< Uibraniyawa 12 >
1 Barki ani me, sa nigura nanu gbardang na keten duru bati wa iri, ca tivete vat timum sa tidi kartum duru nan nu cara me sa udi taffinan duru. Anyimo unata umuruba ca tiwuzi magasiya sa maranduru aje.
Therefore let us also, who have all these witnesses surrounding us like clouds, cast from us all encumbrances, and sin, which is always prepared for us; and let us run with patience the race that is appointed for us.
2 Ca ti inki aje aru ahira a Yeso sa memani utuba uhem uru nannu myinca uni. Barki urunta me sa a inki men ma tiri iruba unu gankirka, ma kuri ma vete mu'in mu kuri ma cukuno atire tinanre tu kpanku wa Asere.
And let us look on Jesus, who hath become the commencement and the completion of our faith; who, on account of the joy there was for him, endured the cross, and surrendered himself to opprobrium; and is seated on the right hand of the throne of God.
3 Irani me de sa ma tiri iruba in ni'eru nan anu caran abanga, bati kati I uzi nan isizike shi.
Behold, therefore, how much he suffered from sinners, from them who are adversaries of their own soul, that ye may not be discouraged, nor your soul become remiss.
4 Daki ya wuza matara nan nu hungo utize wannu cara abanga sa a hanan shi unu kpanko uma yen ba. Ya kuri ya perke shi ugbarika sa awuzi shi ayo ahara.
Ye have not yet come unto blood, in the contest against sin.
5 “Vana um kati uziki ugbarika Ugomo Asere inbi ranza ba, kati ukuri uwu nuii ba uganiyu sa wa kem utari umeme.”
And ye have forgotten the monition, which saith to you, as to children, My son, disregard not the chastening of the Lord; nor let thy soul faint, when thou art rebuked by him.
6 Ugomo Asere ma gbara de sa mazin unu su ume maka gbarika de sa makaba me.
For, whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth; and he scourgeth those sons, for whom he hath kind regards.
7 Tirani iruba ini jassi anyo ugbarika. Asere a canti shi kasi ahana ame, barki sa aveni aco umeme madeke ma gbarika ba?
Therefore endure ye the chastisement; because God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there, whom his father chasteneth not?
8 Ingi izo shi unu gbarika kassi ukasu anu ba ya cukuno ande sa wa zowen kaco ba inzo ahana ba.
But if ye are without that chastisement, with which every one is chastened, ye are become strangers and not sons.
9 Anime ani akuri azi sa tizin in aka co unee an de sa wa gbaran duru, ti kuri tininza ugongon. Ingusa senke ta nya aco uru ubibe unata ace bati tivengize?
And if our fathers of the flesh chastened us, and we revered them, how much more ought we to be submissive to our spiritual fathers, and live?
10 Uya unaa uni anka co uru wa gbaran duru ati yee cingilin unaa me sa wa ira wa wuna, Asere ataran duru barki areje aru bati tikem ukalum anyimo ulau umeme.
For they chastened us for a short time, according to their pleasure; but God, for our advantage, that we may become partakers of his holiness.
11 Ada kenzi me utanka sa urunta uganiya ukalum me uku cukuno uyo ahana ibe iririn nan iruba ubenki uhana vat ande sa acantive anyimo me.
Now all chastisement, in the time of it, is not accounted a matter of joy, but of grief: yet, afterwards, it yieldeth the fruits of peace and righteousness to them who are exercised by it.
12 Turani tari tishi me sa ticeri nan aru ashi me sa a zomen nikara ba.
Wherefore, strengthen ye your relaxed hands, and your tottering knees:
13 Tarsani tina tider bati imumme sa ya cukuno ugurgu ihuma kati ipura.
and make straight paths for your feet, that the limb which is lame may not be wrenched, but may be healed.
14 I nyari ticukum tihuma nan kondevi, nan ticukum tilau tigebe sa in ya dira ida ira shi Asere ba.
Follow after peace with every man; and after holiness, without which a man will not see our Lord.
