< Genesi 22 >

1 Dopo queste cose, avvenne che Iddio provò Abrahamo, e gli disse: “Abrahamo!” Ed egli rispose: “Eccomi”.
And it came to pass after these things that God tempted Abraam, and said to him, Abraam, Abraam; and he said, Behold! I [am here].
2 E Dio disse: “Prendi ora il tuo figliuolo, il tuo unico, colui che ami, Isacco, e vattene nel paese di Moriah, e offrilo quivi in olocausto sopra uno dei monti che ti dirò”.
And he said, Take your son, the beloved one, whom you have loved—Isaac, and go into the high land, and offer him there for a whole burnt offering on one of the mountains which I will tell you of.
3 E Abrahamo levatosi la mattina di buon’ora, mise il basto al suo asino, prese con sé due de’ suoi servitori e Isacco suo figliuolo, spaccò delle legna per l’olocausto, poi partì per andare al luogo che Dio gli avea detto.
And Abraam rose up in the morning and saddled his ass, and he took with him two servants, and Isaac his son, and having split wood for a whole burnt offering, he arose and departed, and came to the place of which God spoke to him,
4 Il terzo giorno, Abrahamo alzò gli occhi e vide da lontano il luogo.
on the third day; and Abraam having lifted up his eyes, saw the place afar off.
5 E Abrahamo disse ai suoi servitori: “Rimanete qui con l’asino; io ed il ragazzo andremo fin colà e adoreremo; poi torneremo a voi”.
And Abraam said to his servants, Sit you here with the ass, and I and the lad will proceed thus far, and having worshipped we will return to you.
6 E Abrahamo prese le legna per l’olocausto e le pose addosso a Isacco suo figliuolo; poi prese in mano sua il fuoco e il coltello, e tutti e due s’incamminarono assieme.
And Abraam took the wood of the whole burnt offering, and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took into his hands both the fire and the knife, and the two went together.
7 E Isacco parlò ad Abrahamo suo padre e disse: “Padre mio!” Abrahamo rispose: “Eccomi qui, figlio mio”. E Isacco: “Ecco il fuoco e le legna; ma dov’è l’agnello per l’olocausto?”
And Isaac said to Abraam his father, Father. And he said, What is it, son? And he said, Behold the fire and the wood, where is the sheep for a whole burnt offering?
8 Abrahamo rispose: “Figliuol mio, Iddio se lo provvederà l’agnello per l’olocausto”. E camminarono ambedue assieme.
And Abraam said, God will provide himself a sheep for a whole burnt offering, [my] son. And both having gone together,
9 E giunsero al luogo che Dio gli avea detto, e Abrahamo edificò quivi l’altare, e vi accomodò la legna; legò Isacco suo figliuolo, e lo mise sull’altare, sopra la legna.
came to the place which God spoke of to him; and there Abraam built the altar, and laid the wood on it, and having bound the feet of Isaac his son together, he laid him on the altar upon the wood.
10 E Abrahamo stese la mano e prese il coltello per scannare il suo figliuolo.
And Abraam stretched forth his hand to take the knife to kill his son.
11 Ma l’angelo dell’Eterno gli gridò dal cielo e disse: “Abrahamo, Abrahamo”.
And an angel of the Lord called him out of heaven, and said, Abraam, Abraam. And he said, Behold, I [am here].
12 E quegli rispose: “Eccomi”. E l’angelo: “Non metter la mano addosso al ragazzo, e non gli fare alcun male; poiché ora so che tu temi Iddio, giacché non m’hai rifiutato il tuo figliuolo, l’unico tuo”.
And he said, Lay not your hand upon the child, neither do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, and for my sake you have not spared your beloved son.
13 E Abrahamo alzò gli occhi, guardò, ed ecco dietro a sé un montone, preso per le corna in un cespuglio. E Abrahamo andò, prese il montone, e l’offerse in olocausto invece del suo figliuolo.
And Abraam lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold! a ram caught by his horns in a plant of Sabec; and Abraam went and took the ram, and offered him up for a whole burnt offering in the place of Isaac his son.
14 E Abrahamo pose nome a quel luogo Iehovah-jireh. Per questo si dice oggi: “Al monte dell’Eterno sarà provveduto”.
And Abraam called the name of that place, The Lord has seen; that they might say today, In the mount the Lord was seen.
15 L’angelo dell’Eterno chiamò dal cielo Abrahamo una seconda volta, e disse:
And an angel of the Lord called Abraam the second time out of heaven, saying, I have sworn by myself, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and on my account have not spared your beloved son,
16 “Io giuro per me stesso, dice l’Eterno, che, siccome tu hai fatto questo e non m’hai rifiutato il tuo figliuolo, l’unico tuo,
surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is by the shore of the sea, and your seed shall inherit the cities of their enemies.
17 io certo ti benedirò e moltiplicherò la tua progenie come le stelle del cielo e come la rena ch’è sul lido del mare; e la tua progenie possederà la porta de’ suoi nemici.
And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have listened to my voice.
18 E tutte le nazioni della terra saranno benedette nella tua progenie, perché tu hai ubbidito alla mia voce”.
And Abraam returned to his servants, and they arose and went together to the well of the oath; and Abraam lived at the well of the oath.
19 Poi Abrahamo se ne tornò ai suoi servitori; e si levarono, e se n’andarono insieme a Beer-Sceba. E Abrahamo dimorò a Beer-Sceba.
And it came to pass after these things, that it was reported to Abraam, saying, Behold, Melcha herself too has born sons to Nachor your brother,
20 Dopo queste cose avvenne che fu riferito ad Abrahamo questo: “Ecco Milca ha partorito anch’ella de’ figliuoli a Nahor, tuo fratello:
Uz the firstborn, and Baux his brother, and Camuel the father of the Syrians, and Chazad, and
21 Uz, suo primogenito, Buz suo fratello, Kemuel padre d’Aram,
Azav and Phaldes, and Jeldaph, and Bathuel, and Bathuel begot Rebecca;
22 Kesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaf e Bethuel”.
these are eight sons, which Melcha bore to Nachor the brother of Abraam.
23 E Bethuel generò Rebecca. Questi otto Milca partorì a Nahor, fratello d’Abrahamo.
And his concubine whose name was Rheuma, she also bore Tabec, and Taam, and Tochos, and Mocha.
24 E la concubina di lui, che si chiamava Reumah, partorì anch’essa Thebah, Gaam, Tahash e Maaca.

< Genesi 22 >