "May YHWH make his people a hundred times as many as they are. But, my lord the king, aren't they all my lord's servants? Why does my lord require this thing? Why will he be a cause of guilt to Israel?"
4 されど王つひにヨアブに言勝たればヨアブすなはち出ゆきイスラエルを徧く行めぐりてヱルサレムに還れり
Nevertheless the king's word prevailed against Joab. Therefore Joab departed, and went throughout all Israel, and came to Jerusalem.
5 而してヨアブ民の總數をダビデに告たり即ちイスラエルの中には劍を帶る者一百十萬人ありユダの中には劍を帶る者四十七萬人ありき
Joab gave up the sum of the numbering of the people to David. All those of Israel were one million one hundred thousand men who drew sword: and in Judah were four hundred seventy thousand men who drew sword.
6 但しレビとベニヤミンとはその中に數へざりき其はヨアブ王の言を惡みたればなり
But he did not count Levi and Benjamin among them; for the king's word was abominable to Joab.
7 この事神の目に惡かりければイスラエルを撃なやましたまへり
God was displeased with this thing; therefore he struck Israel.
8 ダビデ是において神に申しけるは我この事をなして大に罪を獲たり然ども今ねがはくは僕の罪を除きたまへ我はなはだ愚なる事をなせりと
David said to God, "I have sinned greatly, in that I have done this thing. But now, put away, I beg you, the iniquity of your servant; for I have done very foolishly."
9 時にヱホバ、ダビデの先見者ガデにきて言たまひけるは
YHWH spoke to Gad, David's seer, saying,
10 往てダビデに告て言へヱホバかく言ふ我なんぢに三のものを示す汝その一を撰べ我それを汝に爲んと
"Go and speak to David, saying, 'Thus says YHWH, "I offer you three things. Choose one of them, that I may do it to you."'"
11 ガデすなはちダビデの許に至り之に言けるはヱホバかく言たまふ汝擇べよ
So Gad came to David, and said to him, "Thus says YHWH, 'Take your choice:
12 即ち三年の饑饉か又は汝三月の間汝の敵の前に敗れて汝の仇の劍に追しかれんか又は三日の間ヱホバの劍すなはち疫病この國にありてヱホバの使者イスラエルの四方の境の中にて撃滅ぼすことをせんか我が如何なる答を我を遣せし者に爲べきかを汝決めよ
either three years of famine; or three months of fleeing from before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you; or else three days the sword of YHWH, even pestilence in the land, and the angel of YHWH destroying throughout all the borders of Israel. Now therefore consider what answer I shall return to him who sent me.'"
13 ダビデ、ガデに言けるは我おほいに苦む請ふ我はヱホバの手に陷らん其憐憫甚だおほいなればなり人の手には陷らじと
David said to Gad, "I am in distress. Let me fall, I pray, into the hand of YHWH; for his mercies are very great. Let me not fall into the hand of man."
14 是においてヱホバ、イスラエルに疫病を降したまひければイスラエルの人七萬人斃れたり
So YHWH sent a pestilence on Israel; and seventy thousand men of Israel fell.
15 神また使者をヱルサレムに遣してこれを滅ぼさんとしたまひしが其これを滅ぼすにあたりてヱホバ視てこの禍害をなせしを悔い其ほろぼす使者に言たまひけるは足り今なんぢの手を住めよと時にヱホバの使者はヱブス人オルナンの打場の傍に立をる
God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it. As he was about to destroy, YHWH saw, and he relented of the disaster, and said to the destroying angel, "It is enough; now stay your hand." The angel of YHWH was standing by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
16 ダビデ目をあげて視るにヱホバの使者地と天の間に立て抜身の劍を手にとりてヱルサレムの方にこれを伸をりければダビデと長老等麻布を衣て俯伏り
David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of YHWH standing between earth and the sky, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell on their faces.