15 Wuzani seke kati uye ushi me ma diri, ubenki Asere, kati nitin ni gbangban ni suri anyimo ashi me nige sa nidi yo uzati umura ahuma, kati aye gbardaang wa curnome barki weme.
And be careful, lest any be found among you destitute of the grace of God; or lest some root of bitterness shoot forth germs, and trouble you; and thereby many be defiled:
16 Wuzani seke kati a kem unu mussa innu nee nan vana aruma sa inzo umme mani ba nan unu zati Isuwa, sa mazizi tinanu tume me ti vana utuba barki imum yare.
or lest any one be found among you a fornicator; or a heedless one like Esau, who for one mess of food, sold his primogeniture.
17 Irusa uguna uganiyame sa ma nyari magadi ure aje agame, barki sa daki makem masa mu barka ba, ige sa ma nyari in maje.
For ye know that, afterwards when he wished to inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for he found not a place for repentance, although he sought it with tears.
18 Barki sa daki ya aye anipo me sa adarsan tariba nipo ware ura utukuki nan, mucungo, mu bit nan tiwiri.
For ye have not come to the fire that burned, and the tangible mount; nor to the darkness and obscurity and tempest;
19 Daki ya aye ahira ani hure nu zinsi nan nimyiran nibiyau ba, sa ande sa wa kunna wada nyareme ukuro ukunna ba.
nor to the sound of the trumpet, and the voice of words, which they who heard, entreated that it might no more be spoken to them;
20 Barki sa daki wa tira muruba imum me sa aguna wa ceki ba: “Ingi utamani ma wa dara, adi tizi uni.”
for they could not endure what was commanded. And even a beast, if it approached the mountain, was to be stoned.
21 Imum ibiyau bini kang, ige sa Musa magu “Inra anyimo abiyau kang bige sa ma wuna zabbat”.
And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I fear and tremble.
22 A'anime ya aye anipo ni sihiyona nan nipin na Asere unu vengize, u unisha lima wa Aserei nan udubu uma dubu ibe ikadura ka Asere anyimo iruba irum nan apuru arum.
But ye have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the Jerusalem that is in heaven; and to the assemblies of myriads of angels;
23 Ya aye nigura nu vat hara utuba uyo, ande sa anyertike tiza tuwe Aseseri, ya kuri ya aye ahira Asere de sa me mani unu weki utize tini kubu nu vat, anime ani uhara abibe bubenki bige sa amu kpico.
and to the church of the first-born, who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all; and to the spirits of the just, who are perfected;
24 Ya aye ahira a Yeso de sa memani atii utira utize, nan maye mu zamma sa ma bo tize mateki ma Habila.
and to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant; and to the sprinkling, of his blood, which speaketh better than that of Abel.
25 Hirani kati iga shi de sa mazin shi intize. Irusa ingi daki wa suburka uganiya sa adungara we unee ba, haru cangi tida suburkan duru ba ingi daki ta kunna de sa ma dungaran duru Aseseri ba.
Beware, therefore, lest ye refuse to hear him who speaketh with you. For if they escaped not, who refused to hear him who spake with them on the earth, how much more shall we not, if we refuse to hear him who speaketh with us from heaven?
26 A'uru ganiya, nimyiran numeme nidi zuruko unee. Aname ma inkin duru tize unu guna “A'uru ganiya indi kuri inzuruko inzo si unee ba, vat nan Aseseri”
Whose voice then shook the earth; but now he hath promised, and said, yet again once more, I will shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
27 Bi huri me sa baguna “uru ganiya” ba bezun duru ukara utimum me sa adi zuruko, a bassa timum me sa abari, imum me sa idda zuruko me nipum ba izoni.
And this his expression, Once more, indicateth the mutation of the things that are shaken, because they are fabricated; that the things which will not be shaken, may remain.
28 Barki anime kabani ti Ugomo me sa tida zurukome nipum ba, a'anime wunani apuru arum nan unonzo Asere anyimo ugongong na ninonzo.
Since, therefore, we have received a kingdom that is unshaken, let us grasp the grace whereby we may serve and please God, with reverence and fear.
29 Barki sa Asere aru ura uni upunza.
For our God is a consuming fire.