< 歴代誌Ⅰ 17 >
1 ダビデその家に住にいたりてダビデ預言者ナタンに言けるは觀よ我は香柏の家に住む然れどもヱホバの契約の櫃は幕の下にありと
Once David had settled into his palace, he spoke to the prophet Nahum. “Look,” he said, “I'm living in a cedar palace while the Ark of the Lord's Agreement is kept in a tent!”
2 ナタン、ダビデに言けるは神なんぢとともに在せば凡て汝の心にある所を爲せ
“Do what you think you should, for the God is with you,” Nathan replied.
But that night God told Nathan,
4 往てわが僕ダビデに言へヱホバかく言ふ汝は我ために我の住べき家を建べからず
“Go and talk to my servant David. Tell him, this is what the Lord says, You are not to build a house for me to live in.
5 我はイスラエルを導びき上りし日より今日にいたるまで家に住しこと無して但幕屋より幕屋に移り天幕より天幕に遷れり
I have not lived in a house from the time I led Israel out of Egypt until now. I have lived in tents, moving from place to place.
6 我イスラエルの人々と共に歩みたる處々にて我わが民を牧養ふことを命じたるイスラエルの士師の一人にもなんぢ何故に香柏の家を我ために建ざるやと一言にても言し事ありや
But in all those travels with all of Israel did I ever ask any Israelite leader I'd ordered to take care of my people, ‘Why haven't you built a cedar house for me?’
7 然ば汝わが僕ダビデに斯言べし萬軍のヱホバかく言ふ我なんぢを牧場より取り羊に隨がふ處より取て我民イスラエルの君長と爲し
So then, go and tell my servant David this is what the Lord Almighty says. It was me who took you from the fields, from looking after sheep, to become a leader of my people Israel.
8 汝が凡て往る處にて汝と偕にあり汝の諸の敵を汝の前より斷されり我また世の中の大なる人の名のごとき名を汝に得させん
I have been with you wherever you've gone. I have struck down all your enemies right in front of you, and I will make your reputation as great as the most famous people on earth.
9 かつ我わが民イスラエルのために處を定めて彼らを植つけ彼らをして自己の處に住て重て動くこと無らしめん
I will choose a place for my people Israel. I will settle them there and they won't be disturbed anymore. Evil people won't persecute them as they used to,
10 又惡人昔のごとく即ち我民イスラエルの上に士師を立たる時より已來のごとく重ねて彼らを荒すこと無るべし我汝の諸の敵を圧服ん且今我汝に告ぐヱホバまた汝のために家を建ん
from the time I placed judges in charge of my people. I will defeat all of your enemies. Also I want to make it clear that I the Lord will build a house for you.
11 汝の日の滿汝ゆきて先祖等と偕になる時は我汝の生る汝の子を汝の後に立て且その國を堅うせん
For when you come to the end of your life and join your ancestors in death, I will bring to power one of your descendants, one of your sons, and make sure his kingdom is successful.
He will be the one to build me a house, and I will make sure his kingdom lasts forever.
13 我は彼の父となり彼はわが子となるべし我は汝の先にありし者より取たるごとくに彼よりは我恩惠を取さらじ
I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me. I will never take away my kindness and love from him, as I did in the case of the one who ruled before you.
14 却て我かれを永く我家に我國に居置ん彼の位は何時までも堅く立べし
I will put him in charge of my house and my kingdom forever, and his dynasty will last forever.”
15 ナタン凡て是等の言のごとく凡てこの異象のごとくダビデに語りければ
This is what Nathan explained to David—everything he was told in this divine revelation.
16 ダビデ王入てヱホバの前に坐して言けるはヱホバ神よ我は誰わが家は何なれば汝此まで我を導きたまひしや
Then King David went and sat down in the presence of the Lord. He prayed, “Who am I, Lord God, and what is significant about my family, that you have brought me to this place?
17 神よ是はなほ汝の目には小き事たりヱホバ神よ汝はまた僕の家の遥後の事を語り高き者のごとくに我を見俲たまへり
God, you talk as if this was a small thing in your eyes, and you also have spoken about the future of my house, my family dynasty. You also see me as someone very important, Lord God.
18 僕の名譽についてはダビデこの上何をか汝に望むべけん汝は僕を知たまふなり
What more can I, David, say to you for honoring me in this way? You know your servant all too well!
19 ヱホバよ汝は僕のため又なんぢの心に循ひて此もろもろの大なる事を爲し此すべての大なる事を示たまへり
Lord, you're doing all this for me, your servant, and because it's what you want—doing all these amazing things and letting people know about them.
20 ヱホバよ我らが凡て耳に聞る所に依ば汝のごとき者は無くまた汝の外に神は無し
Lord, there really is no-one like you; there is no other God, only you. We have never heard about anyone else.
21 地の何の國か汝の民イスラエルに如ん是は在昔神の往て贖ひて己の民となして大なる畏るべき事を行なひて名を得たまひし者なり汝はそのエジプトより贖ひいだせし汝の民の前より國々の人を逐はらひたまへり
Who else is as fortunate as your people Israel? Who else on earth did God go and redeem to make his own people? You gained a wonderful reputation for yourself by all the tremendous, amazing things you did in driving out other nations before your people as you redeemed them from Egypt.
22 而して汝は汝の民イスラエルを永く汝の民となしたまふヱホバよ汝は彼らの神となりたまへり
You made your people Israel your own forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
23 然ばヱホバよ汝が僕とその家につきて宣まひし言を永く堅うして汝の言し如く爲たまへ
So now, Lord, please ensure that what you have said about me and my house happens, and lasts forever. Please do as you have promised,
24 願くは汝の名の堅く立ち永久に崇められて萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神はイスラエルに神たりと曰れんことを願くは僕ダビデの家の汝の前に堅く立んことを
and may your true nature be recognized and honored forever, with people declaring, ‘The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, is Israel's God!’ May the house of your servant David continue to be there in your presence.
25 我神よ汝は僕の耳に示して之が爲に家を建んと宣へり是によりて僕なんぢの前に祈る道を得たり
You, my God, have explained to me, your servant, that you will build me a house. That's why your servant has had the courage to pray to you.
26 ヱホバよ汝は即ち神にましまし此恩典を僕に傳たまへり
For you, Lord, are God! You are the one who has promised all these good things to your servant.
27 願くは今僕の家を祝福て汝の前に永く在しめたまへ其はヱホバよ汝の祝福たまへる者は永く祝福を蒙ればなり
So now, please bless your servant's house that it may continue in your presence forever. For when you bless, Lord, it is blessed forever.”