17 而してダビデ神に申しけるは民を數へよと命ぜし者は我ならずや罪を犯し惡き事をなしたる者は我なり然れども是等の羊は何をなせしや我神ヱホバよ請ふ汝の手を我とわが父の家に加へたまへ惟汝の民に加へて之を疚めたまふ勿れと
David said to God, "Isn't it I who commanded the people to be numbered? It is even I who have sinned and done very wickedly; but these sheep, what have they done? Please let your hand, YHWH my God, be against me, and against my father's house; but not against your people, that they should be plagued."
18 時にヱホバの使者ガデに命じ汝ダビデに告てダビデをして上りゆきてヱブス人オルナンの打場にてヱホバのために一箇の壇を築しめよと言り
Then the angel of YHWH commanded Gad to tell David that David should go up, and raise an altar to YHWH in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
19 是においてダビデはガデがヱホバの名をもて告たる言にしたがひて上りゆけり
David went up at the saying of Gad, which he spoke in the name of YHWH.
20 オルナンは麥を打ゐけるが回顧て天の使の居るを視その四人の子等とともに匿れたり
Ornan turned back, and saw the king, and his four sons who were with him hiding themselves. Now Ornan was threshing wheat.
21 やがてダビデはオルナンの方に來りけるがオルナン望てダビデを見すなはち打場より出ゆきて面を地につけてダビデを拝せり
As David came to Ornan, Ornan looked and saw David, and went out of the threshing floor, and bowed himself to David with his face to the ground.
22 ダビデ、オルナンに言けるは此打場の處を我に與へよ我そこにてヱホバに一箇の壇を築かん汝その十分の値をとりて之を我にあたへ災害の民におよぶことを止めしめよ
Then David said to Ornan, "Give me the place of this threshing floor, that I may build thereon an altar to YHWH. You shall sell it to me for the full price, that the plague may be stopped from afflicting the people."
23 オルナン、ダビデに言けるは請ふ之を取り王わが主の目に善と觀るところを爲たまへ我なんぢに献げて牛を燔祭の料とし打禾車を柴薪とし麥を素祭とせん我みなこれを奉呈ると
Ornan said to David, "Take it for yourself, and let my lord the king do that which is good in his eyes. Look, I give the oxen for burnt offerings, and the threshing instruments for wood, and the wheat for the meal offering. I give it all."
24 ダビデ王オルナンに言けるは然るべからず我かならず十分の値をはらひて之を買ん我は汝の物を取てヱホバに奉まつらじ又費なしに燔祭を献ぐることをせじと
King David said to Ornan, "No; but I will most certainly buy it for the full price. For I will not take that which is yours for YHWH, nor offer a burnt offering without cost."
25 ダビデすなはち其處のために金六百シケルを衡りてオルナンに與へたり
So David gave to Ornan six hundred shekels of gold by weight for the place.
26 而してダビデ其處にてヱホバに一箇の祭壇を築き燔祭と酬恩祭を献げてヱホバを龥けるに天より燔祭の壇の上に火を降して之に應へたまへり
David built an altar to YHWH there, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called on YHWH; and he answered him from heaven by fire on the altar of burnt offering, and it consumed the burnt offering.
27 ヱホバすなはちその使者に命じたまひければ彼その劍を鞘に蔵めたり
YHWH commanded the angel; and he put up his sword again into its sheath.
28 その時ダビデはヱホバがヱブス人オルナンの打場において己に應へたまふを見たれば其處にて犠牲を献ぐることを爲り
At that time, when David saw that YHWH had answered him in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificed there.
29 モーセが荒野にて造りたるヱホバの幕屋と燔祭の壇とは當時ギベオンの崇邱にありけるが
For the tabernacle of YHWH, which Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of burnt offering, were at that time in the high place at Gibeon.
30 ダビデはその前に進みゆきて神に求むることを得せざりき是は彼ヱホバの使者の劍のために懼れたるに因てなり
But David couldn't go before it to inquire of God; for he was afraid because of the sword of the angel of YHWH.